
What is Charge Admittance?

Reframes Energy Over Mass

Charge Admittance offers a transformative framework for understanding gravity, transcending the traditional view of gravity as a function of mass. Instead, CA links gravity to the dynamic interplay of energy density and the speed of light, grounded in Einstein’s equation, E=mc². This approach reveals how energy itself can influence gravity, challenging classical interpretations.

Reframes The Speed of Energy vs. The Speed of Time

At the core of CA lies a simple yet profound adjustment to General Relativity. While GR uses mass to modulate the time energy takes to traverse space, CA uses the compression of space by energy to modulate the speed of energy through time. This practical, engineer-friendly method is routinely applied in tuning electrical circuits. Unlike GR, often criticized for its lack of practical applications, CA provides a hands-on approach to the universe’s mechanics.

Satisfies Proofs of Relativity

CA meets all the proofs of General Relativity and goes beyond, explaining the influence of gravity on the massless photon—something GR fails to do. It predicts an ever-renewing universe, constantly evolving rather than a single-event cosmos. This vision aligns with the dynamic universe observed with the JWST, where galaxies rise and decay in an ageless, timeless dance within energy-time space.

Provides A Known Mechanism

CA posits that variations in energy density cause fluctuations in the speed of light, manifesting as gravitational effects. Gravity, from this perspective, emerges from the distribution of energy in space-time. Central to CA are the constants of permittivity (ε0) and permeability (μ0) of free space. These constants are integral to space-time’s energy fabric. CA proposes a link between these constants and the Higgs field, suggesting a profound connection. By incorporating ε0 and μ0, CA demonstrates how energy density influences the speed of light and, consequently, gravity.

Quantizes Gravity

CA delves into the quantum realm, leveraging Planck’s equation, E=hf, to propose a quantization of gravity. This suggests a deeper understanding at the level of photons and fundamental energy forms, aligning with modern physics and hinting at a unified framework for comprehending the universe.

Predicts a Different Universe

By focusing on the changing speed of energy, the revised framework introduces the concept of an ongoing creation process within the universe. This means that the universe is not static but is in a constant state of flux where new energy is continuously created and evolves according to this changing speed. This dynamic process contrasts with the static or slowly evolving views of time and energy in traditional GR.

Presents a New Era

In summary, Charge Admittance is not just a tweak to existing theories; it’s the dawn of a new era in physics. CA offers bold insights into the workings of our universe, correcting and expanding General Relativity to encompass the quantum domain. With CA, we step into a new age of understanding, unraveling the universe’s mysteries with elegance and simplicity, setting the stage for the next century of discoveries.

CA For Dummies Click here to explore Charge Admittance in simple terms.

Curious about Charge Admittance? Dive into our simplified guide to understand the basics of this revolutionary theory that replaces the higg’s with ε0μ0 fields and explains a mechanism that uses existing physics to fix relativity. Whether you’re new to physics or just want a straightforward explanation, this page is for you.

CA Thesis A Provable Energy Based Mechanism Using Classical Physics Replaces Space-Time Gravity...

Dive into a realm where traditional boundaries of understanding are pushed, and new horizons of knowledge are explored. Charge Admittance (CA) Theory offers a transformative perspective on the fundamental forces that govern our universe. By delving into the dynamic interplay of energy, mass, and charge, CA Theory aims to unravel the deepest mysteries of gravity, quantum mechanics, and beyond. Join us on this scientific journey, where each discovery brings us closer to a unified theory of everything and a deeper comprehension of the cosmos.

All theses presented here are meticulously crafted based on extensive notes and research. These notes form the bedrock of each thesis, providing detailed insights and foundational knowledge. They are the reference materials used to study, analyze, and synthesize the information for each thesis. As you explore each thesis, you can be confident that they are backed by thorough and rigorous scientific inquiry.

Update on General Relativity

Prepare for a groundbreaking shift in physics with Charge Admittance (CA), the most revolutionary advancement since Einstein’s General Relativity (GR). CA is not just another theory; it’s a paradigm shift that seamlessly bridges the gap between GR and Quantum Mechanics. This breakthrough corrects GR, offering a new perspective on the quantum universe and opening the door to scalable physics beyond singularities. It allows us to comprehend the universe’s age and structure using a proven mechanism—routinely used by engineers but overlooked by physicists.

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This website is your portal to a universe brimming with possibilities. We invite you to explore CA Theory, challenge your assumptions, and embark on a journey of scientific discovery. Together, let’s rewrite the textbooks and redefine our place in the cosmos.