CA Concept


The Charge Admittance (CA) theory presents a novel framework for understanding the fundamental forces and properties of the universe. Building upon established principles, CA redefines our comprehension of Time, Energy, Gravity, and Space, offering a unified perspective that seeks to explain the behavior and interactions of particles, photons, and large-scale cosmic structures. Central to this framework is the understanding that the impedance and viscosity of space, dictated by the permittivity (ε0​) and permeability (μ0​) of free space, are crucial in understanding the propagation of energy and, most notably, the emergence of gravitational effects. This overview serves as an introduction to the foundational concepts of CA, with a particular focus on how it provides a deeper understanding of gravity, setting the stage for further exploration into related sub-concepts,


Charge Admittance (CA) presents a groundbreaking approach to physics, proposing that the universe operates under a coherent set of principles rooted in charge dynamics, space impedance, and energy propagation. CA posits that space emerges from energy interactions within the ε0μ0 field, leading to a new understanding of gravitational phenomena and particle formation. By examining the interrelationships between Time, Energy, Gravity, and Space, CA provides a comprehensive model that challenges traditional notions and offers predictive power for future scientific inquiries. This section outlines the core tenets of CA, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize our understanding of gravity and the physical world.



The development of Charge Admittance theory is rooted in the groundbreaking work of key figures in the history of physics, whose collective insights have shaped our understanding of energy, matter, and the universe.

Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation, formulated in the late 17th century, provided the first comprehensive framework for understanding the behavior of objects under the influence of gravity. Newton’s concept of gravity as an attractive force between masses laid the groundwork for centuries of scientific inquiry, even though he lacked knowledge of electromagnetic (EM) energy. His work established a deterministic view of the universe, where time and space were absolute entities.

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806): Coulomb’s law, formulated in the late 18th century, established a quantitative framework for understanding electrostatic forces, laying the groundwork for the study of electric fields and forces.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867): Faraday’s experiments led to the formulation of Faraday’s Laws of Induction, describing how changing magnetic fields induce electric currents. His work on electromagnetic fields and induction contributed to the concept of the electromagnetic field and influenced Maxwell’s equations.

Joseph Henry (1797-1878): Henry’s research on self-induction and mutual induction established foundational principles for electromagnetism. His discoveries about the generation of electromagnetic fields and induced currents were crucial for the development of electromagnetic theory.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879): Maxwell’s equations unified electricity and magnetism, demonstrating that light is an electromagnetic wave. His work introduced the concept of the electromagnetic field and laid the groundwork for understanding energy propagation.

Heaviside (1850-1925): Heaviside refined Maxwell’s equations, simplifying their mathematical formulation and contributing to our understanding of energy propagation and impedance.

Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928): Lorentz’s force law described the force on a point charge moving in an electric and magnetic field. His Lorentz transformations, integral to special relativity, provided a mathematical framework for understanding electromagnetic field interactions with matter.

J.J. Thomson (1856-1940): Thomson’s discovery of the electron in 1897 provided crucial insights into the nature of electric charge and the structure of atoms, contributing to the development of quantum theory.

Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894): Hertz’s experiments validated Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic waves, demonstrating their propagation and behavior. His work laid the groundwork for modern radio technology and wireless communication.

Max Planck (1858-1947): Planck’s introduction of quantum theory and the concept of quantized energy levels provided the foundation for understanding energy at the atomic level.

These historical figures, each making significant contributions to their respective fields, collectively paved the way for the development of Charge Admittance. Their insights into electromagnetism, relativity, and quantum mechanics provided the essential building blocks for a novel understanding of energy, matter, and the universe.

State of the Art

Current Understanding of Gravity and Spacetime

The contemporary understanding of gravity is primarily shaped by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, which has been the cornerstone of gravitational physics for over a century. General Relativity describes gravity not as a force but as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. This framework has successfully explained a wide range of phenomena, from the bending of light around massive objects to the expansion of the universe.  

