GR vZ0

Extending General Relativity into the Energy Domain


This paper introduces the concept of the “energy dimension” as a significant extension of General Relativity (GR). By reformulating the energy-mass equivalence relationship, we propose that electromagnetic energy (EM) can be expressed in terms of mass and fundamental constants, specifically through the equation M = m/Z02ε0​. This new perspective not only reconciles aspects of electromagnetic and gravitational forces but also offers a framework for understanding energy propagation devoid of a physical medium. Furthermore, we explore the implications of this energy dimension, including its potential to unify fundamental forces and address longstanding questions in cosmology, thereby enriching the discourse surrounding gravitational theory and energy dynamics.


The quest to understand the universe has prompted physicists to seek a deeper comprehension of the fundamental forces and their interrelationships. General Relativity (GR), formulated by Albert Einstein, revolutionized our understanding of gravity, illustrating how massive objects warp spacetime to influence the motion of other bodies. However, despite its successes, GR does not fully account for the behavior of electromagnetic energy or the nature of energy propagation in a vacuum.

In this paper, we propose an innovative framework that extends the reach of GR into the energy domain, specifically focusing on electromagnetic interactions. By introducing the energy dimension, we aim to provide a coherent understanding of how energy propagates and interacts, independent of a physical medium. This approach allows us to redefine traditional constants—such as the speed of light (c), the permittivity of free space (ε0​), and the permeability of free space (μ0​)—as limits rather than absolute values, thereby fostering a more flexible understanding of energy dynamics.

Through the reformulation of energy-mass equivalence, we assert that electromagnetic energy is intricately linked to mass through the equation EM = m/Z02ε0​​. Here, Z0​ represents the impedance of free space, underscoring the relationship between mass and energy in the context of electromagnetic interactions. This framework lays the groundwork for exploring how the energy dimension can unify various forces, provide insights into cosmic structures, and facilitate advancements in technology and space exploration.

The following sections will delve deeper into the implications of extending GR into the energy domain, addressing its theoretical foundations, potential applications, and the philosophical considerations surrounding this paradigm shift.

A First Look

In Charge Admittance, the foundational insight is that space is an emergent property arising from the energy lattice defined by the product of permeability (μ₀) and permittivity (ε₀). This lattice not only constitutes the medium through which energy propagates but also fundamentally shapes the structure of space itself. Instead of viewing mass as a primary influencer that bends space, CA posits that it is the energy density within the μ₀ε₀ lattice that determines the curvature and behavior of this lattice. Consequently, gravitational effects are manifestations of how the energy lattice responds to varying energy densities, rather than an inherent warping of a pre-existing space as suggested by General Relativity.

This shift in perspective underscores a critical divergence between the two theories: while General Relativity asserts that mass curves the fabric of space, Charge Admittance emphasizes that space is fundamentally non-existent without the energy lattice. Thus, in CA, the interaction of energy with its own lattice structure is the driving force behind gravitational phenomena, providing a more integrated understanding of the universe’s dynamics.

Historical Background

Foundations of General Relativity

Einstein’s Theoretical Leap: Albert Einstein developed General Relativity in 1915, revolutionizing our understanding of gravity by proposing that it is not a force in the traditional sense but rather a curvature of spacetime caused by mass. This paradigm shift allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of how massive objects interact and how they influence the motion of other bodies.

Influence of Maxwell’s Equations: James Clerk Maxwell’s formulation of electromagnetism laid the groundwork for modern physics, demonstrating that electric and magnetic fields propagate as waves at the speed of light. Einstein’s work built upon Maxwell’s equations, particularly in conceptualizing the invariance of the speed of light and its relationship to the fabric of spacetime.

Key Figures:

Hermann Minkowski: A mathematician and physicist who introduced the concept of four-dimensional spacetime, Minkowski’s work provided the geometric framework necessary for Einstein’s theories. His insights helped clarify the relationship between time and space, which became fundamental to understanding relativity.

