A Linear Table of Contents With Links for This Website.
Overview New data and techniques lead to new insights.
Description Exploring gravity’s essence through E=mc², revealing its link to energy over mass.
Definition A new project is initiated.
Scope Focused on fundamental principles, avoiding complexity for practical understanding.
Morphological Thinking Embracing multiple perspectives to deepen reasoning.
Philosophy Emphasizes interpretation, implications, and the cognitive and societal limits shaping knowledge.
AI-Driven_Scientific Inquiry Explore how AI is revolutionizing scientific research through collaboration and innovation.
Aristotelian Null Start Ideas currently excluded from our framework, reviewed for relevance as our understanding and observations evolve.
Recursive Iteration Drilling Down to the Core of the Information in the Data. Navigate the Depths of Inquiry to Assess the Realities.
Possibilities Exploring the Boundless Frontiers of Mathematical Speculation.
Assessments Exploring Truths, Assessing Realities: Navigate the Depths of Inquiry.
Working Assumptions Those working ideas which deserve further considertion.
Axioms What we know provides a logical basis for exploration.
People Key figures, most relevant to understanding gravity, include Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Planck, and Lorentz.
Apparatus Instruments to study gravity, telescopes, and particle accelerators provide invaluable data.
Experiments Physical tests elucidate scientific phenomena, revealing methodology behind discovery and analysis.
The Cavendish experiment This 1797-1798 experiment measured the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory.
Michael Faraday Ice Pail This 1831 demonstration of electric charges using an “ice pail” which showed charges gathered on a surface.
Double Slit Experiment Thomas Young’s 1801 experiment suggesting EM energy exhibits characteristics of particles and waves.
Double Slit Review An impedance based near/far field explanation is proffered which explains the results using classical physics.
Faraday Rotation In 185 Faraday observed the change in polarization of light as it passes through a magnetic field.
Fizeau’s Experiment A 1849 experiment measuring the speed of light in a moving medium relative to the source and observer.
Michelson Morley A groundbreaking experiment in 1887 using an interferometer to detect/disprove the hypothetical “ether wind.”
Planck’s Constant Planck’s 1900 experiment discovered energy existed in packets or quanta.
Millikan Oil Drop A 1909 experiment to measure the elementary electric charge using oil droplets.
Franck-Hertz Their 1914 experiment provided key empirical support for the quantum theory of atoms.
Eddington This 1919 experiment was a breakthrough in the proof of relativity. It opened the door the idea that energy was subject to gravity.
Stern-Gerlack A 1922 experiment demonstrated the quantization angular momentum of spin states.
Anderson Anti-matter Anderson’s 1932 discovery of the positron, the antimatter counterpart of the electron.
Pound-Rebka Robert Pound and Glen A. Rebka Jr.’s 1959 experiment measuring the color shift of light in a gravitational field.
Shapiro Delay Irwin Shapiro’s 1964 experiment demonstrating predictable delays in radar signals sent close to planetary bodies.
The Hafele-Keating Experiment A 1971 experiment testing time dilation in special relativity by flying atomic clocks around the world.
LIGO Confirmed the presence of gravitational waves. Gravity waves are of EM origin.
JWST New data about the age and size of the universe extremely large galaxies at lder times than previously considered possible.
JILA experiments show that energy is exactly accelerated at the speed of gravitational attraction with extreme accuracy.
OPERA The Oscillation Project with Emulsion-Racking Apparatus’s 2011 investigation of tau neutrinos.
Electron Symmetry 2011’s precise measurement of the electron’s shape, revealing it to be almost a perfect sphere.
Reflectionless Scattering Modes (RSM) Ongoing experiments exploring energy areas to develop an understanding of Quantum Admittance.
Light Slowed Down by 10,000 New experiments slow light by changing energy density and phase twisting support Quantum Admittance.
Formulas Classic equations from Faraday to Einstein synchronize our comprehension of the cosmos.
Effects Pragmatic exploration of nuanced manifestations contributing to our understanding of physics.
Laws Foundational physics understandings outlining key principles such as conservation of energy and thermodynamics.
Theories Chronological exploration of pivotal theories from Aristotle to the Big Bang
Aristotle Aristotle’s geocentric cosmological model, proposed that the Earth was at the center of the universe.
Geocentric Model Earth is considered to be the stationary center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars orbiting around it.
Kepler Planetary Motion Kepler’s laws described the elliptical orbits of planets around the sun.
Newton’s Laws Building upon Kepler’s work and his own laws of motion, Newton formulated the concept of universal gravitation.
Gauss’s Law for Gravity A counterpart to Newton, his law asserts that gravitational flux directly proportional to the enclosed mass.
Aether Theory An discarded theory proposed a medium, “aether,” permeated the universe to serve as a medium for the propagation of waves.
