Splitting Photons to find Anti-Electrons


While the photon undergoes spontaneous disintegration trillions of times per second throughout the cosmos, there has been a notable absence of formal experimentation aimed at delineating this process and validating the elemental constituents of the photon. This phenomenon is commonly observed in the operation of antennas, wherein electromagnetic wave charge pairs are partitioned into equal energy poles for subsequent detection and analysis. The corroboration of this split is evidenced by the subsequent processing of energy through transformers, which exhibit the capacity to exclusively handle flux fields of equidistant and opposing polarities, failing otherwise and becoming saturated.


The primary objective of this experiment is to meticulously measure and delineate the individual currents associated with both electrons and their corresponding anti-charges, commonly referred to as positrons.


The experimental setup entails the utilization of both photomultipliers and anti-photomultipliers, akin to those employed in mass spectrometry apparatus, to meticulously gauge and differentiate the currents stemming from balanced electrons and anti-electron pairs. These pairs are subdivided utilizing impedance gradient detectors, enabling the isolation and characterization of the constituent particles.

Data Collection

Data acquisition involves the precise measurement and recording of the currents obtained from both the electron and anti-charge streams utilizing the designated photomultipliers and anti-photomultipliers. The collected data is meticulously cataloged and tabulated for subsequent analysis.

Data Analysis

The gathered data undergoes comprehensive analysis, wherein statistical methods and mathematical models are employed to discern patterns, correlations, and anomalies within the currents of electrons and anti-charges. Additionally, comparative analyses are conducted to ascertain any discernible differences or similarities between the two streams.

Expected Outcomes

It is anticipated that the experimental results will reveal distinct and measurable currents corresponding to both electrons and anti-charges. Furthermore, the data is expected to elucidate the characteristic properties and behaviors of these fundamental particles, shedding light on their individual dynamics and interactions.


Upon completion of the experiment and subsequent data analysis, the findings are expected to provide valuable insights into the nature and behavior of electrons and their anti-charges within the context of photon disintegration. These insights may have significant implications for our understanding of particle physics and the fundamental constituents of electromagnetic radiation.

The revelation that both charge polarities are detected when using a single photon would mark a profound advancement in our understanding of quantum mechanics. This discovery challenges conventional notions and opens new avenues for research and application in particle physics, quantum computing, and communication. It necessitates a paradigm shift in theoretical frameworks, promising groundbreaking insights into the fundamental nature of quantum phenomena and their implications for future technologies.