David Hilbert: A prominent mathematician who independently derived the field equations of General Relativity around the same time as Einstein. Hilbert’s contributions included formalizing the mathematical underpinnings of GR, which facilitated its acceptance in the scientific community.

Karl Schwarzschild: He provided the first exact solution to Einstein’s field equations, describing the gravitational field outside a spherical mass. The Schwarzschild solution paved the way for understanding black holes and other significant astrophysical phenomena.

Early Proofs and Applications

Experimental Validation: The theory was first validated during the 1919 solar eclipse, when observations confirmed that light from stars was bent around the sun, aligning with predictions made by GR. This event catapulted Einstein to international fame and solidified the validity of his theories

Challenges and Limitations: Despite its successes, GR faces challenges in explaining phenomena such as the behavior of gravity at quantum scales, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the initial conditions of the universe, leading to ongoing questions in modern physics.

State of the Art

The Quantum Challenge

While GR provides an exceptional description of gravity on large scales, its integration with quantum mechanics—particularly at microscopic scales—remains incomplete. Quantum theory governs the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, yet gravity, as described by GR, does not currently fit into the quantum framework.

Incompatibility at Quantum Scales: One of the major challenges in physics today is the unification of General Relativity with quantum mechanics. GR is a classical theory and does not account for the probabilistic nature of quantum particles. This lack of compatibility is most glaring when examining singularities (like those in black holes) and the Big Bang, where gravitational forces are immense, but quantum effects dominate.

Attempts at Unification: Several approaches aim to reconcile GR with quantum mechanics. String Theory posits that particles are one-dimensional “strings” whose vibrations correspond to different particles, potentially integrating gravity into the quantum framework. Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), on the other hand, attempts to quantize spacetime itself, breaking it down into discrete loops.

Unsolved Mysteries in Cosmology

Despite the numerous successes of GR, several fundamental mysteries in modern cosmology remain unexplained within the framework of General Relativity alone.

Dark Matter: Observations of galaxies suggest that there is far more mass present than what we can detect through conventional means. GR accurately describes the motion of stars around galaxies, but without introducing the hypothetical dark matter, the observed rotation curves do not match the predictions. This discrepancy suggests that there may be some form of unseen matter affecting gravitational forces.

Dark Energy: In the late 1990s, it was discovered that the universe’s expansion is accelerating, a phenomenon attributed to dark energy. However, GR does not provide a mechanism for explaining the source or nature of this dark energy, suggesting that a deeper theory of gravity may be required to account for this observation.

Singularities and Black Holes: While GR describes black holes as regions of spacetime where gravity becomes infinitely strong, leading to singularities, it does not explain what happens inside these singularities or reconcile the breakdown of physical laws at these points. This gap points to the need for a quantum theory of gravity.

Practical Applications of General Relativity

Gravitational Waves: The detection of gravitational waves by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) in 2015 supposedly provided direct evidence of spacetime disturbances caused by massive, accelerating objects like colliding black holes or neutron stars. This groundbreaking observation confirmed a key prediction of GR and opened a new observational window on the cosmos. If these are related to GR or just EM energy disturbances has yet to be proven.

The Search for a Unified Theory

The extension of GR into the energy domain aims to address these unsolved questions by providing a unified view of space, energy, and time. As such, it opens the door for integrating gravitational effects at both macroscopic and quantum scales. By exploring the energy dimension, physicists may find new answers to the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and the true nature of spacetime itself.

Scale and Origination of the Universe.

Origination: GR inherently requires a Big Bang singularity to describe the origin of the universe. This concept suggests a point of infinite density and temperature from which the universe began expanding. However, the singularity is also a point where GR itself breaks down, as the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite, and the laws of physics cease to provide meaningful descriptions. This limitation points to the need for a deeper theory, potentially involving quantum mechanics, to explain the true nature of the universe’s beginning.