Tired Light A hypothesis that the redshift of light from distant galaxies is caused by the gradual loss of energy (“tiredness”) as light travels.
Steady State Theory A model proposing that the universe has no beginning or end and maintains a constant average density over time.
Maxwell’s Electromagnetism Uunifying electricity and magnetism in a single set of equations which describe how their fields interact.
Einstein’s Relativity Theories of special and general relativity, revolutionized our understanding of space, time, gravity.
Lorentz Ether Explains the results of the Michelson–Morley experiment within classical mechanics by introducing a stationary aether.
Black Holes Regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that no energy can escape from them.
Planck’s Quantum A theory about the concept of quantized energy and laying the groundwork for quantum mechanics.
Big Bang A model for the observable universe, originating a singularity 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.
Expansion The deduction the universe may be expanding explained by Doppler redshift in in energy from celestial objects.
Mach’s Gravity An idea relating the relationship between inertia and the distribution of mass in the universe.
Dirac’s Large Number Hypothesis This hypothesis suggests a connection between the gravity, electromagnetic force, and time.
Teleparallel Gravity Gravity explained by teleparallelism, in which spacetime is described by a torsion tensor instead of curvature.
Quantum Mechanics The branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.
Quantum Field Theory Combines quantum mechanics with special relativity. Particles are excitations of underlying quantum fields.
Quantum Tunneling Exploring the Phenomenon of Quantum Tunneling.
Variable Speed of Light Gravity Theories proposing the speed of light may have changed over cosmological time scales.
Oppenheim’s Lumpy Space The fabric of space-time as a wobbly structure. Fluctuations in the flow of time create a non-uniform universe.
Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Electromagnetic waaves traveling backward in time interact with retarded waves.
The Standard Model A framework describes the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions and the particles that mediate them.
Super Symmetry An extension of the standard model that introduces new particles and symmetries, to address several outstanding issues.
String Theory A theory in which the building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but one-dimensional vibrating “strings.”
Entropic Gravity A theory that posits gravity arises as an entropic force due to the tendency of systems to increase their entropy.
Loop Quantum Gravity A theory of that quantizes space into discrete, finite units called “loops.”
Emergent Gravity A theoretical framework positing that gravity emerges from the collective behavior of microscopic degrees of freedom.
Higgs Field Theory Theoretical concepts related to the Higgs field and Higgs boson, which endow elementary particles with mass.
Modified Newtonian Dynamics Modifications to Newtonian mechanics to explain observations at cosmological scales without dark matter.
Bimetric Gravity A framework describing gravity with two metrics, allowing for modifications to General Relativity at large scales.
Gedanken Mind Experiments – the mental exploration, exemplified by Einstein and Schrödinger.
Mysteries The unknown that keep you awake at night.
SI Numbers The standards of the universe designed by a committee.
Bamboozles The quicksand of physics. Those ideas whose time has passed.
Unknowns The new unknowns as a result of the Quantum Admittance working assumption.
Conjecture Venture into speculative realms exploring audacious ideas.
Charge Pendulum Paired oscillatory system where a charge and its anti-charge are hung in space or within a molecular structure.
Deductions Unveil logical outcomes drawn from fundamental principles.
Explorations Engage with “Mind Experiments” to look at new ideas through thought-provoking perspectives.
Clues Hints from those great idea inspire a solution.
Observations Things seen that add to our understanding.
Universe The composite of time energy created reality.
The Cosmic Microwave Background: A novel reinterpretation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) within the CA framework.
Galaxies: From The open space of CELL to the energy concentration of the CEPA, CA defines galaxies is a new light.
Galactic Gradients: Here we discuss a galaxy made entirely of energy.
CEPA: The energy onion at the core of each galaxy
CA Black Holes: Unlike traditional models, CA offers a new perspective where energy does not pass through an event horizon.
CELL: The Cepa Luminaris Limit, Edge of the Galaxy, The Gateway to the Cosmos.
Energy The aspects of energy related to the CA Theory.
Massless Energy Fields The phenomenon by which electromagnetic energy is concentrated through the alignment of magnetic fields.
Lattice Formation: Explores the concept of a self-organizing electromagnetic lattice as the underlying structure of the vacuum.
Energy Space: Self-organizing charges provides the foundational structure underlying the vacuum of space
Energy Continuum: Quantum Admittance presents an alternate to “Space-Time” that makes sense out of what we see and measure.
The New Gravity Based on Galileo’s observations and E=mc2, The mechanism that uses energy rather than mass becomes clear.
Quantum: Explore concepts such as quantization, quantum fields, and their implications within the framework of energy and impedance.
Quantum Fields: Explore concepts that within the ε0 μ0 lattice, quantum fields are dynamic fluctuations in the electromagnetic field.
Noise: Electromagnetic noise represents inherent randomness in the electromagnetic field.
Charge: Charge, as the basic building block of the universe.