However, despite its successes, General Relativity has certain limitations and unresolved issues:

Incompatibility with Quantum Mechanics: General Relativity does not seamlessly integrate with quantum mechanics, leading to difficulties in describing gravity at extremely small scales, such as within black holes or during the early moments of the universe.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The theory requires the existence of dark matter and dark energy to explain cosmic phenomena such as galaxy rotation curves and the accelerated expansion of the universe. Yet, these entities remain undetected and poorly understood, raising questions about the completeness of the theory.

Singularities: General Relativity predicts the existence of singularities—points in space where density becomes infinite, such as the centers of black holes. These singularities represent breakdowns in the theory, where the laws of physics as we know them cease to apply.  

Alternative Theories of Gravity

Given these challenges, several alternative theories of gravity have been proposed:

Higgs Field Theory: While not directly addressing the quantum nature of gravity, the Higgs Field theory explains how particles acquire mass.

String Theory: A candidate for a Theory of Everything, string theory proposes that fundamental particles are one-dimensional strings, attempting to unify all fundamental forces.

Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG): LQG seeks to quantize space-time itself, offering a potential path to integrating gravity with quantum mechanics.

Mach’s Principle and Mach’s Gravity: This theory posits that inertia and gravity arise from interactions with the rest of the universe.

Teleparallel Gravity: An alternative formulation that replaces spacetime curvature with torsion.

Variable Speed of Light (VSL) Gravity: Proposes that the speed of light may have varied over the universe’s history.

Entropic Gravity and Emergent Gravity: These theories suggest that gravity is an emergent phenomenon arising from fundamental microscopic processes or information distribution.

Bimetric Gravity: Extends General Relativity with a second metric tensor to describe gravitational interactions.

While these alternative theories offer new perspectives, they currently lack empirical proofs to decisively challenge or replace General Relativity.


Charge Admittance (CA) presents a novel framework for understanding gravity, challenging existing theories by emphasizing energy as the fundamental force. CA introduces the energy lattice as a key factor shaping gravity and proposes that the speed of light is not constant but influenced by the density of this lattice. This perspective views gravity as an emergent property of energy flow, offering a fresh understanding and potential solutions to longstanding challenges in gravitational physics.


Mathematical Consistency:

Rigorous Framework: CA theory must be mathematically rigorous and integrate smoothly with existing quantum mechanical and relativistic frameworks.

Quantization and Field Theory: The mathematical treatment of quantum dipoles, energy disturbances, and their interactions within the ε₀μ₀ field should be precise, aligning with quantum field theory and statistical mechanics.

Experimental Verification:

Quantum Measurement: Predictions related to quantum phenomena must be testable through experiments, including observations of quantum entanglement, particle acceleration, and quantum tunneling.

Verification Protocols: Experiments should be designed to measure the signatures of quantum disturbances and their interactions with the ε₀μ₀ field, as well as verify the effects of quantum gravity and energy variability on particle behavior.

Unification of Concepts:

Integration of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity: CA theory should unify quantum mechanics with classical and relativistic physics, reconciling quantum effects with gravitational phenomena, energy dynamics, and space-time structure.

Unified Framework: The theory should offer a comprehensive framework that seamlessly integrates time, energy, gravity, and space at the quantum level, explaining their interdependencies and interactions.

Predictive Power:

Novel Predictions: CA theory should generate novel predictions regarding quantum phenomena, such as the behavior of particles in varying energy fields, quantum transitions, and gravitational effects at the quantum scale.

Experimental Design: The theory’s predictive capability should guide the design of experiments and observations to reveal new aspects of quantum behavior or confirm theoretical predictions.

Alignment with Historical Insights:

Extension of Established Theories: CA theory should build upon and extend the foundational insights provided by historical figures like Planck, Einstein, and Maxwell.

Theoretical Continuity: The theory must maintain continuity with established principles of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and relativity.


Dynamic Universe Model: CA should posit a dynamic universe with continuous energy propagation, not a singular event-based model.

Consistency Across Scales: The principles of CA theory should apply consistently across different scales, from subatomic particles to cosmological structures.

These requirements provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the validity and potential of the Charge Admittance theory. They ensure mathematical rigor, experimental testability, conceptual unification, predictive power, and alignment with historical insights.


