

Born on June 13th sharing a birthday with James Clerk Maxwell, a fitting coincidence for someone dedicated to electricity and physics.

As a toddler, I surprised by dad and uncles by correctly wiring my own train set at age 3 1/2.

As a student, I became interested in electronics at an early age and built his own “amateur” radio station at the age of 12.

As an intern with the Metropolitan Water District, I mastered the principles of hydraulics with a foundational understanding of flow and pressure.

As a technician at the Griffith Park Observatory, I successfully diagnosed and corrected a Cal Tech gravity experiment involving a their pendulum.

As an entrepreneur, I successfully started my own company making semiconductor test equipment at the age of 22.

As an engineer, my technical insights and self-starting nature made me the driving force behind numerous successful projects.

As a pioneer, I worked with Intel on testing and bring to commercial use the first ever microprocessors.

As a product architect, I designed new a new architecture for a gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers and ion implanters.

As an antenna designer, I understands about admittance, field density, beam focusing, polarity and “Q,” the essence of photons and quantum.

As a consultant, my papers focused on real-world designs in the realm of energy dynamics, from particle accelerators to spectrometers to antennas.

As a explorer, I discovered some discontinuities in scientific understanding and dogma that have stopped new ideas for over 100 years.

As a theoretician, I discovered relationships between charge, time, energy, gravity, and space, and am now probing their limits.

As a retiree, I now take on the challenge of solving one of the most profound questions in physics.


This project stemmed from a question that has fascinated me for years. With my background in designing scientific instruments—such as mass spectrometers, ion implanters, medical cyclotrons, and advanced antennas—I often faced a conflict between practical experience and the prevailing theory that the speed of light is constant. In my work, we would “tune” the speed of energy or “focus” it to make it function as needed. We achieved this by altering the ε0 and μ0 of the medium through which the energy propagated, without considering the speed of energy as constant. Instead, we utilized Maxwell’s ideas to harness this mysterious “constant speed of “electromagnetic energy” to slow it down to work for us. To understand this intriguing discrepancy became a compelling retirement challenge:

What is Gravity?

The Journey

My journey into Quantum Admittance has been profoundly shaped by my early work with antennas, which I initially approached as transformers and filters. This fascination led me to explore signals and noise, where I became deeply influenced by Claude Shannon’s theories. These experiences provided me with an intuitive grasp of how fundamental concepts in signal processing intersect with theoretical physics, guiding me to the conclusion that gravity is fundamentally related to energy rather than mass, with acceleration understood through changes in impedance. My work represents a synthesis of these diverse insights, offering a fresh perspective on gravitational acceleration.

The journey began with the concept of Quantum Admittance (QA), where I explored the idea of charge as the fundamental quantum of energy. This understanding naturally evolved into the broader concept of the Energy Continuum (EC), reshaping my view of energy, space, and time as emergent properties of energy itself. This ongoing exploration prioritizes discovery over immediate conclusions, as we delve into the foundational aspects of reality and the implications of the EC framework.

I approach this exploration like venturing deep into an uncharted cave, seeking a rare and elusive “Unobtainium”—a metaphor for the unseen and perhaps unimaginable truths about our universe. In this realm, disconnected from familiar surface assumptions, the goal is not immediate validation but the relentless pursuit of understanding. While the broader world may not fully grasp or appreciate our discoveries, the journey persists. The focus remains on following the thread of discovery, unrestrained by existing beliefs or the need for recognition. This evolving landscape, where the Energy Continuum may extend beyond Quantum Admittance, holds the promise of new, unified approaches to Gravity and understanding the universe.


In addition to sharing the same birthdate as James Clerk Maxwell, my journey has been marked by a series of meaningful coincidences. The fervor for this project began in 2016, the same year that Alan Oppenheim passed away. His work on Lumpy Space presents an intriguing parallel to my deep engagement with signal theory.

My first sailboat was named ‘Serendipity,’ followed by ‘Tachyon,’ which captured the opportunity to explore elusive, unseen forces. My third boat, ‘Free Space,’ symbolizes my exploration of uncharted realms. These names and their symbolic meanings resonate with my fascination for the fundamental principles of quantum theory and gravity, reinforcing a sense of destiny and connection to this work. It feels as though this path has been my calling from the start.


The less substance a lie has the faster it travels. Truth is light.