Y0 Energy Equations The Mathematics of Energy in the CA environment.
Electrons and Elemental Charge: The relationship between the an electron and the anti-charge at the quantum level.
Photons The building blocks of EM energy.
CA Photons Particles in their near field
Quantum: Explore concepts such as quantization, quantum fields, and their implications within the framework of energy and impedance.
EC Quantum Link: An explanation of this new energy-time-space paradigm.
Zero-Point Energy: EM energy is postulated to exhibit an average value of zero within a half-quantum, reflecting a zero-point energy level.
Energy Viscosity: Energy Viscosity (ηᵥ) as a framework for understanding energy propagation marks a significant advancement.
Dipoles: The exploration of light and electromagnetic waves as energy dipoles.
Origination: The first Energy dipoles spin their tale.
Polarity: Polarity, a fundamental property of electromagnetic interactions
Spin: Spin introduces a quantum dimension to energy dynamics
Speed of c: The speed of light defines the velocity at which electromagnetic energy propagates through space.
Frequency or Rate: Find out the real manifestation of energy seen by Planck.
Spectrum: The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses a diverse range of energy forms.
Spreadsheet: Showing the energy spectrum from Planck energy level to light years.
Redshift: Understanding redshift by integrating Charge Admittance principles focusing on the microscopic interactions of energy dipoles.
Waves: Elemental carriers of EM energy, A critical reassessment of electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation.
Waves as Far Field Flux: Waves are not Photons, they are the result of photon energy in the near field being radiated into free space.
Wave Collapse: This note presents a pivotal concept in understanding the behavior of waves and energy in extreme conditions.
Duality: Electromagnetic energy exhibits a duality, behaving both as particles (photons) and waves.
Force: The glue that hold structures together.
EM Coupling: Explore the detailed mechanics of electromagnetic energy coupling.
Photoelectric Coupling:Explore the detailed mechanics of near field coupling.
Photon Interaction: Delve into the intricate dynamics between a smaller charge dipole and the near field of a larger, lower-frequency dipole
Time A unending river of flowing energy measured by an intelligence designed interval for absolute reference.
Time Referenced μ0ε0 A hypothesis where ε0 and μ0 are properties of energy measured in temporal distance rather than spatial.
Space A manifestation of time and energy, the empty arena created by time and filled with energy we see, and its emergent mass we feel.
Emergence of Space From Energy Flow: Space is not inherent, it emerges from the dynamic flow of energy through time.
Structures: Unveiling the “Structures” of CA, the Foundations of Mass, Space, and the Mechanisms of Gravity.
Particles The smallest structures of the dipole lattice.
Numbers Like the teeth on cosmic gears, drive the machinery of the universe.
ϕ (The Resonance Constant) A dimensionless constant representing the ratio of μ0/ε0 in resonant conditions
Planck’s Limit This paper critically examines the implications of Planck’s constant and its relationship to the quantization of energy.
SEEP concept Constants c, ε0, and μ0 are subject to gravity, similar to Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) used in chemistry.
Principles Classical physics forms the cornerstone of QA.
Postulates The underlying understandings of Charge Admittance theory.
Assumptions The beginning of ideas that make a theory.
Requirements Meeting basic physics prerequisites, essential for achieving understanding.
Mathematics Those equations that bring it together.
Mechanisms Structures, levers, and gears of the universe that make it work.
Accomplishments Discover the groundbreaking discoveries and achievements resulting from the Charge Admittance theory.
Features Learn about the key features and unique aspects of the Charge Admittance approach to gravity.
Applications Learn about What the concepts mean to the physical world.
Implications Explore the profound implications of Charge Admittance for the field of physics and beyond.
Predictions Investigate the predictive power of the Charge Admittance theory and its potential to forecast new phenomena.
Proofs Examine the evidence and proofs that support the validity of Charge Admittance as a revolutionary scientific theory.
QA Tests Review the experimental methodologies employed to validate the Charge Admittance theory and its predictions.
Possibilities New universe ideas are possible. The formation and age of the universe are at stake.
Solutions Problems now closer to solution using the concept of Charge Admittance.
FAQ Answers to questions about the energy admittance universe.
Glossary The definition of terms as used on this website.
AI review Quantum Admittance ideas in the light of the latest technology.
GR vs CA: Two interpretations produce the same exact result. Which one is correct?
Y0 Fields Versus the Higgs Fields: We delve into the parallels between the permittivity (ε0) and permeability (μ0) and the Higgs field.
Unveiling the Quantum Realm: This comprehensive exploration delves into the properties of nature at the atomic and subatomic scales.
High-Energy Excitation and Self-Resonant Decay: Delve into how resonant states could reshape understanding of the Standard Model.
CA and Electromagnetic Antennas Explore the concept of CA in application with electromagnetic antennas.
The center of mass is the center of attraction