Before delving into detailed proofs, it’s pertinent to examine the notion that the speed of energy plays a crucial role. By using charge to alter the speed of energy, a minute change of only 5.79E-19 in ε0 with a proportional change in μ0 (μ0/ε0 Wave Resonance Constant) yields the gravitational acceleration observed at the Earth’s surface.
Relativity Proofs
Charge Admittance withstands scrutiny against established proofs: This demonstrates its validity within its own theoretical framework. CA acknowledges that General Relativity has provided valid proofs within the framework of its own principles. However, it introduces a novel perspective by suggesting that the observed phenomena traditionally attributed to space-time warping could also arise from changes in the speed of energy within the CA framework.
Charge Admittance Proofs
Traditional physics treats ε0 and μ0 as fixed constants of space, governing the propagation of electromagnetic fields. Likewise, gravity is conventionally viewed as a mass-dependent phenomenon. This paper presents an alternative: that both ε0 and μ0 emerge from energy interactions, and gravity is fundamentally the acceleration of energy, independent of mass. We analyze electromagnetic wave propagation, dipole interactions, and gravitational lensing to support this claim.
The Role of Dipoles in Electromagnetic Waves: Electromagnetic (EM) waves require both electric and magnetic field variations, which arise from dipole interactions rather than isolated charges. Maxwell’s equations show that the generation of a magnetic field requires current flow—implying at least two charges in relative motion. The interplay of ε0 and μ0 in these interactions dictates wave propagation, suggesting that these constants are not intrinsic to space but emerge from energy-driven dipole dynamics.
Emergence of ε0 and μ0: Traditionally, ε0 and μ0 are considered fundamental constants. However, their measurement depends on the presence of dipoles, implying that they manifest only within energy interactions. A vacuum devoid of dipole dynamics would not exhibit these properties. The propagation of EM waves further suggests that photons themselves activate these constants, reinforcing their energy-dependent nature.
Gravitational Reinterpretation: Gravitational phenomena, from redshift to lensing, demonstrate that energy—rather than mass—responds to gravitational fields. The Pound-Rebka experiment confirms that photons experience gravitational acceleration, indicating that gravity acts directly on energy. Gravitational lensing, traditionally attributed to mass warping spacetime, can instead be explained by energy field curvature affecting light’s trajectory.
The Mathematics: establish a rigorous foundation for understanding gravitational acceleration within the framework of Quantum Admittance (QA) Theory. By revisiting and reinterpreting fundamental equations, such as E=mc2 and Maxwell’s equations, the proof elucidates how variations in the speed of light (c) and the electromagnetic properties of space (μ0 and ε0) correlate with gravitational phenomena. The proof demonstrates that changes in energy density, reflected in the speed of energy (c2), are integral to the behavior of gravitational fields.
Experimental Evidence
The Michelson-Morley experiment conducted in a gravitationaly neutral environment, demonstrated the isotropy of light speed. This speed is measured as a round trip speed. There is no proof that speed may not be altered along is path, only energy returning to a point is delayed by distance traveled. This speed can easily be the average speed, not a constant.
This conflict s with Pound-Rebka that may show that under gravitational influence, light’s velocity and direction change, implying that gravity modulates energy fields rather than merely bending spacetime.
Pound-Rebka experiment observed a redshift of light (decrease in frequency) with decreasing altitude at the same colorshift if it were the speed of energy changing. There observation:
Gravity affects the speed of energy exactly as predicted by the QA gravitational constant.
“The shift observed agrees with -4.92×10-15, the predicted gravitational shift for this ‘two-way’ height difference.”
This follows exactly QA’s positing variable space permittivity and permeability (ε0 and μ0) changes the gravitational constant. Additionally, considering that photons are massless particles accelerate instantaneously with this change adds weight to this proof.
Observtional Confirmation
While general relativity has been extensively validated through experiments, the QA Theory meets these proofs by proposing a slightly different mechanism for the observed results of “curvature of space-time,” that is the “curvature of time-energy. This exchanges the “speed of energy” for the “speed of time” in general relativity while maintaining mathematical faithfulness to classical principles.
QA finds harmony with classical physics and existing empirical evidence. It adeptly elucidates cosmic phenomena without introducing additional constructs like new particles or dark matter.
LIGO has confirmed the presence of gravitational waves, as predicted by QA. Moreover, based on QA’s alternate explanation for redshift, the theory suggests that the universe may not be expanding as previously thought.
JWST observations showing new data about the age and size of the universe extremely large galaxies at much older times than previously considered possible align with QA. These were considered impossible within the model of an expanding universe.
JILA experiments show that energy is exactly accelerated at the speed of gravitational attraction with extreme accuracy with single electron oscillation periods differing at individual elevations within adjacent atoms. These are the equivalent of accurate version of the Pound-Rebka Experiment carried out at the atomic level.
The fact that light (or photons) accelerate at the same rate as mass in a gravitational field is proof that gravity is related to energy, not mass as Galileo first observed This is ignored by both Newton’s and Einstein’s theories.
Future Proofs
As technology advances and our observational instruments become more sensitive, we gain an expanded bandwidth that allows us to peer deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos. Within this vast expanse lies an evolving frontier of energy dynamics, brimming with possibilities yet to be explored. One such intriguing prospect is the existence of larger concentrations of energy beyond the limits of our current observational capabilities. These hidden reservoirs of energy hold the potential to unravel cosmic mysteries, such as the enigmatic rapid expansion attributed to dark energy and the gravitational anomalies linked to dark matter.
The hypothesis of these unseen energy reservoirs presents a compelling avenue for future exploration. Although speculative, it offers a promising path toward understanding fundamental cosmic phenomena. Observational missions like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), with its advanced capabilities, stand poised to provide unprecedented insights into these hidden realms of the cosmos, shedding light on their presence and properties.
Moreover, the emergence of mass is elegantly accommodated within the framework of QA Theory, which proposes that particles with mass arise from concentrated energy. This contrasts with mass-first theories and challenges conventional thinking by emphasizing the difficulties in explaining energy, forces, and particle organization if mass is considered the primary starting point.
QA Theory offers a unified understanding of gravity and other fundamental forces mediated by particle exchange, explaining phenomena such as gravitational waves as a result of energy equilibrium and entropy rebalancing. While still in development, QA aligns with a wide range of observations, including interferometer experiments and optical and gravitational wave-based studies.
Occam’s Razor Prevails
Occam’s Razor is a heuristic principle that states that the simplest explanation of a phenomenon is usually the correct one. QA is a relatively simple theory, but it is able to explain a wide range of complex phenomena. The simplicity, lack of mathematical complexity, and adherence to classical physics makes QA a promising candidate for a new theory of gravity.