Charge Admittance for Beginners


In CA, energy originates in galactic cores, forming dense structures like CEPAs, which radiate energy outward. The energy interactions with the surrounding “space” define the gravitational effects locally. As time progresses, the energy disperses, shaping the boundaries of galaxies and dictating their future evolution. This energy-centric view redefines how we interpret cosmic forces, viewing gravitational effects as consequences of energy distribution rather than mass accumulation. The concept of time is intertwined with energy flow, making energy the driving force behind both temporal and spatial changes.

Time: A Flow of Energy – “In the beginning there was a wind” – The charge’s journey begins.

Time isn’t just a clock. It’s a flowing river of energy shaping our experiences, from charge dipoles to gravity. Time is an ongoing process, helping energy interact. In CA, time is measured in seconds, not meters.

Energy: Photons and Charge Dipoles – “Let there be light” – The energy structures arise.

Energy is linked to how space reacts to electric charges, especially photons. Photons are pairs of opposite charges popping out of the vacuum. They create waves, like ripples on water, that spread through space. Wave strength and speed depend on space’s “viscosity,” controlled by permittivity and permeability.

Gravity: Energy Flow Through the Lattice – “Let the waters be gathered together” – Then there were tides.

Gravity isn’t a force pulling things together. In CA, it’s a result of how energy flows through space. As energy moves, it creates ripples or waves, and these waves are what we experience as gravity.

Think of gravity as how space reacts to changes in energy flow. Changes in permeability or permittivity, meaning space becomes more or less “viscous,” affect the speed of energy. This change in speed is what we feel as gravitational acceleration (push or pull).

Permittivity (ε0) and Permeability (μ0): Space’s Rules

Permittivity and permeability determine how easily electric and magnetic fields form. They regulate energy flow through space, like traffic lights for electromagnetic waves. Permittivity (ε0) controls electric fields, while permeability (μ0) controls magnetic fields. Together, they create space’s viscosity, influencing energy movement.

Space: An Energy Lattice

What’s really cool, space isn’t empty. Space isn’t empty; it’s a dynamic energy lattice. This lattice, defined by permittivity (ε0) and permeability (μ₀), gives space its “thickness” or viscosity. It shapes energy movement and influences cosmic formations.

Unlike General Relativity, Charge Admittance proposes that space itself is an emergent property of energy. This means space doesn’t exist independently but arises from energy interactions and dynamics within the lattice. The energy lattice, through its structure and dynamics, gives rise to the properties and characteristics that we perceive as space.

Space doesn’t exist without energy. It’s shaped and defined by the energy lattice it contains. This lattice harbors energy and has a certain “thickness” or viscosity, like a fluid. The movement of energy is influenced by how “viscous” space is.

Quantum Nature and Planck’s Constant: The Surface Tension of Space

Planck’s constant represents a “surface tension” in space—the minimum amount of energy needed to overcome space’s resistance. It’s the smallest chunk of energy that space allows to flow. This explains why energy is quantized and ties together how space and energy interact at the quantum level.


In Charge Admittance, everything—from energy’s origin to its flow through the lattice forming space—is connected. Space isn’t just an empty backdrop but a container filled with an energy lattice that regulates energy movement.

By understanding the lattice’s “viscosity,” we can see how energy and gravity are shaped by energy interactions. Waves in resonance with this lattice govern energy flow, while Planck’s constant defines the steps.

This new perspective provides a fresh way of thinking about the universe, where energy and time shape everything we observe.