

The Stern-Gerlach experiment, conducted in 1922 by Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach, aimed to demonstrate the quantized nature of angular momentum, specifically spin, in particles. This experiment provided direct evidence of quantum mechanics, revealing that atomic particles possess intrinsic angular momentum with discrete values. By passing a beam of silver atoms through a non-uniform magnetic field, Stern and Gerlach observed that the beam split into two distinct parts, challenging the classical understanding of angular momentum and supporting the emerging quantum theory.


The Stern-Gerlach experiment was designed to investigate the behavior of atomic particles in a magnetic field, with a specific focus on testing whether angular momentum is quantized, as predicted by quantum mechanics. At the time, classical physics suggested that angular momentum could take on a continuous range of values. Stern and Gerlach sought to resolve this by passing a beam of silver atoms through an inhomogeneous magnetic field, anticipating that any quantization of angular momentum would manifest as a discrete splitting of the beam.

Experiment Details

In the experiment, a beam of neutral silver atoms was directed through a non-uniform magnetic field. According to classical physics, the magnetic moments of the atoms, which depend on their angular momentum, should result in a continuous distribution of deflections. However, if quantum mechanics were correct, the angular momentum would be quantized, and the atoms would align in specific orientations relative to the magnetic field. This would cause the beam to split into discrete components rather than forming a continuous pattern. Stern and Gerlach observed this quantized splitting, with the beam separating into two distinct spots on a detector screen.

Key components:

Silver Atom Source: Silver atoms were chosen because their single valence electron has a magnetic moment, while the rest of the atomic structure does not interfere.

Collimator: Ensured a narrow, well-defined beam of silver atoms.

Magnetic Field: A non-uniform magnetic field created by a specially designed magnet to exert differential forces on the magnetic moments of the atoms.

Detector Screen: Positioned to capture and measure the deflected atoms.

Results and Significance

The Stern-Gerlach experiment provided definitive proof of quantized angular momentum. Instead of a continuous range of deflections as predicted by classical theory, the silver atom beam split into two distinct parts, corresponding to the two possible orientations (spin-up and spin-down) of the electron’s intrinsic angular momentum. This result was a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, supporting the hypothesis that particles have discrete spin states. The experiment’s success marked a significant departure from classical physics and offered crucial evidence for the validity of quantum theory.

Empirical Evidence for Quantum Mechanics: The discrete nature of the deflections provided strong evidence for the quantum theory of angular momentum.

Introduction of Spin Concept: The experiment was pivotal in developing the concept of electron spin, a fundamental property in quantum mechanics.

Challenge to Classical Physics: Classical theories predicted a continuous distribution of deflections, not the discrete spots observed.

Follow-on Experiments

Subsequent experiments expanded on the findings of Stern and Gerlach. Advances in technology enabled more precise measurements of atomic and subatomic properties, leading to the discovery of additional quantum phenomena. The experiment also laid the foundation for the development of electron spin resonance (ESR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), both of which have become critical techniques in modern physics and medical imaging.

Stern-Gerlach Experiment with Different Elements: Similar experiments were conducted with other elements to generalize the results.

Sequential Stern-Gerlach Experiments: Experiments involving sequential Stern-Gerlach apparatuses to investigate the effects of measurement on quantum states and to confirm the principle of superposition and collapse of the wavefunction.

Magnetic Resonance Experiments: Further research into magnetic resonance, leading to the development of techniques like Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), which have vast applications in physics, chemistry, and medicine.


The Stern-Gerlach experiment was groundbreaking in its demonstration of the quantization of angular momentum. By showing that particles like electrons possess intrinsic angular momentum (spin) with discrete values, the experiment provided strong evidence for the validity of quantum mechanics. This marked a turning point in the understanding of particle behavior, directly challenging classical physics and confirming that atomic-scale phenomena cannot be explained by classical laws alone.

The experiment’s implications extend beyond the realm of basic science. By establishing the concept of quantized spin, it paved the way for key developments in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Its findings are now foundational to modern physics, influencing everything from fundamental particle theory to advanced technological applications.

Review in the Context of Charge Admittance (CA)

When revisiting the Stern-Gerlach experiment through the lens of Charge Admittance (CA), the interaction between charge and magnetic fields takes on new significance. While traditional quantum mechanics interprets the experiment as revealing the quantized nature of angular momentum, CA provides an alternative framework that focuses on the energy dynamics of charge interactions within magnetic fields.

In the CA perspective, quantum behavior is governed not only by intrinsic particle properties, such as spin, but also by the way in which charges admit or resist energy in the presence of external fields. This view expands the interpretation of the Stern-Gerlach results beyond discrete spin states, suggesting that the splitting of the atom beam is driven by charge admittance—a fundamental interaction between charge and the magnetic field. This could imply that the quantization of spin, observed in the experiment, is a consequence of deeper charge-level dynamics within the energy continuum.

A critical distinction must be made between quantum phenomena at different energy scales: those at the charge level (e.g., Planck scale effects) and those at the particle level (e.g., quantum displacements in molecules). The two regimes, though both quantum mechanical in nature, represent fundamentally different energy domains and should not be conflated.

At the charge level, interactions are governed by Planck’s constant, which defines the smallest possible unit of energy exchange in systems involving fundamental forces like electromagnetism. These interactions operate at an extreme scale where the discreteness of energy quanta becomes manifest, and their effects are profound but localized to the behavior of individual charges. In contrast, quantum displacements at the molecular level involve the collective behavior of many particles, often described by wavefunctions that represent the aggregate quantum states of entire systems rather than isolated charges.

The energy scales involved are vastly different. Planck-level phenomena operate at the limits of measurable physical quantities, influencing the fundamental structure of space-time and energy at the smallest scales. Meanwhile, molecular quantum displacements—like vibrational and rotational energy changes in molecules—occur at much larger scales and involve the interactions between multiple particles. These effects are described by quantum mechanics but are orders of magnitude removed from the charge-level interactions governed by the Planck constant.

In the context of CA, this distinction is critical. The charge-level quantum effects—driven by Planck limits and charge admittance—reflect fundamental energy exchanges that are not directly analogous to molecular quantum effects, such as those observed in particle-level systems. The Planck constant, a defining feature of quantum behavior at the charge scale, dictates how energy is absorbed and emitted by individual charges in response to fields. This stands in contrast to the molecular quantum displacements, which describe how collective particle systems behave under external forces.

Thus, the Stern-Gerlach experiment, while demonstrating particle-level quantization in the form of spin states, can also be interpreted as providing indirect evidence of charge-level quantum phenomena when viewed through CA. The experiment’s results can be understood as a reflection of how energy is admitted and reorganized within the energy continuum at the charge level. This duality in quantum phenomena—quantized behavior at both the particle and charge scales—highlights a complex relationship between energy, charge, and external fields, which CA seeks to explore more fully.

Ultimately, the CA framework suggests that the quantization seen in experiments like Stern-Gerlach is not solely a particle-level phenomenon but is deeply tied to energy admittance processes at the charge level. This distinction opens new avenues for understanding how energy propagates and interacts within different quantum regimes, challenging traditional notions that lump together fundamentally distinct quantum phenomena across disparate energy scales.