EM Coupling

Energy Coupling in Electromagnetic Fields


The universe, from individual charges to the boundless expanse, unfolds as it fills with energy. Charge Admittance (CA) posits a dynamic μ0ϵ0μ0​ϵ0​ field that self-generates as energy propagates through time. This paper explores the mechanism of energy coupling in electromagnetic (EM) fields, focusing on the near-field interactions that facilitate energy transfer.

Lattice replaces aether

Historically, the aether was considered a medium for the propagation of light and electromagnetic waves. However, the CA framework introduces the concept of a dynamic lattice, generated by the energy itself. This lattice is not intrinsic to space but an artifact of disturbances in the ϵ0μ0ϵ0​μ0​ fields caused by the movement of charges.

Fundamental Equations

Combining Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence E=mc2 and Maxwell’s relation c2=1μ0ε0, we derive:

E= m/μ0ε0

This equation underpins the relationship between energy, mass, and the electromagnetic constants, setting the stage for understanding energy coupling in EM fields.


Mass at any location is due to the difference in charge density between free space and that location. Specifically, it is attributable to the energy density at that point, which corresponds to the μ0ε0​ density.

Rate of Mass Movement

The rate of mass movement is influenced by the differential rate of energy transfer, augmented by the addition of mass in the form of coupled complex particles.

Energy Density

Energy density at any location depends on the relative μ0ε0 lattice mesh at that point, sustained by the electrostatic forces present. This density is a function of the number of charges bound in the μ0ε0​ lattice.

Charge Density

The forces at any location are proportional to the energy density at that location, which in turn depends on the μ0ε0 density.

Relative Charge Density

Charge density at any point is influenced by the difference in charge between the vacuum of space and regions near maximum energy concentration, such as near black holes. These differences create a gradient in space, defining structures like galaxies.

Energy Speed and Gradient

The rate of energy propagation at any location is determined by the density of the μ0ε0 lattice. Across galaxies, the energy density varies, creating a gradient from the maximum speed at the edges to near zero at the centers. This gradient affects the coupling and transfer of energy within the electromagnetic field.

Energy Coupling Mechanism

In the near field, energy transfer occurs through coupling, where impedance changes capture the energy, making it available for measurement or use. Far-field waves represent energy propagation, but their practical application relies on converting this energy into near-field interactions.

Near-Field Coupling

Near-field coupling involves interactions within a wavelength of the source, where the electric and magnetic fields are not orthogonal and can directly transfer energy through capacitive or inductive coupling. This mechanism is critical for devices like transformers and wireless chargers, where energy is transferred efficiently between closely spaced components.

Far-Field Waves

Far-field waves, typically observed beyond several wavelengths from the source, represent the radiative component of electromagnetic energy. While they carry energy through space, their utility depends on capturing and converting this energy back into a usable form via impedance changes that induce near-field effects.


This paper presents a framework for understanding energy coupling in electromagnetic fields, emphasizing the importance of near-field interactions. By revisiting fundamental equations and concepts, we elucidate how energy transfer is facilitated through dynamic changes in the ϵ0μ0ϵ0​μ0​ lattice, providing a comprehensive view of EM energy coupling.