

Born on June 13th sharing a birthday with James Clerk Maxwell, a fitting coincidence for someone dedicated to electricity and physics.

As a student, I became interested in electronics at an early age and built his own “amateur” radio station at the age of 12.

As an intern with the Metropolitan Water District, I mastered the principles of hydraulics with a foundational understanding of flow and pressure.

As a technician at the Griffith Park Observatory, I successfully diagnosed and corrected a Cal Tech gravity experiment involving a their pendulum.

As an engineer, my technical insights and self-starting nature made me the driving force behind numerous successful projects.

As an antenna designer, I understands about admittance, field density, beam focusing, polarity and “Q,” the essence of photons and quantum.

As a consultant, my papers focused on real-world designs in the realm of energy dynamics, from particle accelerators to spectrometers to antennas.

As an explorer, I discovered relationships between charge, time, energy, gravity, and space, and is now probing their limits.

As a retiree, I now take on the challenge of solving one of the most profound questions in physics.


This project stemmed from a question that has fascinated me for years. With my background in designing scientific instruments—such as mass spectrometers, ion implanters, medical cyclotrons, and advanced antennas—I often faced a conflict between practical experience and the prevailing theory that the speed of light is constant. In my work, we would “tune” the speed of energy or “focus” it to make it function as needed. We achieved this by altering the ε0 and μ0 of the medium through which the energy propagated, without considering the speed of energy as constant. Instead, we utilized Maxwell’s ideas to harness this mysterious “constant speed of “electromagnetic energy” to slow it down to work for us. To understand this intriguing discrepancy became a compelling retirement challenge:

What is Gravity?

The Journey

The journey began with the concept of Quantum Admittance (QA), where the idea that charge might be the first representation of a quantum of energy was explored. As this understanding deepened, it naturally evolved into the broader and more encompassing concept of the Energy Continuum (EC). This shift has led to a new perspective on energy, space, and time, viewing them as emergent properties of energy itself. In this exploration, the focus remains on discovery rather than immediate conclusions, as we continue to delve into the foundations of reality and the vast implications of the EC framework.

I approach this exploration like venturing deep into an uncharted cave, searching for a rare and mysterious vein of “Unobtainium”—a metaphor for the unseen and perhaps unimaginable truths about our universe. In this space, disconnected from the familiar assumptions of the surface world, the goal is not immediate validation but the relentless pursuit of understanding.

No one at the surface may fully comprehend or appreciate what we uncover here, but that does not deter the journey. The focus remains on following the thread of discovery, wherever it may lead, without being constrained by existing beliefs or the need for recognition. This is an evolving landscape, where the Energy Continuum may transcend Quantum Admittance, and where the relationships between energy, time, and space may reveal new, unified approaches to Gravity and understanding the universe.

Magna Trilogia represents the natural evolution of Quantum Admittance, expanding our understanding of the universe through a unified framework. By integrating the concepts of Quantum Admittance, Energy Continuum, and Gravity, this reframe of relativity offers fresh perspectives on the fundamental forces that shape our reality, guiding us toward deeper insights and groundbreaking discoveries.


The less substance a lie has the faster it travels. Truth is light.