Charge Admittance (CA) is founded on the following postulates:

Fundamental Charge Quantum: Charge represents the fundamental energy differential required to activate physical processes.

Dynamic μ₀ε₀ Field: The μ0​ε0 field is dynamic, influenced by energy disturbances and shaping the fabric of space.

Energy Disturbance and Propagation: Energy disturbances emerge from background noise and propagate through the μ0​ε0 field, shaping quantum interactions and phenomena.

Charge Dipoles: Quantum dipoles, formed by charge differentials, are the fundamental units of energy and matter.

Energy Viscosity and Field Dynamics: The viscosity of space, derived from the μ0​ε0 field, affects energy propagation and shapes gravitational effects.

Gravity and Energy Variability: Gravitational effects arise from variations in energy propagation speed within the μ0​ε0 field.

Gravity and Energy Time and Energy Perception: Time is constant, but its perception is influenced by variations in energy propagation speed.

Unification of Physical Laws: CA aims to unify classical and quantum physics, providing a comprehensive understanding of the universe.

Law of Quantum Invariance: Fundamental quantum laws remain constant for all observers, regardless of their reference frame.

These postulates provide a foundation for exploring the applications of CA theory and its implications for understanding the universe.



Time as a Measurement and Sequence

Record of Action: Time is a record of universal mechanisms, measured in equal intervals from the Planck Quantum energy to light years.

Causality and Event Flow: Time is the measure of causality and event flow, not the result of it.

Sequence of Events: Time is defined by the sequence of events that occur as energy propagates through the continuum, similar to how wave propagation defines time in electromagnetic theory.

Time and Energy Flow

Energy Gradients and Time: Energy gradients require time to transition into work, regulating the order and pace of these transitions.

Time as a Medium for Action: Time is essential for energy to perform work, serving as the medium for action. Without time, energy gradients would remain static.

Relating to Classical Concepts of Time

Reinterpreting Time Dilation: While General Relativity (GR) relates time to mass-energy distributions and gravitational fields, the EC model associates time with energy density and flow.

Time as the Rate of Energy Propagation: Time can be viewed as the rate at which energy propagates and interacts, providing a new perspective on time dilation and related phenomena.

Challenging Traditional Notions: CA challenges traditional relativistic notions of time, advocating for a deeper integration of time as a dimension intertwined with space and energy.

Time as a Constant in Charge Admittance

Invariant Nature: In CA, time is a constant, not a variable subject to distortion by mass or gravity.

Measurement Framework: Time serves as a standardized unit of measurement, ensuring consistent observation and analysis of energy phenomena.

Relationship to Electromagnetic Impedance: Time is closely linked to electromagnetic impedance, influencing the characteristics of energy, including spins, polarity, force, and mass.

Time as a Mirrored Plane

Past and Future Coexistence: CA conceptualizes time as a mirrored plane where the past and future coexist.

Reversal of Attributes: This reflection reveals a reversal of physical attributes, such as spins, polarity, force, and mass

Energy Exchange: This perspective illustrates the ongoing exchange of energy between past and future states, shaping the universe’s evolutionary trajectory..



Charge is a fundamental property: It underpins interactions between particles and fields.

Coulomb’s Law: In classical physics, charge is defined by its ability to experience a force in an electromagnetic field, governed by Coulomb’s law.

Dynamic Property: Charge is not just a scalar quantity but a dynamic property that interacts with energy-time and influences energy propagation.

Emergence from Background Noise

Noise as Fluctuations: Noise represents intrinsic fluctuations in energy fields and charge distributions, arising from the dynamic nature of space.

Charge Fluctuations: Noise manifests as fluctuations in charge, governed by uncertainty principles.

Source of Information: Noise can provide insights into quantum fields, revealing hidden processes and interactions.

Complexity and Interpretation: Noise introduces complexity into quantum behavior, necessitating careful consideration in theoretical models and experimental interpretations.

Charge and Energy Propagation

Energy Disturbances: Charge disturbances, created by interactions or fluctuations, propagate through the μ0​ε0 field, influencing energy density and electromagnetic fields.

