Light Slowed by 10,000


In a groundbreaking experiment conducted by researchers Guangxi University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences found light was slowed down by up to 10,000 times its normal speed using an innovative technique involving the manipulation of its shape. This achievement challenges traditional notions of light propagation and offers insights into the fundamental properties of light transmission. The experiment demonstrates the feasibility of slowing down light by altering its shape, rather than its speed in a vacuum, paving the way for new applications in optics and photonics.


Light, traditionally considered the fastest phenomenon in the universe, has been subjected to an extraordinary manipulation in a recent experiment. Instead of reducing its speed in a vacuum, researchers altered its shape through a crystal, resulting in a significant decrease in its speed. This experiment challenges conventional notions of light propagation and offers a unique opportunity to explore the underlying mechanisms of light transmission.

Experiment Details

Researchers conducted the experiment by passing light through a specialized crystal that twisted its shape, effectively causing it to take a longer path through the crystal. This alteration in the light’s shape led to a remarkable slowdown, with the light traveling up to 1,000 times slower than its usual speed. The experiment was meticulously designed to control various parameters and ensure accurate measurements of the light’s velocity under different conditions.

Results and Significance

The results of the experiment demonstrate the feasibility of slowing down light by manipulating its shape, rather than altering its speed in a vacuum. This groundbreaking achievement opens up new avenues for exploring the fundamental properties of light and could have significant implications for various fields, including optics, photonics, and telecommunications. By gaining a deeper understanding of light propagation, researchers can unlock novel applications and technologies that harness the unique properties of light.


The experiment represents a significant milestone in the study of light propagation, showcasing the potential for innovative approaches to manipulating light’s behavior. As researchers continue to explore the implications of slowing down light through shape manipulation, they pave the way for exciting advancements in optical technologies and fundamental physics. This experiment highlights the ingenuity and creativity of scientists in unraveling the mysteries of light and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of photonics.