
How does Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle impact energy measurement in Quantum Admittance?

Dual Perspectives in Energy Measurement

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle can be understood from two different perspectives in Charge Admittance: the observer perspective and the energy perspective.

Observer Perspective

How does an observer perceive energy changes? An observer sees energy stretching as it speeds up, manifesting as a frequency shift or redshift. While the observer cannot measure the speed of energy directly, they can detect properties of energy through changes in the impedance it travels through.

Energy perspective

From the energy’s point of view, what happens during acceleration? Energy experiences acceleration as a change in mass when encountering a change in impedance. A change in acceleration indicates a change in mass if all other factors remain constant.

This dual-perspective approach is reminiscent of Einstein’s insight into different observers having entirely different perspectives—like a person falling off a ladder versus an observer on the ground. Similarly, the “falling” energy blob has a unique perspective, clarifying how energy can be conceptualized and utilized to understand gravity.

Reconciling Different Frames of Reference

What is the challenge in reconciling different frames of reference in energy dynamics? The concept that energy remains unchanged in its own frame but appears altered from an observer’s perspective encapsulates this fundamental challenge.

Perspective parallax

How does looking at energy from two perspectives enhance understanding? Observing energy from both perspectives provides a depth of understanding similar to using both eyes to gain depth perception. This perspective parallax clarifies that maximum energy is observed as the slowest flow of energy (redshift) by observers near black holes, while energy itself experiences maximum compression of μ₀ε₀.

Counterintuitive Dynamics

Why does energy seem diminished in regions of higher gravitational acceleration? In regions of higher gravitational acceleration, energy appears diminished to observers, yet energy density is at its peak. Conversely, in areas of maximal energy density, like around black holes, energy seems minimal due to heightened gravity. This counterintuitive phenomenon is akin to helium balloons in an accelerating car, where the behavior observed defies initial expectations.

Implications for the Age of the Universe

The recent discoveries of galaxies by the James Webb Space Telescope have cast doubt on accepted beliefs and raised the intriguing possibility that the universe may be older than previously thought. A link to a you tube for that page has been removed – my speculation is that it does not agree with the current dogma.

The Variable Speed of Light

Light is a form of electromagnetic (EM) energy, and experiments and applications have shown that the speed of light is variable. Not only is the speed of energy variable as shown by the various techniques to bend or tune it, but this characteristic has been used by billions around the world to tune them for over 100 years. Although it is claimed it is constant in the vacuum of space, there is no provable vacuum of space that is so perfect as to make this claim.

Beyond Limits: Unraveling the Cosmic Speedscape with the CA model.

In the vast cosmic expanse, CA introduces a profound shift in our understanding of gravity’s influence on the speed of energy. As we extend our gaze to the far reaches of space, envisioning a Pound Rebka experiment conducted in the emptiness described by Einstein, a striking revelation emerges. The observed blue shift, when translated to the waveform’s speed, subtly hints at a true cosmic constant—the speed of energy. Calculated using gravity as the basis, this speed, 299,792,458.16 meters per second, paints a dynamic picture. It suggests that deeper gravity wells, akin to those surrounding black holes, may propel the speed of light even faster. This not only challenges traditional notions but also beckons us to explore the intriguing possibility of ‘Super luminal’ conductors—a new frontier where energy may traverse at velocities beyond the commonly accepted limits. CA invites us to reexamine the fabric of the universe, opening doors to unforeseen phenomena and pushing the boundaries of our cosmic comprehension.

The Methuselah star: Nearing the edge of Relativity’s Expansion Reality

You can’t be older than your parents. But there is a nearby star that at first glance looks like it is older than the universe! Hubble Space Telescope astronomers are coming to grips with this paradox by improving the precision of the observations used to estimate the age of this “Methuselah star.” HD 140283 (also known as the Methuselah star) is a metal-poor subgiant star about 200 light years away from the Earth in the constellation Libra, near the boundary with Ophiuchus in the Milky Way Galaxy. Its apparent magnitude is 7.205, so it can be seen with binoculars. It is one of the oldest stars known. As of now, there has been no significant update on the Methuselah star since the last major studies in 2021. These include:

Age Revisions: Astronomers have refined the star’s age estimate to around 12-13.7 billion years, bringing it within the accepted age of the universe.

