Entropic Gravity

Entropic gravity, proposed by Eric Verlinde in 2009, represents a groundbreaking departure from traditional gravitational theory. Rooted in concepts from quantum mechanics and the holographic principle,.

This theory challenges conventional notions of gravity as a fundamental force and instead posits it as an emergent phenomenon arising from the entanglement of information in spacetime. This theory proposes that gravity is not a fundamental force but an emergent phenomenon resulting from changes in information associated with the positions of material bodies.

This theory suggests that gravity arises from the thermodynamic principles of entropy, where the movement of objects towards regions of higher entropy generates the gravitational attraction we observe.

Basic tenets:

Emergent Nature of Gravity: Entropic gravity contends that gravity is not a fundamental force but rather emerges from the entanglement of information within spacetime. This perspective offers a radical departure from traditional gravitational theory.

Holographic Principle: Central to entropic gravity is the holographic principle, which suggests that the information content of a three-dimensional volume can be encoded on a two-dimensional surface. This principle forms the foundation upon which the theory is built.

Entanglement and Information Distribution: Gravity, according to entropic gravity, arises from the entanglement of information in lower-dimensional reality. This entanglement gives rise to the appearance of gravitational effects in our three-dimensional universe.

Non-Traditional Description of Gravity: In this framework, gravity is not conceptualized as a pulling force between objects but rather as a consequence of the distribution of information in spacetime. This novel description challenges conventional gravitational theory.

Entropy and Gravity: Entropic gravity posits a relationship between entropy and gravity, suggesting that the entropy of spacetime is proportional to its area. This leads to the prediction of a decrease in the strength of gravity over time.


Paradigm Shift in Gravitational Theory: Entropic gravity offers a new perspective on the nature of gravity, challenging traditional notions of fundamental forces and prompting a paradigm shift in gravitational theory.

Interdisciplinary Research: The theory stimulates interdisciplinary research at the intersection of quantum mechanics, information theory, and cosmology, fostering collaboration and innovation in these fields.

Insights into Fundamental Principles: Entropic gravity provides insights into the connection between gravity, entropy, and the holographic principle, shedding light on fundamental principles underlying the fabric of the universe.

Exploration of Emergent Phenomena: By emphasizing the emergent nature of gravity, entropic gravity encourages further exploration of emergent phenomena in physics and cosmology, opening new avenues for theoretical and experimental investigation.


Lack of Empirical Evidence: Despite its theoretical elegance, entropic gravity lacks empirical evidence or experimental verification for its predictions, posing a significant challenge to its acceptance within the scientific community.

Theoretical Complexities: The theory faces theoretical complexities and challenges in reconciling its principles with existing frameworks of particle physics and cosmology, necessitating further development and refinement.

Testability and Predictive Power: Entropic gravity requires refinement to make testable predictions and address inconsistencies with observational data, enhancing its credibility as a viable gravitational theory.

Compatibility with Established Theories: Potential conflicts with established theories, such as general relativity, may limit the acceptance and adoption of entropic gravity within the scientific community, requiring careful consideration and validation.


Recent developments have focused on testing Verlinde’s theory against empirical data, particularly in explaining dark matter phenomena. Several studies have explored how entropic gravity could potentially replace the need for dark matter by modifying the gravitational effects without invoking unseen particles. These efforts have yielded mixed results; while Verlinde’s theory successfully explains certain galactic rotation curves, it still faces challenges in providing a comprehensive alternative to dark matter across all scales.

Entropic gravity stands as a bold and provocative theory, offering a radical reimagining of the nature of gravity and its fundamental principles. While facing significant challenges and limitations, its theoretical elegance and potential insights into the fabric of the universe continue to drive exploration and investigation, making it an active area of theoretical research in contemporary physics.