Energy Interaction:

Q: What are the main methods of energy interaction?

A: The two main methods of energy interaction are:

Reciprocity of Z0 and energy concentration: ∂Z0/∂E = -k * E

Lorentz force F=qE+qv*B

Q: What is the reciprocity of Z0 and energy concentration?

A: The reciprocity of Z0 and energy concentration states that the impedance of space is self-organizing based on the energy content. This means that the speed of energy is quantized at the charge level, and thus, gravity is also quantized.

This elegant insight is as important as Maxwell’s 4th equation, which shows the reciprocity of charge and magnetic flux.

Q: How can the reciprocity of Z0 and energy concentration be used to explain the bending of energy by gravity?

A: The reciprocity of Z0 and energy concentration states that increased energy causes the μ0ε0 field to compress. Energy is subject to the μ0ε0 field, so when it passes near energy concentrations it is deflected.

Lorentz Force

Q: What is the Lorentz force?

A: The Lorentz force is a fundamental force of nature that governs the motion of charged particles. It states that a charged particle moving in an electric and/or magnetic field will experience a force.

Q: How can the Lorentz force be used to explain the behavior of electrons in a magnetic field?

A: The Lorentz force is perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field. When a charge moves through a magnetic field, it experiences a force that causes it to follow a circular path.


Q: Does gravity act on energy as well as mass, or is it limited to energy within mass?

A: The Pound-Rebka Experiment proves conclusively that the speed of energy is exactly correlated with gravitational acceleration making it likely that it is entirely responsible for the acceleration seen as gravity using E=mc2. It can be concluded from this that gravity acts on energy only.

Q: Is gravity a cause or an effect?

A: With Quantum Admittance gravity is emergent from the effect of the changing rate of flow of energy through time.

Q: According to The Quantum Admittance, what is the speed of gravity?

A: The speed of gravity in QA incorporates both instantaneous effects influenced by local energy field density and the propagation of waves resulting from disruptions in energy equilibrium.

Q: If gravity is the result of EM, does that mean polarization and focusing are involved?

A: Yes, polarization and focusing are involved in QA. The polarization of the Z0 field affects the strength of the gravitational force, and the focusing of the Z0 field can be used to shield or amplify gravity. This is a topic that is still being investigated, but gravitational lensing shows energy streams can be focused.


Q: Could the common microwave background (CMB) signal be a reflection of the energy in our galaxy resulting from the impedance discontinuity at the edge of the lowest energy far field, based on the age of our universe?

A: According to The Quantum Admittance, the hypothesis suggests that the CMB signal could be a reflection of the energy present in our galaxy, influenced by the impedance discontinuity at the edge of the lowest energy far field.

Q: What is an anti-electron?

A: In The Quantum Admittance, anti-electrons are described as holes left in the energy field when an electron is released or ejected. This concept is akin to the idea of holes in semiconductor materials. In the descriptions, anti-electrons are referred to in many places.

Q: How is spin initiated in energy dipoles?

A: In QA, When a charge is freed from the zero energy state it leaves a “hole,” which represents the absence of an charge in the reverse side of time. Due to the conservation of energy, this hole, an anti-charge pursues the charge. The charge movement an aberration in the following anti charge, resulting in a curved trajectory resulting in a spin when the two pair as the Planck dipole.

Galaxy Formation and Behavior:

Q: Is it possible that galaxies function as centers of localized aggregation?

A: According to the Quantum Admittance, galaxies could indeed serve as centers of localized aggregation, where energy concentrations give rise to their formation.

Q: Is there observational evidence and support for galaxy formation through accretion?

A: Yes, observational evidence and simulations support the idea of galaxy formation through accretion of visible matter.


Q: In modern theories, the accounting for “entropy” is often overlooked. Is it plausible that space itself behaves as a superconductor?

A: Yes, observational evidence and simulations support the idea of galaxy formation through accretion of visible matter. Various factors, such as the initial conditions of the universe and the interplay of baryonic matter (visible matter) with gravity, influence the specific characteristics and properties of individual galaxies.

Q: In modern theories, the accounting for “entropy” is often overlooked. Is it plausible that space itself behaves as a superconductor?

A: While it’s an intriguing possibility, current evidence suggests it’s improbable. Space is filled with various energy and mass concentrations, such as dust and celestial bodies, which likely influence its properties.