SEEP Chart

SEEP Standard Earth Electromagnetic Parameters A new method of calibration relates what is measured to gravitational potential.

Fasterc speedSlower
RedColor ShiftBlue
LowerApparent energyHigher
Chart showing speed of light versus color shift for various prameters

Earth: Represents a point of reference for gravitational relationships.

Parameters: Various properties or characteristics affected by gravity.

Space: Represents the environment outside Earth’s gravitational influence.

c (Speed of Light): Refers to the speed of light, which can vary depending on the gravitational field. In lower gravitational fields (such as on Earth), the speed of light is faster compared to open space where it is slower.

Redshift/Blueshift: Describes the shift in the color of light due to gravitational effects. Redshift occurs when light is moving away from a gravitational source (lower apparent energy), while Blueshift occurs when light is moving towards it (higher apparent energy).

Apparent Energy: Represents the perceived energy of light, which is influenced by the gravitational field. Light appears to have lower energy in lower gravitational fields (on Earth) and higher energy in higher gravitational fields (in open space).

Wavelength: Refers to the length of a wave, which changes depending on the gravitational field. Longer wavelengths are associated with lower gravitational fields (on Earth), while shorter wavelengths occur in higher gravitational fields (in open space).

e0 (Permittivity of Free Space): Indicates the electric permittivity of space, which tends to decrease in lower gravitational fields (such as on Earth) and increase in higher gravitational fields (in open space).

u0 (Permeability of Free Space): Represents the magnetic permeability of space, which follows a similar trend to e0.


Increasing potential always costs energy.

Decreasing potential always releases energy.


The Pound-Rebka experiment, conducted in 1959, provided compelling experimental evidence supporting the gravitational redshift phenomenon. In this landmark experiment, Robert Pound and Glen Rebka measured the change in the frequency of gamma-ray photons as they traveled between the top and bottom of a tower. The observed frequency shift confirmed Einstein’s prediction that light experiences a change in frequency when traveling through a gravitational field, an effect known as gravitational redshift.

The Pound-Rebka experiment validated Einstein’s prediction that photons would gain energy when moving away from a gravitational source and lose energy when moving towards it due to gravitational redshift. Importantly, the experiment demonstrated that these shifts were consistent with the acceleration of gravity, and did not require the application of relativity to explain the observed phenomena.