Local Energy Landscape: These disturbances alter the local energy landscape, leading to observable effects like electromagnetic waves and gravitational interactions.

Charge Dynamics in Charge Admittance

Quantum Dipoles: Charge dynamics in CA are described by the interactions of quantum dipoles with the μ0​ε0 field.

Energy Propagation and Matter Formation: The behavior of these dipoles determines energy propagation, matter formation, and quantum phenomena.

Beyond Classical Electromagnetism: CA extends beyond classical electromagnetism, incorporating quantum effects for a unified description of charge and energy interactions.

Noise, Charge, and the Energy Continuum

Noise as a Catalyst: Noise, representing fluctuations in charge and energy, plays a crucial role in the emergence of charges and the subsequent propagation of energy within the Energy Continuum.

Charge Fluctuations and Quantum Phenomena: The interplay between noise and charge fluctuations gives rise to quantum phenomena, demonstrating the dynamic nature of energy and its interactions within the continuum.

Viscosity and Surface Tension: The viscosity and surface tension of the Energy Continuum, defined by ​ε0 and μ0, influence the movement and interactions of charges and energy disturbances, shaping the overall dynamics of the system.

This subsection provides a comprehensive overview of charge, noise, and their relationship within the Charge Admittance framework. It highlights the role of charge as a fundamental quantum unit, the significance of noise in the emergence of charges, and the interplay between charge dynamics, energy propagation, and the properties of the Energy Continuum.


Photon Dipoles and Energy Continuum Alignment

Matrix of Dipoles: The Energy Continuum can be visualized as a matrix of aligned photon dipoles.

Fundamental Units of Energy: The fundamental units of energy transfer are defined by ​ε0 and μ0.

Observable Phenomena: Changes in dipole alignment result in observable phenomena like electromagnetic waves.

Fundamental Nature of Photons

Energy Dipoles: Photons are not just elementary particles but dynamic manifestations of charge differentials.

Charge Pairs: Photons emerge as pairs of charge and anti-charge, propagating as electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic Interactions: Photons embody the fundamental interaction between electric and magnetic fields, encapsulating energy transfer across space.

Photon as an Energy Dipole

Dynamic Interaction: Photons are conceptualized as energy dipoles, consisting of a charge and its anti-charge moving in synchrony.

Wave Formation: This dynamic interaction generates a trailing electromagnetic wave, not a simple oscillation.

Wave Characteristics: The frequency and amplitude of the wave are determined by the dipole’s properties and the admittance of space.

Photon Propagation and Space Admittance

Admittance and Propagation: The propagation of photons is intimately connected to the admittance of space, defined by ε₀ and μ₀.

Speed of Light: Variations in admittance can alter the speed of light and the behavior of photons, challenging the notion of a constant speed.

Photons and Energy Quantization

Discrete Nature: Photons are quantized due to the discrete nature of charge dipole interactions.

Energy Determination: The energy of a photon is determined by the spin speed and the slope of the sine wave it creates.

Revised Understanding of Energy Quantization: This provides a deeper explanation for energy quantization, linking it to photon behavior.

Photon Generation and Electromagnetic Radiation

Discrete Transitions: Photon generation occurs through discrete transitions of energy levels in charge dipoles.

No Sidebands: Unlike classical theory, CA posits photon generation without sidebands.

Implications for Electromagnetic Radiation: This redefinition of photon generation has implications for understanding electromagnetic radiation.

Mathematical Insights into Photon Dynamics

Energy Calculation: The energy of a photon can be reinterpreted as a function of the charge dipole interaction and space admittance.

Revised Understanding of Energy Transmission: This offers a new understanding of how energy is transmitted across space and how photons interact with their environment.

Photons and the Dynamic Vacuum

Vacuum as a Medium: The vacuum of space is not empty but a dynamic medium that accepts photons.

Influence on Photons: The properties of the vacuum influence the creation, propagation, and annihilation of photons.

Dynamic Nature of Space: This perspective aligns with the idea of the vacuum as a sea of energy fluctuations

Photon Behavior Across Scales

Consistency Across Scales: The principles governing photon behavior apply consistently across different scales, from subatomic to cosmological levels.

