The GV Proof

Gravity as the Acceleration of Energy


The GV Proof proposes that gravity is fundamentally the acceleration of energy, not mass, as traditionally understood. Drawing upon key experimental findings, including the Pound-Rebka experiment and the Michelson-Morley experiment, this paper argues that gravitational effects can be more accurately described as variations in the speed and behavior of energy. By reevaluating these classical experiments through the lens of energy interactions, we conclude that gravity, rather than acting on mass alone, accelerates energy itself.


Classical physics and General Relativity have long described gravity as a force that acts upon mass. However, recent insights suggest that gravity may instead be an interaction that primarily affects energy. This paper synthesizes the findings from the Pound-Rebka and Michelson-Morley experiments to support a new understanding of gravity. The GV Proof demonstrates that energy—not mass—is the key factor in gravitational acceleration, challenging traditional interpretations of gravitational force.

Re-examining the Pound-Rebka Experiment:

The Pound-Rebka experiment, conducted in 1959, measured the gravitational redshift of gamma rays as they moved in a gravitational field. The results confirmed that energy is indeed affected by gravity, as the frequency (and thus energy) of the gamma rays shifted depending on their position within the gravitational field. The experiment showed that energy behaves in accordance with gravitational influences, revealing that energy experiences acceleration under the influence of gravity.

In the context of the GV Proof, the Pound-Rebka experiment proves that energy is subject to gravitational acceleration. Instead of considering only the gravitational effects on mass, the results show that energy experiences a direct response to gravity’s influence, reinforcing the notion that gravity acts on energy itself.

Revisiting the Michelson-Morley Experiment:

The Michelson-Morley experiment, designed to detect the aether, failed to show any directional variation in the speed of light. It is notable, however, that this experiment was conducted in a gravitationally neutral environment—a level plane floating on a pool of mercury. This gravitational neutrality is important, as it eliminated any significant gravitational effects on the experiment’s outcome. The experiment showed that in such an environment, the speed of energy (light) remains constant in all directions, indicating that under neutral gravitational conditions, energy is not subject to variation in speed.

While this experiment is traditionally used to support the constancy of the speed of light, the GV Proof suggests that the experiment’s neutral setting might have masked the true influence of gravity on energy. By reexamining the results through this lens, we propose that energy does interact with gravity, and its speed may be subject to change when it is not in a gravitationally neutral state.

The GV Proof: Gravity as the Acceleration of Energy:

By combining the insights from the Pound-Rebka and Michelson-Morley experiments, the GV Proof concludes that gravity fundamentally acts upon energy, not mass. The Pound-Rebka experiment shows that energy experiences gravitational redshift and thus gravitational acceleration, while the Michelson-Morley experiment demonstrates that in the absence of gravitational influence, energy behaves uniformly. These findings support the idea that gravity should be understood as the acceleration of energy rather than a force acting solely on mass.

This conclusion challenges the traditional framework of General Relativity, where gravity is linked to the curvature of spacetime caused by mass. Instead, the GV Proof suggests that gravity accelerates energy, and that the effects of gravity can be more accurately understood by examining how energy fields respond to gravitational forces. This shift in perspective opens up new possibilities for interpreting gravitational phenomena, from the bending of light near massive objects to the behavior of energy in black holes and other extreme environments.


The GV Proof provides a compelling case that gravity is better understood as the acceleration of energy. By reevaluating the foundational experiments of Pound-Rebka and Michelson-Morley, we find strong evidence that energy, not mass, is the primary entity affected by gravity. This perspective invites a rethinking of gravitational theory and offers new avenues for research into how energy fields interact with gravity across the universe.


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