Dual Plane Interferometry


This experiment aims to measure gravitational redshift using a fixed position setup with two arms: horizontal and vertical. By comparing signal transmission through different media along these paths, the effects of gravitational acceleration on signal propagation can be assessed, particularly focusing on the role of impedance gradients.


The experiment utilizes a fixed platform with two arms extending horizontally and vertically from a central point. Energy sources and detectors are positioned at the ends of each arm, ensuring a consistent distance between them throughout the experiment.

Energy Emission

A single signal is emitted simultaneously from the central source and split into two paths: one along the horizontal arm and the other along the vertical arm. Each path uses identical lengths. One path on each arm involves signal transmission through coaxial cable, which is expected to maintain a fixed propagation velocity due to its constant impedance. The other path involves electromagnetic wave propagation through a vacuum, which is open to the ε0 μ0 field and subject to potential gravitational effects.

Energy Transmission

At the end of each arm, the signal is converted to an electromagnetic signal and propagated back to the central point using identical coaxial cables. The return paths are equalized to ensure accurate comparison.

Energy Detection

At the center of each arm, detectors measure the received signals. To ensure precise measurements, the time taken for energy to traverse each path is referenced using interferometers.

Expected results

The “free space” signal traversing the vertical path is expected to show a frequency shift, indicating a gravitational redshift or blueshift due to changes in gravitational potential energy, as seen in the Pound-Rebka experiment. In contrast, the “free space” signal traversing the horizontal path should exhibit minimal frequency shift, as the impedance remains constant without gravitational variations. The control or reference signal traveling through the coaxial cable is anticipated to remain unchanged in both cases, regardless of gravitational influences.


By comparing the observed frequency shifts between the horizontal and vertical arms, the impact of gravitational acceleration on energy propagation can be quantified. The experiment tests the hypothesis that energy in a fixed impedance environment, such as coaxial cable, is not subject to gravitational acceleration. Any differences in frequency shift between the two paths will provide insights into the role of impedance gradients in altering energy speed, potentially proving that it is the impedance gradient, rather than gravitational acceleration, that governs the speed of energy.