The postulates presented in The Quantum Admittance model offer a fresh and unified framework for comprehending gravity and its underlying principles. QA seeks to explain all of the fundamental forces of nature. The following postulates are the basis for the ideas presented by QA and its extensions:
Uniformity: Laws of physics remain consistent across the cosmos.
Constants are limits: These numbers may appear constant, but it is within deviations around the limits, the nuances of the cosmos are found.
A Human Construct: Time, as we understand it, is a concept created and defined by human intelligence. It serves as a “ruler” with fundamental constant intervals to allow us measurement within our framework of reference.
The Standard of Measurement: The value of time serves as the primary reference against which we measure occurrences and durations within the universe.
The Arrow of Time: Time exhibits a unidirectional flow, always progressing from the past towards the future. This fundamental characteristic is often referred to as “the arrow of time.” Due to the inherent nature of time’s unidirectional flow, travel back in time is currently considered impossible.
Encoded in Electromagnetism: Events occurring within the realm of time leave their imprint in the form of electromagnetic signatures. These signatures are observable through the sequential propagation of waves.
The Quantum Realm of Time: On the subatomic level, the smallest possible interval of time is known as “quantum time.” This concept is tied to the Planck scale, which represents the fundamental limit of measurement.
Charge as Gradient: The concept of charge is proposed as the fundamental unit of energy gradient, representing a difference rather than an absolute value.
Differential Nature of Charge: Charges are hypothesized to arise from differentials, not absolute levels. This differential nature is seen as a tendency towards equilibrium, reflecting a natural preference for a net zero state.
Repulsion or Attraction: The process of charges seeking equilibrium is interpreted as either “repulsion” when charges move further apart or “attraction” when they move closer.
Charge Propagation: Charges are postulated to propagate at the speed of energy, with some suggesting the possibility of instantaneous force propagation.
The Electron as Basic Charge: The electron particle is identified as a fundamental unit of charge in this framework.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty and Charge: Consistent with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the postulate suggests that isolated charges may not exist.
Energy and Charge Measurement: The energy carried by a charge is hypothesized to be determined by the rate of change in its position relative to the impedance of the measuring device.
Isolating Charge: Isolating a charge, according to this view, involves altering its impedance.
Energy and Acceleration: Adding energy to a system is proposed to involve accelerating it, while removing energy leads to deceleration.
Charge Acceleration and EM Flux: The acceleration of charge is postulated to be the driving force behind the intensity of the electromagnetic flux observed.
Charge Speed Modulation: The speed of a charge is suggested to be modulated by the impedance of free space.
Charge Acceleration and Vacuum: An accelerating charge is hypothesized to create a temporary imbalance in the energy equilibrium of the vacuum.
Mirror Charges: There is “mirror charge” for each type of charge, existing symmetrically around a zero value in time. Electrons, according to this view have a corresponding “hole” in their mirror time domain. This based on the idea that if there are no magnetic monopoles, there must always be a current flow. In order for current flow there must be a charge differential.
Charge Dipoles and Isolation: Charge dipoles are proposed to function with differences in value (not necessarily opposite signs, but only quantum differences) as long as they remain electrically isolated.
Balancing the Electron: The balancing charge to the electron, in this framework, is either the antielectron or its absence imprinted on the electromagnetic vacuum.
Magnetic Dipoles: Magnetic dipoles, according to this view, arise from the start-and-stop nature of charge acceleration. They do not require the existence of magnetic monopoles.
Electromagnetic energy (EM)
Temporal Nature: EM energy can only be measured as a charge gradient in time, thus time is required for energy to exist.
The μ0ε0 Field is a Property of time: The properties that describe the flow of Energy are related to the time dimension, making space emergent from energy flowing in time. This is significant in that the viscosity of space is dependent on the rate of flow of energy, not time.
Electromagnetic fields are inherently non-interactive: In vacuum, each field propagates independently, and their cumulative effect is solely the linear superposition of individual fields without any mutual interference.
