The Need for Speed to Revise the Drake Equation
A new understanding of the mechanism of the universe is proposed by the idea of Charge Admittance, a novel hypothesis that reinterprets gravitational phenomena by considering the speed of energy as a variable dependent on energy density. By introducing the concept that energy speed increases near regions of high energy density, such as black holes, and decreases in low-density regions like deep space, we propose a new perspective on gravity. This hypothesis is framed without reference to mass, focusing solely on energy dynamics, and offers a potential explanation for observed gravitational effects, including those in the Pound-Rebka and JILA experiments. Additionally, we explore the implications of this theory on the Drake equation, suggesting a gravitational “Goldilocks zone” in galaxies where conditions for life are optimal.
The traditional view of relativity posits that the speed of light (and thus the speed of energy) is constant in a vacuum. This paper challenges that notion by hypothesizing that the speed of energy varies with energy density. We aim to provide a new framework for understanding gravitational phenomena by examining the relationship between energy speed, energy density, and spatial conditions.
Implications Near Black Holes
Energy Saturation: Near black holes, we hypothesize that the energy density reaches a saturation point, causing the speed of energy to approach its maximum. This saturation is analogous to the behavior of magnetic materials, which have a maximum flux capacity. In such high-density regions, the ability of the vacuum to transmit energy diminishes, resulting in a near-zero energy speed.
No Event Horizon: Contrary to traditional views, we propose that black holes do not possess true event horizons. Instead, the apparent event horizon is a region where the speed of energy is minimal, preventing any further energy influx.
Implications In Vacuum
Energy speed is at its maximum: Due to the high rate of Quantum Admittance the speed of light (c) in traditional physics, the speed of light is near its maximum.
No speed limit mechanism identified: At this time, nothing has been found that limits the speed to the current limit except the values of μ0 and/or ε0 which seemingly can be higher – unless it is “dark energy”…
Gravitational Interpretation
This implies that regions where the energy speed changes significantly over short distances exhibit stronger gravitational effects.
Mathematical Formulation
Energy Density and Speed of Energy: We propose that the speed of energy (c) is inversely related to the square root of the energy density (ρE), such that: ρE∝c2
Gravitational Interpretation: We suggest that gravitational acceleration (gv) can be interpreted as the gradient of the energy speed (dc) over a given distance (dx): gv=dc/dx
Cosmic Implications
Goldilocks Zone for Life: We introduce a new factor to the Drake equation, fv, representing the variability of energy speed. This factor suggests that there exists a “Goldilocks zone” in galaxies where the conditions for life are optimal, based on the balance of energy speed and gravitational effects.
Revising the Drake Equation: The Drake equation estimates the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. Your hypothesis implies that regions where the speed of energy is optimal for life could influence this equation.
Traditional Drake Equation: N=R∗⋅fp⋅ne⋅fl⋅fi⋅fc⋅L
R∗: Average rate of star formation.
fp: Fraction of stars with planetary systems.
ne: Number of planets that could support life.
fl: Fraction of planets where life actually appears.
fi: Fraction of life that develops intelligence.
fc: Fraction of civilizations that develop a technology to release detectable signs.
L: Length of time such civilizations release detectable signals.
Modified Drake Equation: N=R∗⋅fp⋅ne⋅fl⋅fi⋅fc⋅fv⋅L
fv: Regions with optimal rate of energy speed change (gravity) for life:
Not only do planets have to be in Goldilocks zones around their star. but their star needs to be in a Goldilocks zone round its black hole.
This hypothesis contrasts with conventional theories by attributing gravitational effects to variations in energy speed rather than spacetime curvature. We discuss potential experimental validations, such as reinterpretations of the Pound-Rebka experiment and findings from JILA. Additionally, we address the limitations of this theory and its compatibility with existing observations.
We propose a new perspective on gravitational phenomena, suggesting that variations in the speed of energy, influenced by energy density, underpin the observed effects of gravity. This framework offers a fresh approach to understanding cosmological phenomena and has implications for the search for life in the universe.