Unified Approach: This scalability provides a unified approach to understanding photons across the spectrum of physical reality.

This comprehensive analysis of charge dipoles and photons within the Charge Admittance framework highlights their role in energy propagation, quantum phenomena, and the structure of the universe. It offers a new perspective on the fundamental nature of light and its interactions, challenging traditional notions and opening avenues for further exploration.


Energy as a Fundamental Force

Energy as the Foundation: Energy is the primary force shaping the universe, underlying all physical phenomena.

Charge and Dipoles: Energy is rooted in charge differentials and dipoles, particularly as manifested in photons.

Dynamic Nature: Energy is not a static property but a dynamic entity that flows and transforms within the μ0​ε0 field.

Interconnection of Time, Energy, Gravity, and Space

Unified Perspective: CA challenges the traditional separation of these concepts, viewing them as interconnected manifestations of energy dynamics within the μ0​ε0 field.

Energy’s Influence: Energy influences and is influenced by the fabric of space-time, shaping its structure and behavior.

Variable Speed of Energy

Challenging Conventional Wisdom: The CA framework challenges the idea of a constant speed of light, proposing that it’s influenced by the energy density of the vacuum.

Dynamic Medium: This suggests that the vacuum is not static but a dynamic medium with fluctuating properties.

Implications for Quantum Behaviors and Gravity: This variability is central to both quantum behaviors and gravitational effects.

Energy as a Wave

Photon Dipoles: Photons are manifestations of energy dipoles, representing discrete units of energy.

Wave-like Propagation: Energy propagates as waves through the μ0​ε0 field, shaping the structure and behavior of the universe.

Interconnection with Space-Time: Energy’s wave-like nature is intertwined with the fabric of space-time, defining its properties and interactions.

Energy and Time

Dynamic Relationship: Energy and time are interconnected and mutually influence each other.

Emergence of Space: Space-time may be an emergent property of energy dynamics within the μ0​ε0 field.

Gravitational Effects: Variations in energy density within the μ0​ε0 field give rise to gravitational effects.

The Energy Lattice

The Energy Lattice

Lattice Structure: The energy lattice, a core concept in Charge Admittance, is the underlying structure through which energy flows and fields are generated.

Interconnection of Fields: Fields are interconnected components of the energy lattice, forming a dynamic network that shapes the properties of space-time.

Lattice Dynamics: The lattice’s properties, including its density, viscosity, and curvature, influence the behavior of fields and the propagation of energy within the Time-Energy Continuum.

Field Dynamics

Viscosity and Surface Tension: Fields exhibit varying levels of viscosity and surface tension, which influence energy flow and interactions.

Shape and Polarities: Fields have complex shapes, influenced by dipole structures and energy distribution. They exhibit two fundamental polarities related to electric and magnetic components.

Spin and Twist: Fields exhibit rotational characteristics or “spin,” which affects energy transfer and stability.

Size and Age: Fields expand as they propagate, with age influencing their characteristics.

Photon Interaction with Fields

Surface Tension and Admittance: Photons interact with fields, influenced by surface tension and the field’s admittance (properties related to ​ε0 and μ0)

Frequency and Phase Dependence: The admittance of photons into the field varies with their frequency and phase, leading to distinct behaviors in different field conditions.

Wave-Particle Duality: Photon interactions can contribute to phenomena like the dual-slit experiment’s interference patterns.



CA Gravity: A Novel Approach

Charge Admittance (CA) introduces a groundbreaking framework for understanding gravity, addressing limitations in existing theories. This framework proposes:

Gravity as an Emergent Property of Energy Flow: Gravity is not a fundamental force but arises from the dynamics of energy propagation within the energy lattice.

The Energy Lattice: The energy lattice, defined by permittivity and permeability, shapes gravity and the structure of space-time.

Variable Speed of Light: The speed of light is not constant but influenced by the energy density within the lattice.

Key Differences from Existing Theories

Focus on Energy: CA emphasizes energy as the fundamental force, unlike mass-centric theories.

Emergent Gravity: CA views gravity as an emergent property, not a fundamental force.