Age: According to GR-based cosmology, the universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old, as determined by extrapolating backwards from the observed expansion of the universe. However, this age estimation is linked to assumptions about the uniformity of expansion and the rate at which it has occurred. The discovery of certain ancient celestial objects has introduced tension in this estimate, suggesting that our current understanding may require revision, especially with the data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Size/Scale: GR predicts that the universe has expanded from an initial singularity, but it remains limited by this expansion paradigm. It restricts the scale of the universe to what has expanded over the estimated age of 13.7 billion years. With new observations from the JWST revealing galaxies much older and more distant than expected, the expansion model is being questioned. The current understanding requires expansion to explain why we can observe such distant objects, but this has led to increasing inconsistencies with GR’s predictions of scale.

Structure: Observations of the distribution, orientation, and age of galaxies present challenges to GR. The randomness and the apparent maturity of some galaxies—discovered by JWST to be unexpectedly massive and well-formed—have called into question the structure formation model based on GR alone. The theory struggles to explain the rapid assembly of these galactic structures without invoking dark matter or other unknown forms of energy. Moreover, the planar structure of galaxies and their large-scale filamentary organization pose additional challenges that GR alone cannot account for.

Entropy: While GR is a theory focused on gravitation and the curvature of spacetime, it does not directly account for entropy, the measure of disorder in a system. Entropy, a key concept in thermodynamics, plays a crucial role in understanding the arrow of time and the evolution of the universe. Although there are connections between gravity and entropy, such as through the Second Law of Thermodynamics and black hole thermodynamics (where the surface area of a black hole’s event horizon can be thought of as an entropy measure), GR itself does not incorporate entropy as a fundamental principle. This limitation becomes significant when considering the long-term evolution of the universe and its ultimate fate.

Extending GR into the Energy Domain: GR vZ0

General Relativity (GR), in its current form, fundamentally addresses the geometry of spacetime and how mass and energy interact with this curvature. However, GR’s focus on spacetime curvature as the sole mechanism for gravity leaves open some significant gaps, particularly regarding the nature of energy propagation, dark energy, dark matter, and the speed of light as an absolute constant. GR vZ0 extends General Relativity by introducing an energy dimension that incorporates electromagnetic interactions and charge admittance (Z₀) as crucial factors, thus solving key cosmological and quantum challenges.

The Energy Dimension: A New Framework for the Cosmos

Propagation Without Space: In classical GR, energy propagation is governed by spacetime, and gravitational waves and light traverse this curved space. In GR vZ0, energy propagation is instead a function of charge admittance (Z₀) and the inherent properties of the electromagnetic field. This removes the need for space to be “filled” with any medium (such as aether) to allow for energy transfer. Instead, energy flows through the energy dimension itself, with charge admittance serving as the mechanism that governs the rate of this flow.

Electromagnetic Energy as a Foundation: Instead of treating mass and spacetime curvature as the sole determinants of cosmic dynamics, GR vZ0 places electromagnetic energy (EM) at the core of the universe’s behavior. In this framework, mass becomes an emergent property of energy (as per E = mc²), but the dynamics of energy are now described using a new equation: M = m/Z02ε0, where Z0 is the impedance of free space and ε0 is the permittivity. This equation not only redefines mass in terms of electromagnetic energy but also opens up the possibility of energy varying in different regions of the universe based on Charge Admittance.

The Energy Dimension: A New Framework for the Cosmos

One of the foundational constants of General Relativity is the speed of light (c), which GR treats as the absolute upper limit for the transfer of information and energy. However, GR vZ0 introduces a more nuanced approach by suggesting that the speed of light is not an absolute constant but a local condition influenced by Charge Admittance

Variable Light Speed: In GR vZ0, the speed of light is no longer fixed at 299,792,458 meters per second in all conditions. Instead, it is a function of the local charge admittance (Z0) and the permittivity (ε0) of space. This allows for light (and energy) to move at different speeds in different regions of the cosmos, depending on how energy is distributed. For example, in regions of high energy density, the speed of energy propagation may be slower due to the increased impedance, while in lower-energy regions, energy may flow more freely and quickly.

