Charge Admittance for Beginners


Charge Admittance (CA) posits that energy, manifesting through the interactions of fundamental charges, drives gravitational and electromagnetic phenomena. In this framework, space is a dynamic energy lattice composed of interacting electric charges, spontaneously arising as dipoles from vacuum fluctuations. Over time, these interactions create gradients and structures, concentrating energy in regions such as galactic cores. These regions manifest as dense formations, often organizing into disk-like shapes with central bulges.

CA redefines cosmic forces by emphasizing energy flows as the foundation for gravitational fields and time itself. Within this model, gravity emerges as a phenomenon of energy dynamics rather than spacetime curvature.

Energy: Charge Interactions and the Foundation of Electromagnetic Waves

“Let there be light”

In Charge Admittance, energy originates from the interactions of electric charges within the universal lattice. Photons represent ripples in this energy lattice, propagating as disturbances caused by charge differences. This process occurs within a “viscous” medium governed by permittivity (ε0) and permeability (μ0) which regulate the formation and movement of electric and magnetic fields.

Unlike traditional physics, where these constants are fixed, CA considers (ε0) and permeability (μ0) to be variable, dependent on the local energy density and dynamics of the lattice. This variability implies that:

The speed of light c = 1/√μ0ε0​ is not a universal constant but fluctuates with changes in the energy lattice.

Electromagnetic waves adapt their propagation characteristics based on the surrounding energy environment.

CA’s approach offers a dynamic understanding of light and energy interactions within the universe.

Permittivity and Permeability: The Viscosity of Space

“Let separate light from darkness”

Permittivity (ε0​) and permeability (μ0​) are the parameters defining the “viscosity” of space in the CA model. These constants are not static but respond to variations in energy density and distribution within the lattice.

Permittivity (ε0​): Governs how easily electric fields form and propagate.

Permeability (μ0​): Determines how magnetic fields respond and interact.

This dynamic viscosity of space shapes how energy flows through the lattice, influencing electromagnetic and gravitational behavior alike.

Time: A Flow of Energy

“Let there be wind”

“Just as winds on Earth redistribute heat across the planet, magnetic flux acts as the cosmic winds that redistribute charge throughout the universe. These magnetic flux lines serve as conduits, channeling the flow of charge and energy, shaping cosmic structures, and maintaining equilibrium on a universal scale.”

In the Charge Admittance (CA) framework, time is not a dimension that bends or stretches, as suggested by General Relativity. Instead, time is a fixed and absolute measure of energy flow—a universal constant.

A Dynamic Process: Time reflects the sequence of energy interactions within the lattice, providing a stable backdrop against which all events unfold.

Energy-Driven Nature: The passage of time is intrinsically tied to the movement and interaction of energy across the lattice.

By redefining time as an absolute parameter linked to energy flow, CA simplifies temporal dynamics, shifting the focus away from relativistic distortions and onto the energy interactions that drive the evolution of the universe.

Space: An Energy Lattice

“Let there be heaven and earth”

In CA, space arises from the interactions of energy within the lattice, rather than existing as a separate, pre-defined entity. The lattice behaves like a fluid with properties determined by local energy density and structure:

Charge as Structural Elements: Charges form the backbone of the lattice, creating a grid-like framework through which energy flows as waves.

Energy-Dependent Space: The properties of space, such as its viscosity, emerge from the lattice’s dynamics and interactions.

This reimagining of space unifies its structure and behavior with the energy that defines it, diverging from traditional models where space is a passive stage for physical phenomena.

Gravity: Changes In The Rate of Energy Flow

“Let the waters be gathered together, then there were tides”

Gravity, in the CA framework, is an emergent phenomenon resulting from energy flow within the lattice. As energy propagates, it creates gradients in permittivity (ε0​​) and permeability (μ0​), which influence the lattice’s dynamics:

Gravitational Effects: Variations in the lattice’s “viscosity” create gradients that manifest as gravitational acceleration or deceleration.

Energy-Driven Forces: Gravity emerges naturally from differences in energy flow through the lattice, rather than being a fundamental force acting at a distance.

This reinterpretation ties gravity to energy and the structure of space itself, offering a new perspective on its origins and effects.

Quantum Nature and Planck’s Constant

“The Surface Tension of the Lattice”

Planck’s constant (h) represents the “surface tension” of the energy lattice in CA. It sets the smallest allowable unit of energy interaction, reflecting the lattice’s inherent resistance to change. This quantization naturally arises from the lattice’s structure:

Discrete Energy Steps: The value of h defines the smallest possible change in energy, aligning with observations of quantized phenomena in quantum mechanics.

Emergent Quantum Behavior: By treating h as a property of the lattice, CA integrates quantum mechanics into its framework, tying energy quantization to the dynamics of the universal lattice.

This reinterpretation ties gravity to energy and the structure of space itself, offering a new perspective on its origins and effects.