Role of the Energy Lattice: CA introduces the energy lattice as a key factor in shaping gravity and the structure of space-time.

Gravitational Implications

Gravitational Effects: Gravitational effects arise from variations in energy propagation speed within the μ0​ε0 field.

Photon Attraction: As energy accumulates and interacts, it produces gravitational effects observed as photon field density changes.

Challenging Traditional Gravity Models: CA offers a novel perspective on gravity, challenging traditional models and potentially providing a path to unify classical and quantum physics.

Historical Foundations and Unification

Building on Existing Theories: CA builds upon the insights of Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Lorentz, and Planck.

Unified Perspective: CA offers a comprehensive framework that integrates classical, relativistic, and quantum insights

New Avenues for Exploration: This unified perspective opens new avenues for understanding the fundamental nature of reality

The Energy Lattice and Gravity

Lattice as the Foundation: The energy lattice, formed by energy interactions, is the foundation upon which space and gravity emerge

Space as an Emergent Property: Space itself is an emergent property of the energy lattice, shaped by its structure and dynamics

Gravity from Energy Dynamics: Gravitational effects arise from the way energy propagates and interacts within the lattice, challenging the traditional view of gravity as a force acting at a distance.


Space as an Emergent Property of the Energy Lattice

Within the Charge Admittance framework, space is not a pre-existing entity but an emergent property of the energy lattice. The lattice, formed by the interactions of energy and charge within the μ0​ε0 field, defines the structure and dynamics of space.

Lattice as the Foundation: The energy lattice is the fundamental building block of the universe, providing the framework for energy propagation, interactions, and the emergence of space.

Space as an Emergent Phenomenon: Space arises from the complex interplay of energy within the lattice, reflecting its structure and dynamics.

Lattice Properties and Space: The properties of the lattice, such as its density, viscosity, and curvature, shape the characteristics of space, influencing its geometry and the behavior of objects within it.

Energy Dynamics and Space: The distribution and flow of energy within the lattice determine the properties and structure of space, making it a dynamic and responsive entity


Waves as Energy Disturbances

Photon Disturbances: Photons, as energy dipoles, create disturbances that propagate as waves through the energy lattice.

Wave Propagation: The propagation of waves is governed by the properties of the lattice, including its impedance and the dynamics of energy flow.

The Role of the μ0​ε0 Lattice

Foundational Medium: The μ0​ε0 lattice is the fundamental medium through which electromagnetic waves propagate.

Energy Transmission: The lattice’s properties determine how energy is transmitted and stored within electromagnetic fields.

Impedance and Wave Behavior: Variations in impedance can distort the electromagnetic field, impacting wave behavior and energy transmission.

The Z02 Constant and Wave Propagation

The Z02 constant, representing the ratio of permeability (μ0​) to permittivity (​ε0), plays a crucial role in the propagation of waves within the Charge Admittance framework. It ensures the maintenance of the 90-degree phase shift between the electric and magnetic fields of a wave, which is essential for efficient and undistorted propagation.

Impedance Matching: Z02 acts as an impedance matching constant, ensuring that the energy of a wave is efficiently transmitted without loss or reflection.

Wave Integrity: Maintaining the Z02 constant preserves the integrity of the wave, preventing energy radiation and ensuring its propagation through the energy lattice.

Speed of Light: While the speed of light (c) can vary under certain conditions, the Z02 constant remains constant, ensuring that the fundamental relationship between electric and magnetic fields is maintained.

The Role of Z02 in the Energy Lattice

Lattice Dynamics: Z02 influences the dynamics of the energy lattice, shaping its properties and affecting the behavior of waves propagating through it.

Energy Transmission: The constant value of Z02 ensures efficient energy transmission within the lattice, minimizing energy loss and distortion.

Quantum Phenomena: Z02 may also play a role in understanding quantum phenomena, as it relates to the fundamental properties of the energy lattice and its interactions with particles.


Energy Viscosity

The Constant ϕ Definition and Role

In this framework, we introduce a new constant, ϕ, which represents the the ratio of ε00 that sets the “viscosity of space.” Traditionally, the speed of light (c) has been treated as a constant, determined by the fixed ε0​ and μ0​. However, if we consider c to vary with changing ε0​ or μ0​, the speed of energy becomes an evolving parameter.

