GA Time

In the framework of Quantum Admittance, time is perceived as a uniform and constant interval established by human measurement practices. Departing from conventional relativity, QA Theory regards time as a fundamental aspect of the cosmos, rather than a subjective experience. It underscores the observer’s inherent motion within the temporal dimension, emphasizing time’s fixed nature as an interval, akin to a standardized unit of measurement. Thus, all time-related measurements are inherently consistent from the observer’s perspective.

In QA, Time is the rate of action.

Note: This is the opposite of General Relativity which considers the rate of action as fixed with time being the variable that accounts for all of the vagueries that an action may encounter in its path to completion. GR changes the rate of time into a variable to create acceleration of gravity a result of mass related time warp. QA’s idea is the exact opposite — changing the speed of energy instead of time to do the same. There is no test so far that can differentiate between the two to prove which one is correct.

This perspective aligns with the law of invariance, asserting that the fundamental laws of physics remain constant for all observers. QA posits that establishing a fundamental law of measurement could facilitate a deeper understanding of energy and gravity.

Within the context of electromagnetic impedance, time assumes a critical role in defining the characteristics of energy, spins, polarity, force, and mass. QA introduces the notion of massless photons and envisions a dynamic exchange of energy borrowed from the past and utilized in the future. Time, in this cosmic framework, emerges as an immutable aspect of the cosmos, resistant to manipulation for mathematical convenience or theoretical expediency.

QA’s backward view of time reveals a mirrored plane where past and future intersect. This metaphorical reflection highlights a reversal of physical attributes, including spins, polarity, force, and mass, offering insights into the behavior of photons and the transfer of energy across temporal boundaries. This conceptual “cosmic bank account” illustrates the ongoing exchange of energy between past and future states, shaping the evolutionary trajectory of the universe.

The introduction of Quantum Admittance offers a unique perspective, suggesting that time’s reversal in the electromagnetic impedance dimension affects fundamental properties like spins, polarity, and force, leading to a balance of energy borrowed from the past and utilized in the future. This viewpoint challenges traditional notions of time variability and emphasizes its fundamental role in shaping physical phenomena.

Looking ahead, QA challenges traditional relativistic notions of time, advocating for a deeper integration of time as a dimension intertwined with space and energy. While relativistic physics introduces intriguing concepts like time dilation and theoretical time travel, QA presents a fresh perspective on time’s nature, grounded in the foundational principles of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

Time serves as the fundamental canvas upon which the interplay of energy defines the fabric of space. Within this dynamic framework, gravity emerges as one of the fundamental actors, shaping the structure and behavior of the universe.