
Some fundamental changes in understanding are required to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the universe.

The Quantum Admittance Theory shall explain the following requirements:


The origin of energy

Address or explain the total amount of energy in the universe.

The transfer of energy through time.

The storage of energy in time.

Borrowing energy from time.

Details of resonance and how it relates.

Disambiguation, the recovery of energy from waves.


The imbalance of negative to positive electrons (charge).

Charge mechanism.

How charges exist in space.

Charge as monopoles.

How positive charges appear.

How charges can be overlaid.

Charge shielding (Faraday shield).

What happens when charges short together.


Where do opposite charges come from.

Angular velocity / diameter related to wavelength.


Size, shape.

The smallest or highest frequency.

The concept of quantum.

Establish photon energy to frequency mechanism.

How they are massless.


How speed is achieved.

How speed can change.

Range of speeds.

Regulator of speed.

Why speed appears same regardless of direction measured.


The underlying mechanism of gravity.

How the gravitational constant is equal regardless of mass.

The forces that drive “equivalent” gravity.

The forces of attraction and repulsion.

The alternate possibilities for redshift.

The Quantum Admittance Theory should explain the following requirements:

Unify all known spectra of energy.


Explain the underlying self organization of the quantum universe.

Account for the application of quantum to the mechanics of gravity.

Elucidate the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.


Duality seen between particles and waves.

How particles emerge from quantum energy.

The difference between the energy carried within the quantum particle and its momentum.

The transition from energy to particles.

The relationship of the particle mass and its energy.


Address the origin of the cosmos

How equilibrium is maintained.

Unify the different forces of nature; gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.


Entropy and how it relates to gravity.

Be testable, and its predictions should be able to be verified.


Be consistent with physical observations.

Be mathematically consistent.

Be as simple as possible.

Be elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

Be able to make predictions that can be tested experimentally.