Admittance as a New Constant: The introduction of Z0 as a fundamental constant replaces c as the ultimate determiner of energy propagation. In doing so, GR vZ0 allows for a dynamic universe where energy does not need to obey a strict universal speed limit, but rather adapts based on the properties of the energy dimension. This provides an elegant solution to phenomena such as dark energy, where the observed acceleration of the universe’s expansion can now be understood as a change in charge admittance over cosmic distances rather than a mysterious new force

Addressing the Scale and Origin of the Universe

As discussed in the State of the Art, GR faces challenges when explaining the origination and scale of the universe. The Big Bang singularity presents a major theoretical difficulty, as does the age and size of the universe inferred from cosmic expansion. GR vZ0 offers a way to address these limitations through its new framework:

No Singularities: The concept of singularities arises in GR because of the breakdown of spacetime curvature equations at points of infinite density, such as the center of black holes or the Big Bang. In GR vZ0, the energy dimension provides a more refined structure for understanding the universe’s origin. Instead of a singularity, the universe’s creation is seen as the emergence of energy through the framework of charge admittance. This bypasses the need for an infinite point of origin and instead suggests a smooth transition of energy densities at the universe’s inception.

Expanding the Universe’s Scale: In GR, the size of the universe is restricted by the rate of cosmic expansion as inferred from redshift measurements. GR vZ0 extends the size of the universe by suggesting that the scale we observe is influenced by changes in charge admittance over time. This model allows for the universe to be much larger (or smaller) than currently predicted, depending on how charge admittance has evolved since the universe’s formation. This also provides an explanation for the JWST’s observation of unexpectedly mature galaxies at vast distances—regions of different Z₀ values may have experienced energy propagation at different rates, leading to the observed anomalies.

Addressing the Scale and Origin of the Universe

In GR, the size of the universe is restricted by the rate of cosmic expansion as inferred from redshift measurements. GR vZ0 extends the size of the universe by suggesting that the scale we observe is influenced by changes in charge admittance over time. This model allows for the universe to be much larger (or smaller) than currently predicted, depending on how charge admittance has evolved since the universe’s formation. This also provides an explanation for the JWST’s observation of unexpectedly mature galaxies at vast distances—regions of different Z₀ values may have experienced energy propagation at different rates, leading to the observed anomalies.

Dark Energy as a Change in Charge Admittance: Instead of invoking an unknown repulsive force driving cosmic acceleration, GR vZ0 explains dark energy as a gradual change in Z₀ over time. As the universe ages, the impedance of free space alters the rate at which energy can propagate. This change can account for the observed acceleration without requiring any new, exotic form of energy.

Dark Matter as a Misinterpretation of Energy Density: Dark matter is similarly explained as a misinterpretation of the energy dynamics within the energy dimension. The gravitational effects attributed to dark matter arise from regions of higher charge admittance where energy density is greater, creating additional gravitational effects without the need for undetectable particles.

Mathematical Framework

To fully integrate GR vZ0 with General Relativity, we need to extend the Einstein field equations in such a way that they accommodate the new energy dimension and charge admittance. The classical field equations describe how mass-energy curves spacetime, but GR vZ0 incorporates a more dynamic relationship where electromagnetic energy plays a direct role in shaping the universe.

Extending the Einstein Field Equations

Einstein’s original field equations are expressed as:

Rμν​ − 1/2(​gμν​R) + Λgμν ​= (8πG/c4) ​Tμν


Rμν​ is the Ricci curvature tensor,

gμν​ is the metric tensor,

R is the Ricci scalar,

Tμν​ is the stress-energy tensor,

G is the gravitational constant,

c is the speed of light.

Rephrasing for the Stress-Energy Tensor in the CA-modified Field Equation:

In GR vZ0, we modify these equations to account for the energy dimension. The modifications can be introduced by redefining the stress-energy tensor Tμν to include electromagnetic energy EM​ and Charge Admittance Z0​, and by relaxing the assumption of a constant speed of light:

Rμν​ − 1/2(​gμν​R) + Λgμν ​= (8πG/(ε0localZ02))*EEm + ​(1/(ε0localZ02)*Tμν

Interpretation of Each Term:

The speed of light c is no longer a constant but a variable dependent on local permittivity ε0.

