
The Designed Solution to a Quantum Problem

Ever wondered what gravity truly is? Why do things fall down? The Quantum Admittance (QA) project takes a deep dive into this fundamental force, proposing a radical new way to think about it. Forget just mass causing attraction – QA suggests gravity is all about energy and how it affects the very fabric of space itself.

The Quantum Admittance project is organized into several key sections, each serving a specific purpose in unraveling the mysteries of gravity and energy. Let’s delve into the structure of this project. Here is the roadmap to understanding QA. Each section tackles a different piece of the puzzle:


Just like any good detective needs tools, QA has its own unique approach We’ll explain the core principles and innovative techniques we use to crack the gravity code.


Here, we delve into the nitty-gritty of how QA works. From a concept called “Null Start” to a special kind of thinking called “morphological thinking,” we’ll show you the steps involved in uncovering new insights about gravity.


Gravity hasn’t always been understood the way it is today. This section takes a trip through time, exploring how our understanding of gravity has evolved over the centuries. We’ll see how the ideas of famous scientists like Newton and Einstein paved the way for QA.

State of the Art

Scientists are constantly learning more about gravity. Here, we’ll see how QA builds upon existing research and experiments, using both classical math and the latest discoveries to re-evaluate how gravity works.


This section examines pivotal concepts, unresolved mysteries, and historical misunderstandings or oversights that have shaped our scientific journey. Through critical reflection and exploration, we navigate the complexities of the cosmos, seeking deeper insights and pushing the boundaries of human understanding.


This is where it all comes together! We’ll explain the fundamental principles of QA, the new way it suggests we think about gravity and energy, and how it challenges traditional ideas.


In our theses we unveil the tangible outcomes and profound insights generated by Quantum Admittance. By establishing energy as the cornerstone of quantum gravity, QA offers a groundbreaking framework that reshapes our perception of the universe’s fundamental forces.


New ideas need proof! Here, we’ll see how QA stacks up against existing experiments and observations. We’ll explore predictions, investigations, and evidence that support the validity of QA.


Want to learn even more? The appendix is your one-stop shop for all things QA. We’ll provide a list of research papers, glossaries, and other resources to help you explore the intricacies of Quantum Admittance in more detail.