Galactic History: The star’s elongated orbit suggests it was likely born in a primeval dwarf galaxy that was later absorbed by the Milky Way.

Composition: The Methuselah star is extremely metal-poor, containing only a fraction of the heavy elements found in our Sun. This indicates its formation in the early universe, before many stars had formed and enriched the interstellar medium.

Gravitational Microlensing

Gravitational microlensing is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, where the gravitational field of a massive object, such as a star or a planet, acts as a lens, bending and magnifying the light from a more distant background source. This effect occurs when the foreground object passes in front of the background source, aligning along the observer’s line of sight. As a result, the light from the background source is temporarily amplified, creating a characteristic brightening of the source’s brightness curve.

Gravitational microlensing has several key features:

Massive Object as Lens: The foreground object, usually a star or a planet, acts as a gravitational lens due to its massive gravitational field.

Alignment: For gravitational microlensing to occur, the foreground object must pass precisely between the observer and the background source, aligning along the observer’s line of sight.

Light Amplification: As the light from the background source passes near the gravitational field of the foreground object, it is bent and focused towards the observer. This bending results in a temporary increase in the brightness of the background source, which can last from days to months, depending on the relative motion of the lensing object.

Magnification Curve: The observed brightening of the background source’s light is characterized by a distinct magnification curve, which shows the evolution of the source’s brightness over time. This curve provides valuable information about the properties of the lensing object, such as its mass and distance.

Gravitational microlensing has emerged as a powerful tool in astrophysics for studying a wide range of astronomical phenomena, including the detection of exoplanets, probing the structure of galaxies and galaxy clusters, and even searching for dark matter. Observatories like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) play a crucial role in detecting and studying gravitational microlensing events, offering insights into the nature of the universe and the distribution of matter within it.

Variations in the Impedance of Space

The speed of light is typically constant in a vacuum, but the presence of objects such as stars, planets, asteroids, comets, dust, hydrogen, and other energy sources in space can introduce slight variations in the impedance of space. These variations could potentially influence the speed of energy, causing it to decrease.

Peak gravity is delayed from alignment during solar eclipse

Peak gravity for a solar eclipse occurs 40 seconds after perihelion, suggesting a delay in Earth’s gravitational attraction.

Gravitational lensing as a cause of redshift

Gravitational lensing and minute structural differences seem to suggest that energy influences energy. likewise The Shapiro delay implies that enormous cosmic structures slow down the flow of energy.

Implications for Quantization and Speed

Observations suggest that the medium through which energy propagates influences the speed of light. In exploring these observations, it becomes apparent that there are three distinct divisions of characteristics within the energy spectrum: electromagnetic, particle, and quantum.

Implications for the speed and apparent effectivity of gravity

The fact that gravity appears instantaneous implies that it is not a force related to distant objects but the field established by the influence of faraway objects, either their energy or matter.

Antennas and the Significance of Impedance

In the construction of directional antennas like the Yagi antenna, conductors are strategically positioned to modify the impedance profile, directing electromagnetic (EM) waves in desired directions. Notably, the effectiveness of these antennas is primarily determined by the length of the conductors. Their mass doesn’t matter.


For a system to exist it must have more than one functional unit of the same or similar characteristics which have characteristics which operate in conjunction.

For gravitational systems, there must be, at least, a pair of elements operating together.

In a system with two or more elements which operate in conjunction resonances will occur.

Observations and the Role of the Medium

Every system exhibits a ‘first jerk,’ which is the minimum displacement that occurs when energy is applied to a system. This observation suggests that the medium through which energy propagates plays a crucial role in determining the speed of light. Light with lower frequencies, possessing less energy or equivalent mass, is easier to deflect, indicating that the medium influences its propagation. The observation that different masses appear to fall at the same rate in gravity hints at a fundamental equality transcending specific objects, pointing toward the medium or field as a controlling factor.


These numerous findings and observations broaden our comprehension of gravity and energy. They contend that gravity may be an emergent characteristic of energy rather than a basic force in and of itself. These data show that the relationship between gravity and energy affects the propagation of energy in numerous ways, which affects phenomena like galaxy formation and the age of the universe. These findings cast doubt on accepted hypotheses and highlight the need to reevaluate our understanding of the fundamental principles governing the universe.

Science that supports observations is more likely to be correct. Science that is based on theories that cannot be supported by observation, such as the constancy of the speed of light, are suspect.