Universal Driver: Electromagnetic energy (EM) is hypothesized to be the fundamental driving force shaping the universe, influencing its size, age, and development.
Eternal Energy: The total energy within the universe is proposed to be constant and unchanging, at Zero, adhering to the principle of conservation.
Dependence of EM energy on gravity: For precision measurement, any measurement of electromagnetic forces in earth’s gravitational field must consider its potential and polarity.
Borrowed Charge: EM dipoles, according to this view, utilize a form of charge derived from time, suggesting a connection between EM and the temporal dimension.
Frequency-Independent Energy: The energy content of a charge pair is proposed to remain constant regardless of its frequency, aligning with Planck’s constant.
The μ0ε0 field density is due to the energy within it: It is not a consequence of space or time.
Wavelength and Density: The density of the EM field is hypothesized to vary based on the wavelength, with longer wavelengths exhibiting lower energy density per cycle (photon).
Photons as Dipoles: EM energy, in this framework, is composed of charge dipole pairs (electron and its hole), which are identified as photons.
Inter-Frame Travel: EM energy is proposed to be unique in its ability to traverse between different frames, potentially signifying a distinct property compared to other forms of energy.
Dynamic Speed: The propagation speed of EM energy is suggested to be the speed of light, with potential adjustments based on variations in density and at points of impedance inflection.
Sideband Generation: This postulate suggests that changes in the speed of energy at inflection points other than minimum acceleration give rise to the phenomenon of sidebands, i.e., bending of energy at random points in a cycle will produce sidebands.
Impedance and Regulation: The speed of energy propagation is hypothesized to be regulated by the impedance of free space.
Rotational Origin: EM energy, according to this view, arises from the rotational motion of charge pairs at specific frequencies arising from phase angle abberation.
Dynamic Response: EM energy is proposed to exhibit constant motion, reflecting and responding to changes in the surrounding energy field density.
Unified Forces: Energy, regardless of its manifestation as waves, dipoles, or particles, is suggested to be subject to the same fundamental forces.
Charge Dipole Limits: The differential value of charge within a dipole is hypothesized to have an upper limit beyond which voltage breakdown occurs due to frequency limitations. Likewise there is a limit at the quantum scale where the charge dipole spacing is fixed and spin above that angular speed creates out of phase energy that ultimately results in impedance energy mismatch, thus energy is no longer transferred due to power factor loss.
Toroidal Fields and Liberation: At energy levels exceeding the breakdown frequency, this postulate suggests that the magnetic field collapses into a closed toroid, potentially leading to the liberation of electrons.
Spectral States: Energy is proposed to exist in three distinct spectral states: electromagnetic, particle, and quantum.
Inter-System Synchronization: This postulate suggests that systems capable of influencing timing can induce synchronization in other coupled systems.
Noise and Energy Generation: The generation of energy is hypothesized to be associated with noise, potentially reflecting the influence of charge fluctuations around zero in the vacuum of the universe.
Centralized Origin: Energy, according to this view, may have originated from a central starting point.
Spatiotemporal Nature: EM energy is postulated to operate within a two-dimensional spatial framework along with the additional dimension of time.
Storage and Form: Energy is proposed to be stored either within the temporal dimension or as a particle.
Inter-Frame Conduction: This postulate suggests the absence of direct current (DC) systems capable of conducting energy between different frames in space.
Temporal Shifting: Energy, according to this view, can potentially be transferred or shifted across different points in time.
Boundless: Space possesses no discernible boundary, extending infinitely in all directions.
Space starts empty: Space is filled by a self-generating matrix of energy as it propagates into it over time, as shown by Maxwell’s fourth equation.
Space is not uniform: As can be seen by energy concentrations, the vacuum of space is has many gradients.
Centerless: Space lacks a defined central point, existing as a homogenous expanse.
Encompassing Energy: Our observations reveal that space is filled with various forms of energy, including particles, mass, and molecules. These manifest as the light we perceive, planets, solar systems, stars, and galaxies.
