

Understanding gravity is the first of two significant events that mankind will encounter in my lifetime. There is my affirmation that I will do this. This has now been accomplished.

In my opinion, the other significant event will to be at the hands of others, the ones we think might exist some other place in our “universe.” It is a thought that understanding gravity will enable further understanding of this “universe” and offer more clues as to where we might meet.

My strengths

I am old enough to have experience and the understanding to use it.

I am knowledgeable.

I have a background in related fields, and I have a unique problem-solving ability.

I have time, desire, and no bias.

I have experience in the field, skills with modern tools.

I am constantly studying learning and understanding what others can’t or don’t.

I am outstanding at solving problems others can’t, and not afraid of tackling projects where others failed.

I have never failed to complete any difficult project I attempt.

I am tenacious and perseverant.

I am really good at every endeavor I undertake.

I have few preconceived notions.

I am a minority octogenarian white male of thew age of old wise seers.

I see things that others only rely on mathematics to understand.

I have the ability to understand and form complex relationships.

I have no money interest or religion to defend.

I have DNA from the stock of discoverers—English, French, Scottish, and Danish.

I am not beholden to any previous design or theory involving gravity.

I have nothing to gain or lose by this heretical idea.

I understand gravity.