Electromagnetic Energy EEm: This term directly links electromagnetic energy to spacetime curvature, implying that electromagnetic fields and energy sources can warp spacetime in the same way that mass and energy do in the traditional formulation.

The coupling constant (8πG/(ε0localZ02)): reflects the role of local electromagnetic properties (permittivity and impedance) in modulating the contribution of EEm_to curvature.

Stress-Energy Tensor Tμν​: The traditional matter-energy content of spacetime is still described by the stress-energy tensor, but its contribution is scaled by the local electromagnetic properties ε0localZ02​, suggesting that gravitational effects vary with changes in these values in different regions of space.

In the Charge Admittance framework, the contribution of the traditional stress-energy tensor to spacetime curvature is modulated by the local values of ε0localZ02. These electromagnetic properties, previously treated as constants, are now variable and dependent on the local conditions of space. As a result, gravitational effects are no longer uniform but vary based on the “viscosity” of space, with regions of higher or lower electromagnetic density experiencing corresponding changes in gravitational behavior. This introduces a new degree of freedom to general relativity, allowing for a dynamic, adaptable gravitational field that responds to changes in the electromagnetic properties of the universe.

This reformulation of the stress-energy tensor bridges the gap between gravitational and electromagnetic phenomena in a novel way, offering an exciting new direction for understanding the fabric of space.

Important mathematical re-interpretation:

In Charge Admittance (CA), ε0 (the permittivity of free space) or μ0 (the permeability of free space are no longer constants but variables that depend on local conditions. For energy propagation as waves the impedance of free space, Z0, takes on the role of the constant. This means that:

ε0local and Z02 change based on the local density of space, or what is termed as the “viscosity” of space. These changes directly affect how gravitational effects are perceived in different regions of the universe.

As these values change, they modulate the curvature of spacetime (through the stress-energy tensor TμνT_{\mu \nu}Tμν​) and the gravitational interaction.

Scaling of Gravitational Effects:

Since the stress-energy tensor Tμν​ is multiplied by the term 1/(ε0localZ02)​, regions of space with higher or lower electromagnetic permittivity or impedance will experience different gravitational effects.

For instance, in a region of space where ε0local increases, the stress-energy tensor’s contribution to gravity could decrease, leading to weaker gravitational effects in those areas. Conversely, regions where these values decrease might experience stronger gravitational effects.

Implications for Cosmology:

This model could provide insights into some unsolved mysteries of cosmology. For instance, it might offer an alternative explanation for dark matter and dark energy. Instead of introducing unseen matter or energy, changes in the local electromagnetic properties could explain variations in gravitational effects observed on large scales (e.g., galaxy rotation curves, cosmic expansion).

The variability of ε0local ​ could also help explain the differences in gravitational behavior near massive bodies (where space is more “viscous”) versus the more “diluted” regions of space.

Modifying Energy Propagation

In GR vZ0, the propagation of electromagnetic energy follows different rules than in classical electromagnetism. The modified wave equation that accounts for charge admittance becomes:

2E = μ0​ (∂2E ​/ ∂t2) + (Z020) / (∂E​/∂t)


Z0​ and ε0​ control how energy propagates through the energy dimension

The speed of energy propagation is a function of Z02ε0, allowing for variable speeds in different regions of the cosmos.

This introduces variable wavefront propagation into the field equations, which in turn modifies the behavior of gravitational and electromagnetic waves on cosmic scales.

A Simplified Version

Gravitational Acceleration: In QA theory, gravity arises from small variations in the speed of energy (c) as it propagates through space. These variations are influenced by the impedance and viscosity of space, both of which are determined by the electromagnetic properties of the vacuum, represented by μ0​ and ​ε0​. Gravitational acceleration can be described by the rate of change in the speed of energy with respect to distance, encapsulated by the Quantum Admittance Gravitational Acceleration Vector:

Energy is the driver: Gravity is no longer a fundamental interaction but an emergent property that arises from the variation in how energy (specifically electromagnetic energy) propagates through space with different properties.

