The Z0 Proof

ε0 and μ0 are Properties of Energy: Mass Does Not Matter


This paper challenges the conventional understanding that mass is central to gravitational effects, arguing instead that energy and its acceleration define gravity. Building on the Pound-Rebka experiment, which demonstrates how energy shifts in gravitational fields, we assert that mass is secondary, while energy and its velocity are primary in determining gravitational influence. This view is supported by gravitational lensing, which affects energy fields independently of mass.


Gravitational theory has long been rooted in mass-based models, from Newton’s formulation to Einstein’s general relativity. However, recent interpretations, including those derived from the Quantum Admittance framework, suggest that energy, rather than mass, is the true driver of gravitational acceleration. This paper seeks to provide a proof, dubbed “The Z0 Proof,” that mass plays no essential role in gravity, with energy fields being the determining factor.

The Foundation of the Z0 Proof

The Pound-Rebka Experiment

The Pound-Rebka experiment showed how the frequency of photons changes due to gravity, effectively confirming that energy, in the form of light, experiences acceleration as it moves through gravitational fields. The redshifting and blueshifting of light demonstrated that gravity influences energy directly.

Gravitational Lensing and Energy Fields

Lensing bends light (or energy) around massive objects, but this effect can be explained entirely by energy field interactions, rather than mass. The trajectory of light changes due to energy field curvature, revealing that gravitational effects are governed by changes in energy density rather than the mass of the lensing object itself.

The Z0 Proof: Gravity as Energy Acceleration

Redefining Gravity

In this proof, we show that gravity is the acceleration of energy, not a force directly tied to mass. The key observation is that changes in gravitational potential are experienced by energy, as indicated by redshift or blueshift, without mass being a necessary factor.

Energy, Lensing, and Velocity

Gravitational lensing affects the speed and direction of energy as it moves through curved space-time. The speed of energy (light) changes with the curvature of energy fields, which is independent of mass. Thus, gravity can be entirely described as a velocity-related phenomenon between energy and the surrounding field.

Implications of the Z0 Proof

Gravity without Mass

This model implies that mass, long assumed to be the source of gravitational attraction, is not essential. What we interpret as gravitational forces are, in reality, changes in energy field acceleration. This could fundamentally alter our understanding of black holes, cosmic evolution, and galactic dynamics

New Gravitational Paradigm

With mass removed from the equation, energy fields become the core element in defining how objects and light interact within the energy-time continuum. This proof could pave the way for a revised understanding of cosmology and gravity, opening up possibilities for new models of galactic formations and energy transitions.


The Z0 Proof presents a compelling argument for rethinking gravity. By focusing on energy acceleration and its effects, we can disentangle mass from gravity’s role, thus shifting the paradigm in physics. Future experiments, especially involving light and gravitational lensing, could further confirm the energy-centric nature of gravity.


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