

This paper explores the Charge Admittance theory’s application to quantum mechanics, emphasizing how energy distribution and quantum fields influence fundamental physical phenomena. By integrating concepts such as quantization, quantum energy, and quantum time, the paper challenges traditional space-time perspectives and offers new insights into quantum dynamics, quantum fields, and their role in shaping the universe.


Quantum mechanics, a cornerstone of modern physics, examines nature’s behavior at the atomic and subatomic levels. Its ability to explain diverse phenomena, from the photoelectric effect and laser functionality to nuclear fusion, highlights its profound impact on our understanding of the universe. This paper delves into the Charge Admittance theory, which reinterprets quantum mechanics by focusing on energy distribution rather than space-time attributes.


In quantum mechanics, quantization restricts certain physical properties to discrete values, contrasting with classical physics’ continuous spectra. For instance, electron energies within atoms are quantized, implying that they can only occupy specific energy levels. This is a key distinction from classical mechanics, where properties can vary continuously.

Quantum Energy

Quantum energy emphasizes that the quantum domain’s essence lies in the distribution of energy rather than space-time attributes. Your mention of the tapered wires and self-organizing lattice (Z0 field) aligns with this, suggesting that energy distribution dictates quantum properties. This view challenges traditional space-time perspectives by focusing on how energy configurations, rather than space-time itself, determine quantum behavior.

Quantum Fields

Quantum fields are fundamental in understanding the universe’s smallest scales. They underpin the behavior of particles and forces, with ε₀ and μ₀ influencing electromagnetic field dynamics. Virtual particles and quantum fluctuations contribute to the vacuum’s complex nature, which is filled with dynamic activity despite the term “vacuum” implying emptiness.

Quantum Time

Quantum time relates to the interaction of photon dipoles and the energy they exchange. This concept involves photon dipoles borrowing energy from past states and is influenced by momentum quantization and Heisenberg uncertainty. Although less central in quantum theory compared to classical physics, quantum time remains crucial in understanding causality and quantum dynamics.

Quantum Point

The Quantum Point concept involves charges surpassing space’s vacuum to form dipoles. This idea suggests that charges create disruptions in the vacuum, potentially initiating cosmic mechanisms. It aligns with Charge Dipole theory, which proposes charges manifest as dipoles due to their creation or separation in space.


Quantum spin is quantized, meaning it can only take on discrete values. This intrinsic angular momentum, observed even without actual rotation, influences particle behavior and interactions. Spin-related phenomena, such as entanglement and the Pauli exclusion principle, significantly impact quantum physics and technology.


Space’s impedance quantization results from quantum dipole self-organization through impedance gradients. This forms the granularity of Charge Admittanc quantum gravity, where impedance’s opposition to current flow shapes space’s structure dynamically.

Vacuum of space

The quantum vacuum, contrary to the notion of emptiness, is a bustling field of virtual particles. These particles interact and create quantum noise, reflecting the vacuum’s dynamic and non-static nature.

Absolute Zero

Absolute zero, where atomic motion ceases, is theoretically impossible to achieve. Quantum noise, defined by Planck’s constant, represents the closest practical approximation, with residual heat energy maintaining perpetual quantum fluctuations.


Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle highlights the intrinsic limits in measuring a particle’s position and momentum simultaneously. This principle introduces fundamental unpredictability, contrasting with classical physics’ determinism.


Quantum mechanics embraces probabilistic behavior, with particles described by wave functions representing various state probabilities. This probabilistic nature departs from classical determinism, emphasizing uncertainty in predicting specific attributes.


Quantum entanglement involves correlated spins between particles, where measuring one particle’s spin instantaneously determines the other’s, regardless of distance. This phenomenon has profound implications for quantum information processing and communication.


In the Charge Admittance, Qubits relate to photon charge boundaries forming magnetic toroids. Higher spin rates correspond to higher energy levels, aligning with the concept of Qubits representing multiple states based on spin cycle phases.


Quantum duality reveals light and matter’s wave-particle nature. This duality, observed in experiments like Young’s double-slit, challenges classical views and underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of photons’ wave and particle characteristics.


This paper explores the quantum realm through dynamic energy interactions and innovative theories like Charge Admittance. By focusing on energy’s role rather than traditional space-time concepts, it offers new insights into the fundamental nature of the universe.