Impedance and Speed: Space exhibits an intrinsic property called impedance, which restricts the maximum speed at which energy can propagate through it. This may be an artifact of the energy itself.
Impedance Discontinuities: Any time there is an impedance discontinuity energy is reflected or deflected. These result in an apparent energy loss by an observer.
Universal Constant: The speed of energy in space is directly linked to two fundamental constants, ε₀ (permittivity) and μ₀ (permeability). These constants define the impedance of free space.
Magnetic Flux and Impedance: The impedance of free space also dictates the speed at which magnetic flux fields can be established within it.
Speed Variations and Inflections: The speed of energy within space can exhibit variations at specific points of inflection in its impedance. This relationship is governed by the equation c = 1/√μ₀ε₀.
Viscosity of space: The viscosity of space, a property derived from the μ0ε0 field, determines the resistance encountered by energy as it propagates. This viscosity affects how quickly energy can travel and how it responds to the spatial distribution of energy densities. Variations in space viscosity play a crucial role in shaping gravitational effects and the behavior of energy across different regions of the universe.
Warping of Space: Instead of the speed of time, it is the variations in the speed of energy that cause the “warping” of spacetime, influencing the geometric fabric of the universe.
The μ0ε0 field density is due to the energy within it: It is not a consequence of space or time.
The ε0μ0 field is dynamic: This field is “updated at the speed of “c” by the energy imparted by objects moving through it.
Open Magnetic Field: Photons, according to this view, exhibit characteristics of particles while possessing an open magnetic field, setting them apart from other known particles.
Dipole Composition: This postulate suggests that photons are composed of fundamental energy dipoles.
Dipole Overlaying: The ability of energy dipoles to overlap is proposed as a potential property.
Near-Field Energy Coupling: Photon energy transfer is hypothesized to occur primarily within the near field, potentially reflecting specific interaction dynamics.
Resonant Transfer: This postulate suggests that maximum energy transfer occurs under conditions of resonance.
Charge Displacement and Energy Transfer: Waves, according to this view, serve as vehicles for energy transfer by displacing charge at the quantum level.
Accelerating Charge and Wave Generation: Electromagnetic wave disturbances arise from the acceleration of charged particles.
Resonant and Collective Effects: This postulate suggests that electromagnetic waves result from the collective effect of numerous accelerating charges operating in phase (resonance).
Single Cycle Limitation: Except for cases involving source-load coupling (near field), the existence of a single energy cycle within a wave is proposed to be impossible.
Dimensions involved: Charge level change is transmitted in all dimensions according to polarity.
Resistive Propagation: This postulate suggests that waves propagate most efficiently within a resistive (not complex impedance) environment.
The speed of c is the speed of EM energy: Is the speed of electromagnetic energy in a wave traveling through a μ0ε0 field.
The speed of energy is variable: Maxwell showed it is dependent on the ε0μ0 field density, providing a modern twist on the old Aether concept.
The speed of energy at its fastest: Reaches a limit dependent on the highest density which is defined by Planck’s limit.
The speed of energy at its slowest: Will never be zero since any flow of energy builds the ε0μ0 field as a function of its propagation.
Gravity waves propagate at the speed of energy: Changes in energy concentrations propagate at the speed of energy.
Redshift and Entropy
Redshift and Entropy: Redshift, according to this view, may be an indicator of the universe’s entropy rather than solely reflecting its expansion.
Flow: Energy travels from hot to cold – i.e. is towards redshift.
Wavelength stretch: Acceleration of energy at observation point is a source of redshift.
Energy Loss and Speed: Dielectric losses and deflection of energy are hypothesized to influence changes in the speed of energy propagation.
Deflection and Sidebands: This postulate suggests that the deflection of energy generates sidebands.
Energy Mixing and Particle Formation: Particles, according to this view, may arise from specific combinations of energy levels resulting from the mixing of energy from two or more distinct wavelengths.
