Planck’s Constant


Max Planck’s work on blackbody radiation, culminating in 1900, was instrumental in the development of quantum theory. By investigating the radiation emitted by a blackbody at various temperatures, Planck formulated a law that explained the spectral distribution of this radiation. His introduction of energy quantization, encapsulated in the formula E=hf which marked the birth of quantum mechanics and provided an empirical resolution to the ultraviolet catastrophe predicted by classical physics.


The blackbody radiation problem posed significant challenges to classical physics. By the late 19th century, experiments on blackbody radiation—the radiation emitted by an idealized object absorbing all incident electromagnetic waves—revealed that classical theory failed to account for observations, particularly at high frequencies. Max Planck sought to explain the experimental results through a new theoretical framework, ultimately introducing the concept of energy quantization. This became a cornerstone of quantum mechanics.

Origins of Planck’s Experiment

Max Planck’s experiments on blackbody radiation were initially driven by a very practical, industrial problem: improving the efficiency of incandescent light bulbs. At the time, the burgeoning electric lighting industry—pioneered by Thomas Edison and others—was keen to maximize the efficiency of lightbulbs. This required a better understanding of how different materials emitted light and heat when heated, especially in terms of producing more visible light while minimizing wasted energy, which often dissipated as infrared radiation.

Planck was tasked with investigating how to optimize the emission of light in incandescent bulbs. His commission from the industry wasn’t motivated by theoretical physics but by the practical need to reduce the amount of energy lost as heat and infrared radiation and increase the visible light output.

As Planck dove deeper into understanding how materials emit radiation at different temperatures, he was faced with the inadequacies of classical physics in explaining the distribution of energy across various wavelengths, particularly at high frequencies (short wavelengths like ultraviolet). Classical models predicted that energy would increase infinitely at shorter wavelengths, leading to what was known as the “ultraviolet catastrophe.”

While Planck’s ultimate solution to this problem became famous, his original work was far more grounded in solving a specific technological challenge: improving the efficiency of lighting systems. During his research, the full spectrum of emitted radiation, including infrared (IR) radiation, became a central focus. The presence of IR energy—already known but not well understood—highlighted the need to quantify the entire energy output of heated materials, not just the visible light they emitted.

Planck’s groundbreaking work was originally motivated by a problem in thermodynamics and electromagnetic theory known as blackbody radiation. At the end of the 19th century, physicists were grappling with the inability of classical physics to accurately describe the distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a perfect blackbody at different wavelengths. This issue became particularly pressing in light of technological developments like Edison’s incandescent light bulb, which highlighted the need to better understand the relationship between temperature and light emission. Classical theories, such as Rayleigh-Jeans law, predicted an “ultraviolet catastrophe,” where an infinite amount of energy would be emitted at short wavelengths. To address this paradox, Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized, proposing that electromagnetic radiation is emitted in discrete packets or “quanta” of energy, later termed photons. His formula for blackbody radiation marked the birth of quantum theory, providing the missing link that classical theories could not.

Experiment Details

While Planck did not perform the measurements himself, he analyzed data from experiments conducted by physicists such as Otto Lummer and Ernst Pringsheim. These experiments measured the intensity of radiation emitted by heated blackbodies across different wavelengths. Planck’s contribution was in providing a theoretical explanation for the observed radiation spectrum.

Accidental Discovery of Infrared Energy

While investigating the behavior of blackbody radiation, researchers, including Max Planck, were initially focused on understanding how energy was distributed across the visible spectrum, particularly as it related to heated bodies like incandescent light sources. At that time, classical physics suggested that the energy radiated by a blackbody would increase infinitely as wavelengths shortened, leading to the “ultraviolet catastrophe.”

However, during these experiments, researchers unexpectedly observed that the emitted radiation extended beyond the visible spectrum into a region that classical physics hadn’t predicted—infrared (IR) radiation. The presence of IR radiation was first discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1800, but it was often an overlooked part of the spectrum in subsequent studies of thermal radiation.

Planck’s work, though primarily focused on explaining the ultraviolet problem, also accounted for the IR region of the spectrum, which played an essential role in blackbody radiation. His quantized approach didn’t just explain why the energy radiated by blackbodies didn’t spike to infinity at shorter wavelengths, but it also described how energy at longer wavelengths—such as those in the infrared range—behaved. By formulating his radiation law, Planck was able to successfully model the full range of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a blackbody, showing that IR energy, far from being an anomaly, was a critical part of the energy distribution.

Interestingly, while not the direct focus, this inclusion of infrared energy was crucial for understanding the thermal properties of matter, energy conservation, and heat emission processes, such as those encountered in technologies like incandescent light bulbs. The quantization of energy provided a unified framework that accounted for both high-frequency ultraviolet and low-frequency infrared radiation, solidifying Planck’s law as a comprehensive explanation of blackbody radiation.

Key Components

Blackbody: An idealized physical body that absorbs all incident radiation and re-emits energy in a predictable spectrum.

Temperature Control: Precise heating of the blackbody allowed for radiation measurements at various temperatures.

Spectral Measurements: Instruments such as prisms and diffraction gratings were used to separate the emitted light into its component wavelengths, which were then measured to determine intensity across the spectrum.


Planck proposed that electromagnetic energy is emitted in discrete quanta, with energy E=ℎf where ℎ is Planck’s constant and F is the frequency of radiation.

Results and Significance

Planck’s analysis of the experimental data led to the formulation of Planck’s law of blackbody radiation, which accurately described the spectrum of radiation across all frequencies. The key insight was that energy is not continuous but quantized, meaning that radiation energy is emitted in discrete packets or quanta. This resolved the so-called ultraviolet catastrophe, a problem where classical physics predicted infinite radiation energy at high frequencies.

Planck’s constant ℎ, introduced as a proportionality factor between energy and frequency, became one of the fundamental constants in physics. This breakthrough provided the first theoretical support for quantum theory, marking a departure from classical continuous energy descriptions.

Follow-on Experiments

Planck’s work laid the groundwork for a series of experiments and theoretical developments:

Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect (1905): Expanded on Planck’s concept of quantized energy to explain the emission of electrons from metals, further validating quantum theory.

Bohr’s Atomic Model (1913): Applied the concept of quantized energy levels to electron orbits in atoms, revolutionizing atomic theory.

Schrödinger’s Wave Mechanics (1926): Built on the foundation of quantization to describe particles in terms of wavefunctions.


Planck’s blackbody radiation experiment was a pivotal moment in the development of modern physics, introducing the revolutionary idea of energy quantization. His law provided a theoretical framework that not only explained blackbody radiation but also laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. The results profoundly influenced the understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, shaping the future of physics and technology.