
Gravity has captivated the human mind since the dawn of consciousness. Its omnipresence shapes the very fabric of our existence, influencing the motion of celestial bodies, the formation of galaxies, and the trajectory of every living being. From the ancient musings of philosophers to the cutting-edge theories of modern physicists, the quest to understand gravity has been a journey spanning millennia.

At the heart of the majority of gravity theories lies the concept of mass, intertwined with the fundamental forces that govern the universe. These present the idea that every particle, every molecule, every planet, every star exerts its gravitational pull to explain the interactions that shape the cosmos as we know it.

These theories, born from centuries of observation, experimentation, and theoretical speculation, serve as the pillars of our understanding of the universe. Without gravity, the cosmos would be an empty void, devoid of structure and order. It is the alleged force that binds galaxies together, shapes planetary orbits, and imbues every object with weight and substance.

As we embark on this journey of exploration, let us understand the previous ideas of gravity to glimpse the intricate web of cosmic forces that govern our existence. From the ancient wisdom of Aristotle to the cutting-edge concepts of string theory and beyond, the pursuit of gravity’s secrets continues to inspire and challenge the boundaries of human knowledge.

Aristotle Aristotle’s geocentric cosmological model, proposed that the Earth was at the center of the universe.

Geocentric Model Earth is considered to be the stationary center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars orbiting around it.

Kepler Planetary Motion Kepler’s laws described the elliptical orbits of planets around the sun.

Newton’s Laws Building upon Kepler’s work and his own laws of motion, Newton formulated the concept of universal gravitation.

Gauss’s Law for Gravity Serving as a counterpart to Newton, his law asserts that the gravitational flux directly proportional to the enclosed mass.

Aether Theory An discarded theory proposed a medium, “aether,” permeated the universe to serve as a medium for the propagation of waves.

Tired Light A hypothesis that the redshift of light from distant galaxies is caused by the gradual loss of energy (“tiredness”) as light travels.

Steady State Theory A model proposing that the universe has no beginning or end and maintains a constant average density over time.

Maxwell’s Electromagnetism A theory unifying electricity and magnetism into a single set of equations which describe how their fields interact.

Einstein’s Relativity Theories of special and general relativity, revolutionized our understanding of space, time, gravity.

Lorentz Ether A theory to explain the results of the Michelson–Morley experiment within classical mechanics by introducing a stationary aether.

Black Holes Regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that no energy can escape from them.

Planck’s Quantum A theory revolutionized physics with the concept of quantized energy and laying the groundwork for quantum mechanics.

Big Bang A model for the observable universe, positing it originated from a singularity 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.

Expansion The deduction the universe may be expanding explained by Doppler redshift in in energy from celestial objects.

Mach’s Gravity An idea relating the relationship between inertia and the distribution of mass in the universe.

Dirac’s Large Number Hypothesis This hypothesis suggests a connection between the gravity, electromagnetic force, and the passage of time.

Teleparallel Gravity Gravity explained by teleparallelism, in which spacetime is described by a torsion tensor instead of curvature.

Quantum Mechanics The branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.

Quantum Field Theory Combines quantum mechanics with special relativity, describing particles as excitations of underlying quantum fields.

Quantum Tunneling Exploring the Phenomenon of Quantum Tunneling.

Variable Speed of Light Gravity Theories proposing the speed of light may have changed over cosmological time scales.

Oppenheim’s Lumpy Space The fabric of space-time as a wobbly structure. Fluctuations in the flow of time create a non-uniform universe.

Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Electromagnetic waaves traveling backward in time interact with retarded waves.

The Standard Model A framework that describes the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions and the particles that mediate them.

Super Symmetry An extension of the standard model that introduces new particles and symmetries, to address several outstanding issues.

String Theory A theory in which the building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but rather one-dimensional vibrating “strings.”

Entropic Gravity A theory that posits gravity arises as an entropic force due to the tendency of systems to increase their entropy.

Loop Quantum Gravity A theory of that quantizes space into discrete, finite units called “loops.”

Emergent Gravity A theoretical framework positing that gravity emerges from the collective behavior of microscopic degrees of freedom.

Higgs Field Theory Theoretical concepts related to the Higgs field and Higgs boson, which endow elementary particles with mass.

Modified Newtonian Dynamics Modifications to Newtonian mechanics to explain observations at cosmological scales without dark matter.

Bimetric Gravity A framework describing gravity with two metrics, allowing for modifications to the theory of general relativity at large scales.


The following theories to be added for the Quantum dipole study:

Quantum Tunneling

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

Quantum Computing

Quantum Information Theory

Quantum Decoherence

Quantum Gravity Theories (e.g., String Theory, M-Theory)