Ice Pail


The “Ice Pail” experiment, conducted by Michael Faraday in 1831, provided a critical demonstration of induced electric charges and their behavior in the presence of changing electric fields. In this experiment, Faraday suspended a charged sphere inside an insulated metal container (the “ice pail”) and observed the redistribution of electric charges on the surface of the container without any direct contact. The findings revealed that electric charges could be induced by the presence of nearby charges, furthering the understanding of electrostatic induction. This experiment played a pivotal role in the development of electromagnetic theory, shaping the principles that would later underpin Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction and modern electromagnetism.


The “Ice Pail” experiment was one of Michael Faraday’s groundbreaking contributions to the study of electricity and magnetism. Conducted in 1831, it built upon earlier work in electrostatics but provided a clearer understanding of induced electric charges and their behavior in the presence of a nearby charged object. Faraday’s findings, though seemingly simple, were profound in that they provided an experimental basis for the concept of electrostatic induction—an effect that occurs when a charged object induces a redistribution of charges in a nearby conductor.

This experiment not only contributed to a deeper understanding of electrical phenomena but also laid the foundation for the development of electromagnetic theory. It highlighted the concept of action at a distance and demonstrated the capacity for electric fields to exert forces without the need for direct contact between objects. Faraday’s meticulous observations led to significant insights into the interactions between electric and magnetic fields, which would later be formalized in Maxwell’s equations.

Experiment Details

Faraday’s “Ice Pail” experiment was elegantly designed to demonstrate how electric charges are induced within a conductor in the presence of a charged body. The experimental setup involved an insulated metal container (the “pail”) placed on an insulating stand. A charged sphere, typically a small metal ball, was then suspended inside the container using an insulating thread. Crucially, the sphere did not touch the inner surface of the pail.

As the charged sphere was lowered into the container, Faraday observed that the charges on the surface of the container redistributed themselves, despite the lack of physical contact between the sphere and the container. This redistribution occurred as a result of electrostatic induction: the electric field from the charged sphere induced opposite charges on the inside surface of the container, while like charges were repelled to the outer surface. Once the sphere was fully inside, Faraday discovered that the charge induced on the inner surface of the pail exactly matched the charge on the sphere, illustrating charge conservation and induction.

Results and Significance

The experiment revealed a number of critical insights into electrostatic behavior. First, Faraday showed that electric charges could be induced in a conductor solely due to the presence of a nearby charged object. Second, he demonstrated that the distribution of charges is confined to the surface of a conductor, with no electric field existing within the conducting material itself—a principle that would later be encapsulated by Gauss’s Law.

This experiment further illustrated that charges can be manipulated and redistributed without direct contact, hinting at the profound interplay between electricity and fields, a concept that Faraday would later explore in greater detail in his studies of electromagnetic fields and lines of force. The “Ice Pail” experiment directly contributed to the development of Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction and the broader understanding of how electric and magnetic fields interact.

Follow-on Experiments

Faraday’s experiment was foundational for subsequent studies in electricity and magnetism. Building on his work, later physicists delved deeper into the relationship between electric fields, magnetic fields, and charges. His discovery that the electric field around a conductor can induce charges in other objects would lead to further explorations into the behavior of fields and charges in various media, including dielectrics and conductors. This work ultimately paved the way for the formalization of electromagnetic theory, culminating in the comprehensive framework provided by Maxwell’s equations.


Michael Faraday’s “Ice Pail” experiment remains one of the most illustrative demonstrations of electrostatic induction and the behavior of charges in response to nearby electric fields. The experiment underscored the principle that electric forces could act at a distance, affecting conductors even in the absence of direct contact. The findings from this experiment were crucial in shaping Faraday’s later work on electromagnetic induction, which in turn revolutionized the study of electromagnetism and laid the foundation for much of modern physics.