The Mathematical Proof

Reinterpreting Gravitational Acceleration in Quantum Admittance Theory


This paper introduces a novel interpretation of gravity through the Quantum Admittance (QA) Theory. By exploring the energy-mass equivalence in Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2, and incorporating electromagnetic field properties, we propose a new model of gravitational acceleration. This model interprets changes in gravitational mass and the speed of light as functions of energy density and spatial distance. Drawing on insights from the Pound-Rebka experiment, we demonstrate that gravitational acceleration can be redefined as the acceleration of energy in space. Our formulation replaces the conventional dependence on mass with variations in the electromagnetic field, offering a fresh perspective on gravitational dynamics.


The current understanding of gravity is grounded in general relativity, where gravitational force is attributed to the curvature of spacetime caused by mass. However, recent advancements in quantum theory and electromagnetic field dynamics invite a reevaluation of these principles. Quantum Admittance (QA) Theory proposes that energy, rather than mass, governs gravitational acceleration. This paper builds on the energy-mass equivalence of E=mc2, suggesting that changes in the speed of light squared (c2) are directly tied to changes in mass and spatial distance.

We explore the implications of electromagnetic field properties—specifically permittivity and permeability—on gravitational fields and present a mathematical framework that reinterprets gravitational acceleration as a function of energy transitions in space.

Relativistic Foundations:

The fundamental equation of relativity,


Demonstrates that energy and mass are interchangeable. Rearranging this equation gives:


Indicating that the speed of light squared can be understood as energy per unit mass. In QA Theory, we interpret c2 as a fundamental quantity influenced by variations in both energy and time, reflecting the energy-time continuum as a dynamic, evolving gravitational field.

Building on this, we turn to Maxwell’s equations, which relate the speed of light to the permeability and permittivity of free space:

c2 = 1/μ0ε0

Where μ0​ and ε0​ represent the permeability and permittivity of space, respectively. These constants govern the ability of space to store and transmit energy in the form of electromagnetic fields. Thus, c is not a fixed constant but can vary with changes in the electromagnetic properties of the surrounding field.

Energy and Mass Variation in QA Theory:

Since energy is conserved,


Any movement of mass generates corresponding changes in c2. This variation can be expressed mathematically as:


Where dc is the change in the speed of light, dm is the change in mass, and dx represents the change in distance (or time). This equation implies that shifts in the speed of light relate directly to the spatial distribution of energy and mass. As mass shifts within a gravitational field, the energy density and associated electromagnetic properties adjust accordingly.

Gravitational Acceleration in QA Theory:

In QA Theory, the gravitational field is reinterpreted as a function of the surrounding field’s ability to store and transmit energy. This leads to a new equation for gravitational acceleration:


where Gv​ is the gravitational acceleration, ε0​ is the permittivity, and μ0​ is the permeability of the surrounding field. Unlike classical models, which attribute gravity to mass, this equation posits that gravitational acceleration is driven by variations in the electromagnetic field’s permittivity and permeability.

Instantaneous Difference Perspective:

As a complementary interpretation of gravitational acceleration within the QA framework, the instantaneous difference between the speed of energy in open space (cmax) and the local speed of energy (cl) offers a clear, quantifiable measure of gravitational effects:

Ga = 1/(cmax​−cl​)

Where Ga represents the rate of gravitational acceleration, cmax​ is the speed of energy in open space and, cl​ is the local speed of energy, which varies depending on the gravitational potential in that region.

This equation reveals that gravitational acceleration is a direct function of the difference in energy propagation speeds, reflecting the impact of gravitational potential on local energy dynamics. As the speed of energy decreases in areas of greater gravitational influence, the difference between cmax and cl widens, resulting in higher gravitational acceleration. This perspective provides a snapshot of the gravitational effect at a specific point in space, enhancing our understanding of the role energy plays in gravitational interactions.


The QA model opens new possibilities for understanding gravity, suggesting that gravitational fields can be derived from electromagnetic properties of space. This offers a fresh approach to gravitational phenomena, such as black holes, dark matter, and cosmic acceleration. By interpreting gravity as an acceleration of energy, we move beyond mass-based interpretations and provide a framework for further exploration into the quantum dynamics of spacetime.


Quantum Admittance Theory redefines gravity by focusing on energy’s behavior within the electromagnetic field. Gravitational acceleration, traditionally tied to mass, can now be viewed as the result of energy transitions in space. The reformulation presented here aligns with experimental evidence such as the Pound-Rebka experiment, offering a new perspective on gravitational dynamics. Future work will focus on expanding this framework to address other cosmological phenomena and integrating it with quantum field theory.


Einstein, A. (1905). “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?” Annalen der Physik.

Maxwell, J.C. (1865). “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.