

Welcome to the repository of papers that are the under-pinning or fruits of the Charge Admittance (CA) framework. This collection includes detailed analyses, experimental data, theoretical discussions, and historical context that arise from the foundation of the CA theory and its related theses on gravity, galaxies, and quantum phenomena. These documents provide the in-depth background and evidence necessary to understand and evaluate the principles and implications of the CA framework.


Gravity: Connecting the Dots.

This paper was the first, the idea that sparked the investigation to uncover the many Bamboozles that exist in the pursuit of science of Gravity.

Electrons and Elemental Charge

This observation explores the relationship between the energy of an electron and the energy of an elemental anti-charge at the quantum level. This paper explores the intriguing relationship between the energy of an electron and that of an elemental anti-charge at the quantum level. Through rigorous calculations and detailed analyses, we observe that the density and wavelength of anti-electron charges exhibit a remarkable association with those of electrons. This observation sheds light on the fundamental nature of charge distribution and energy organization within particles, providing valuable insights into the underlying structure of matter at the quantum scale.

Unveiling the Quantum Realm: From Photons to Space-Time

Dive into the depths of quantum mechanics with our illuminating paper, ‘Unveiling the Quantum Realm: From Photons to Space-Time.’ This comprehensive exploration delves into the intricate properties of nature at the atomic and subatomic scales, offering a beginners journey through the world of quantum theory. With two distinct yet complementary perspectives, we unravel the mysteries of light, delve into fundamental quantum concepts, and explore the profound implications of phenomena such as entanglement and probabilistic behavior.

QA and Black Holes

We are excited to present our latest work, “Charge Admittance and the Structure of Black Holes.” This paper explores the Charge Admittance (CA) theory and its implications for understanding black holes. Unlike traditional models based on General Relativity, CA theory offers a new perspective where energy does not pass through an event horizon but is instead affected by extreme redshift, resulting in a flux density that approaches infinity. This framework posits that information is stored at the surface of a black hole in the arrangement of the μ0ε0 field, rather than within a singularity. By examining these novel ideas, our paper contributes to ongoing discussions about black hole physics and information theory, potentially offering fresh insights into these profound cosmic phenomena.

Energy Cepa

We are excited to present our latest work, “Energy Cepa”, a pioneering concept in the study of energy systems. The Energy Cepa introduces a novel model of energy concentration and transfer, characterized by concentric layers that accumulate increasing amounts of energy towards a central core. This dynamic system, extending from a central core through a structured output mechanism known as the stalk, offers new insights into how energy can be concentrated, layered, and channeled in both natural and engineered systems. By exploring this concept, we aim to advance our understanding of energy dynamics and its implications for astrophysical objects, cosmological models, and theoretical physics. We invite you to delve into this groundbreaking work and join us in exploring its potential applications and developments.

Interaction of Charge Dipoles

This paper explores the interaction between a smaller charge dipole and the near field of a larger, lower-frequency dipole.


This paper introduces a paradigm shift in understanding redshift by integrating Charge Admittance principles. By focusing on the microscopic interactions of energy dipoles within varying impedance fields, this study challenges conventional interpretations and provides a robust framework for future research. The insights gained from this approach are expected to deepen our understanding of redshift and its role in the broader context of astrophysical phenomena.

Gravity and the Photoelectric Effect

This paper investigates the potential symmetry between gravity and the photoelectric effect within the Charge Admittance (CA) framework. It proposes that while the photoelectric effect demonstrates how high-energy photons elevate electrons to higher energy states, gravity might represent the opposite interaction, where low-energy quanta influence high-energy states. This symmetrical perspective offers a unified view of energy interactions and enriches the understanding of gravitational and electromagnetic phenomena in the context of CA.

High-Energy Excitation and Self-Resonant Decay

Explore a groundbreaking perspective on particle physics with our latest paper, “Exploring Self-Resonant Magnetic Flux Systems and their Implications for Particle Physics.” This theoretical exploration proposes that particles observed in high-energy physics may not be fundamental entities but rather transient resonant modes within magnetic flux structures. Delve into how these resonant states, akin to self-sustaining frequencies in magnetic toroids, could reshape our understanding of the Standard Model and the behavior of particles under extreme energy conditions.

Y0 Fields Versus the Higgs Fields: A Comparative Analysis of Fundamental Forces.

Welcome to our exploration of the fundamental forces that shape the universe. In this paper, we delve into the intriguing parallels between the Z0 fields—vacuum permittivity (ε0) and permeability (μ0)—and the renowned Higgs field. Both sets of fields play pivotal roles in our understanding of the cosmos, influencing everything from the behavior of particles to the propagation of electromagnetic waves. By drawing connections between these seemingly disparate concepts, we aim to uncover deeper insights into the underlying structure of matter, energy, and the forces that govern their interactions. Join us on this journey as we navigate the intricate interplay between the Z0 fields and the Higgs field, exploring their implications for our comprehension of the universe’s fundamental principles.

Exploring the Concept of a Quantum Lattice: Energy Self-Organization at the Quantum Scale

Exploring the Concept of a Quantum Lattice: Energy Self-Organization at the Quantum Scale” delves into the intriguing concept of a quantum lattice and its role in energy self-organization at the quantum scale. This paper investigates the theoretical framework proposing that energy can organize itself into structured patterns resembling a lattice, providing a foundational structure for fundamental particles. Through theoretical analysis and mathematical modeling, it explores the implications of a quantum lattice in understanding the underlying principles governing energy distribution and organization within particles. By elucidating the concept of energy self-organization at the quantum level, this paper offers new perspectives on the fundamental nature of matter and energy, paving the way for further research into the intricate mechanisms shaping the quantum world.


Discover our paper on “Galaxies,” which explores the evolution of galaxies as the largest single energy structures in the universe. This work draws an analogy between the way an Aspen tree initiates a grove and how the Quantum Dipole, also known as the photon, starts the cosmic lattice. The paper delves into the intricate processes that drive the formation and growth of galaxies, providing insights into the fundamental mechanisms that shape the cosmos.

Galactic Gradients

Here we discuss a galaxy made entirely of energy. One where Black holes are not holes but “dark gray” spherical surfaces, the vacuum of space is not completely a void, but almost. The drake equation gets modified as a result of a new “Gravitational Goldilocks zone emerges..

Galactic Impedances

Explore our in-depth examination of Galactic Impedances, where we investigate the variations in impedance from open space to the core black holes at the centers of galaxies. This study integrates the innovative framework of SEEP (Standardized Earth Electromagnetic Parameters), establishing a standardized reference for electromagnetic constants such as permittivity (ε0), permeability (μ0), and the speed of light (c). By analyzing how these parameters change across different galactic regions, particularly at the event horizon where magnetic permeability approaches infinity, we provide new insights into the electromagnetic properties of galaxies. This approach not only aligns with theoretical advancements, including those proposed by Stephen Hawking, but also enhances the consistency and reliability of cosmological observations and measurements, offering a unified perspective that bridges the gap between electromagnetism and cosmology.

Impedance Effects in the Two-Slit Experiment

The two-slit experiment is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, renowned for its ability to elucidate the wave-particle duality of quantum entities. In this paper, we explore a novel perspective on the experiment, focusing on the role of impedance boundaries in shaping the phase relationships and energy distribution of particles passing through the slits. We discuss how the impedance characteristics of the slits influence the phase of the energy, leading to the separation of particles into different phase relationships.

QA and Electromagnetic Antennas

This paper is in the Draft stage.