State of the Art

Quantum Admittance revolutionizes our understanding of gravity, offering a new framework that merges observations with logical thinking to unlock its secrets. This innovative approach includes a re-derivation of the foundations of General Relativity, providing fresh insights into gravity’s influence on everything from star formation to the universe’s evolution.

By integrating classical mathematics with data from cutting-edge experiments like LIGO and the James Webb Space Telescope, Quantum Admittance prompts a critical reassessment of gravitational principles. The theory accomplishes this through a methodology called “Null Start.” This approach helps extract new information from existing data by starting from a blank slate, avoiding potential biases that can arise from prior interpretations. This effectively connects the dots of the quantum universe, revealing a deeper understanding of gravity’s role.

Universe The composite of energy, time, and space – where we live.

Energy Electromagnetic Energy, the only energy that moves between frames. The building blocks of our universe.

Time A unending river of flowing energy measured by an intelligence designed interval for absolute reference.

Space An manifestation of time and energy, the empty arena holding all we see and feel.