Viscosity as the medium: The viscosity of space (or density of space, modulated by ϵ0\epsilon_0ϵ0​) becomes the critical factor, changing how energy travels through spacetime and creating what we observe as gravitational acceleration.

Gv​ = – dc/ dx


Gv represents the rate of gravitational acceleration,

dc represents the change in speed of energy,

dx represents the change in distance.

This equation means that as you move through regions of varying space viscosity, the speed of light ccc changes accordingly. The rate of this change in the speed of light (over distance) is what we perceive as gravitational acceleration. This directly links gravity to the electromagnetic properties of the vacuum, in a way that extends General Relativity into this new energy domain.

Cosmological Implications

The extension of GR into the energy dimension has profound consequences for our understanding of the universe. Several key cosmological questions are directly impacted by the new framework.

Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structure: One of the challenges GR faces is explaining the distribution and formation of galaxies, particularly in light of recent discoveries like those from the JWST. GR vZ0 provides a mechanism to account for the observed randomness in galaxy distribution by positing that variations in charge admittance over time and space affect the clustering and structure of galaxies.

Galactic Planar Shapes and Alignments: The observed planar alignments of galaxies, which are challenging to explain with standard GR, could be due to differential propagation speeds of energy in the early universe. In regions with higher charge admittance, energy would have propagated more slowly, resulting in the more structured, organized formation of galactic planes.

Revisiting Dark Energy and Dark Matter: As outlined earlier, GR vZ0 provides a natural explanation for dark energy as a gradual change in Z₀ over cosmic scales. This change alters the speed at which energy propagates and therefore the apparent acceleration of the universe’s expansion.

Similarly, dark matter can be understood as a regionally increased energy density that alters gravitational interactions without requiring exotic particles. This redefinition allows for a unified explanation of these phenomena within the context of GR extended into the energy dimension.

Impacts on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB): GR vZ0 also modifies our understanding of the CMB. The variations in charge admittance over time could provide an explanation for the observed anisotropies in the CMB. As the universe expanded, regions of different Z₀ values could have caused subtle changes in the energy distribution, which we now observe as temperature fluctuations in the CMB.

Experimental Verifiability

For GR vZ0 to gain broader acceptance, it needs to be tested. Fortunately, there are several potential avenues for experimental verification.

Observing Variations in Light Speed: One of the most direct predictions of GR vZ0 is that the speed of light is not a universal constant but varies depending on charge admittance. This could be tested by observing the speed of light in regions of different energy densities, such as around black holes or in distant parts of the universe. While no current technology can measure this variation directly, future space missions or more refined gravitational wave detectors might be able to.

Revisiting the Expansion of the Universe: Another testable prediction is that dark energy is a result of changing charge admittance. If this is the case, future observations of cosmic expansion (such as those from next-generation telescopes) should reveal correlations between regions of different Z0 values and variations in expansion rates. Moreover, by analyzing data from Type Ia supernovae and cosmic redshift, we can potentially isolate the effect of Z0 on energy propagation and expansion.


GR vZ0 represents a natural evolution of General Relativity, extending its reach into the energy dimension and addressing long-standing issues such as the nature of dark energy, dark matter, and the limits of E = mc2. By incorporating charge admittance and modifying the behavior of electromagnetic energy, GR vZ0 creates a more complete picture of the universe that seamlessly unites quantum mechanics, gravitation, and cosmology.

This new framework doesn’t contradict Einstein’s original work but builds upon it, providing answers to the mysteries that have long challenged modern physics while opening the door to new experimental possibilities.

Implications for Quantum Gravity

GR vZ0 provides a new mechanism for incorporating quantum effects into general relativity. By integrating the energy dimension, GR vZ0 suggests that quantum fluctuations at very small scales could be governed not only by spacetime curvature but by localized changes in charge admittance. This could serve as a bridge between quantum mechanics and gravity, offering a new pathway toward quantum gravity theories

Date: Rev 9/29/24 R.M.