Breakdown Threshold and Particle Creation: This postulate suggests that particles are predominantly created at wavelengths exceeding the frequency at which voltage breakdown occurs in dipoles, with potential exceptions
Sidebands and Entropy: The generation of sidebands, as a consequence of energy deflection, is proposed to be linked to the concept of entropy.
Gravitational Constant and Mass: This postulate suggests that the presence of mass does not influence the value of the gravitational constant, which governs the interaction of gravity.
Mass and Falling Objects: Mass, according to this view, does not affect the rate of an object’s fall in the absence of air resistance.
Equivalent Gravity: Changes in the rate of energy flow due to gradients in the ε0μ0 field are interpreted as gravity.
Energy Speed: Changes in the speed of energy, are related to charge field density.
Dipole Spin: The energy of gravity arises from the spin of photon dipole pairs according to the equation e = hf.
Space – Energy: Gravity originates from variations in the speed of energy, not changes in time itself
Spatially Confined: Particles, in this framework, are hypothesized to appear confined within three dimensions, excluding the dimension of time.
Temporal Shifting: Energy, included in particles, can be transferred or shifted across different points in time.
Strong Nuclear Force in CA: The strong nuclear force arises from the interaction of energy gradients within quarks. The interaction strength is a function of the relative impedance of the participating quarks’ energy fields, mediated by the exchange of gluons, which are considered quantized energy carriers within the CA framework.
Weak Nuclear Force in CA: The weak nuclear force is described as a mechanism involving the conversion of one type of particle to another, influenced by energy exchanges that alter charge distributions. This force operates through the mediation of W and Z bosons, which facilitate these energy exchanges and are manifestations of localized energy differentials within the CA model.
Electromagnetic Interactions: Particles interact electromagnetically through their charge gradients, which create electric fields. These fields influence other charged particles by modulating their energy distribution, causing attraction or repulsion based on their respective charge signs.
Gravitational Interactions in QA: Gravity is understood as the result of changes in the rate of speed (acceleration) of energy due to density variations in the ε₀ (electric permittivity) and μ₀ (magnetic permeability) fields. Particles with mass affect these field densities, leading to variations in energy propagation speed and thus creating a gravitational effect.
Stability Criteria: A particle remains stable when its internal energy configuration is in equilibrium, with energy gradients balanced such that there is no net energy flow out of the particle. Stability is achieved when the impedance within the particle’s energy field maintains a constant phase relationship.
Decay Mechanisms: Particle decay occurs when there is a disruption in the internal energy balance, leading to a spontaneous reconfiguration of energy states. This reconfiguration releases energy in the form of other particles or electromagnetic radiation. The decay process follows specific pathways that minimize energy loss and align with conservation laws.
Lifetime Determinants: The lifetime of a particle is influenced by its internal energy structure and the surrounding energy field. Higher energy states or unstable configurations lead to shorter lifetimes, while stable energy distributions result in longer-lasting particles.
Quark Combination and Proton/Neutron Formation: Protons and neutrons form through the combination of up and down quarks, which bond due to the strong nuclear force mediated by gluons. The energy gradients of quarks align to create a stable composite particle with balanced internal impedance.
Meson Formation: Mesons are formed by the combination of a quark and an anti-quark. Their stability is determined by the balance of energy within the quark – anti-quark pair, influenced by the exchange of gluons.
Baryon Formation: Baryons, such as protons and neutrons, are formed from three quarks. The internal energy balance and the strong force interactions among the three quarks create a stable configuration. The specific combination of quark types (e.g., uud for protons, udd for neutrons) defines the properties of the resulting baryon.
Energy Configuration in Composite Particles: The formation of composite particles involves the alignment of energy fields such that the total impedance is minimized. This alignment creates a stable energy structure, which is maintained by the continuous exchange of energy carriers (gluons) within the particle.
Quantum Admittance relies on a framework of understood or explainable postulates based on time, energy, and space. It has been notoriously difficult to unify these three concepts in a single theory. QA is also consistent with classical physics.