Measurement of Y0 Field Contours


To investigate the variations in the Y0 field contours, orientation, and polarization by measuring time discrepancies among atomic clocks placed at different positions


Select multiple atomic clocks with high precision and accuracy. Set up a controlled environment where the gravitational field, temperature, and other external factors can be minimized or controlled. Place the atomic clocks at various elevations and orientations within the controlled environment. Ensure that each clock is synchronized initially.

Data Collection

Record the time readings from each atomic clock simultaneously at regular intervals. Note the elevations and orientations of each clock relative to a reference frame

Data Analysis

Analyze the time discrepancies among the atomic clocks over time. Correlate the time differences with the elevations and orientations of the clocks. Identify any patterns or trends in the time variations with respect to changes in elevation or orientation. Compare the observed data with the predicted variations in Y0 field contours, orientation, and polarization as per CA.

Expected Outcomes

Correlation between time variations and changes in elevation or orientation, indicating the influence of Y0 field contours. Validation of CA predictions regarding the effects of gravitational fields on time measurements and Y0 field properties.


By conducting this experiment, we can gain insights into the Y0 field contours, orientation, and polarization and verify the predictions of CA. This experimental approach provides valuable evidence supporting the fundamental principles of CA and contributes to our understanding of space-time dynamics and gravitational effects.