We can reformulate the speed of energy propagation using the constant ϕ, which embodies the physical essence of Z0​ but in the context of evolving spatial properties:

c2 = ϕ/ε02

Here, ϕ=Z02, with Z02​ representing the specific numerical value derived from the impedance of space.

ϕ = Z02 = when Z0 = 377 ohms.

Thus, for clarity, we define:


This constant serves as the viscosity constant for the energy lattice, dictating how energy moves through space and allowing the speed of light cc to evolve with changing conditions of μ0​ and ε0​ while maintaining the essential properties of wave propagation.

This reformulation links mass and energy to the evolving nature of space through its viscosity while retaining the numerical significance of Z02within ϕ. Consequently, ϕ acts as both a theoretical and numerical foundation for understanding energy propagation in space.

Notably, ϕ is the ratio of μ00​ required to maintain a constant impedance Z0≈377 Ω, ensuring wave quadrature at any speed of energy.

Viscosity as a Regulating Mechanism

ηv​ ∝ Δc​/c

Where Δc represents the local variation in the speed of light due to changes in viscosity. Higher energy density regions increase viscosity, altering μ0​ and ε0​, leading to corresponding changes in the speed of light.

The Speed of Light: A Dynamic, Ratio-Dependent Constant

In this new framework, the speed of light (c) is no longer a fixed constant but is dependent on the absolute values of μ0​ and ε0 in a given region of space. While the ratio Z0 = √(μ00) remains constant to ensure stable wave propagation, local variations in the permittivity and permeability directly influence the speed of energy propagation.

This means that changes in the spatial structure—manifested as changes in μ0​ and ε0​—lead to variations in the speed of light, providing a possible explanation for gravitational effects and phenomena like redshift or the behavior of light in strong gravitational fields.


Gravitational Acceleration: Two Complementary Perspectives

In QA theory, gravity arises from small variations in the speed of energy (c) as it propagates through space. These variations are influenced by the impedance and viscosity of space, both of which are determined by the electromagnetic properties of the vacuum, represented by μ0​ and ​ε0​.

Rate of Change Perspective: Gravitational acceleration can be described by the rate of change in the speed of energy with respect to distance, encapsulated by the Quantum Admittance Gravitational Acceleration Vector:

Gv​ = – dc/ dx


Gv represents the rate of gravitational acceleration,

dc represents the change in speed of energy,

dx represents the change in distance.

This equation emphasizes how gravitational acceleration emerges from the spatial gradient of energy speed, showing a dynamic interaction over distance.

Instantaneous Difference Perspective: As a complementary view, gravitational acceleration can also be understood through the instantaneous difference between the speed of energy in open space (cmax​) and the local speed of energy (cl​):

Ga = 1/(cmax​−cl​)


Ga represents the rate of gravitational acceleration,

cmax​ is the speed of energy in open space,

cl​ is the local speed of energy, which varies depending on the gravitational potential in that region.

This expression captures the gravitational acceleration as an immediate consequence of the difference in energy speeds, providing a snapshot of the gravitational effect at a specific point in space.

Equivalence and Veracity

These two equations, though derived from different perspectives, describe the same gravitational acceleration. The consistency between the rate of change in energy speed over distance and the instantaneous difference in energy speeds reinforces the validity of the Quantum Admittance framework. Together, they provide a comprehensive understanding of gravity, demonstrating how it can be understood both as a continuous process and an instantaneous effect within the same theoretical structure.

Clarifying the Acceleration: To relate this to gravitational phenomena, we can express the gravitational constant (Gv) in terms of these energy dynamics. If we denote the gravitational acceleration by Gv​= – dx/d√(ε0​μ0) where gravity is defined as distance with respect to the change in the speed of energy. This can be reduced to Gv​=dc/dx​. This formulation implies that gravitational effects can be directly linked to variations in the propagation speed of energy within the context of Charge Admittance.

Explanation of the Transition: To connect the change in the speed of energy with gravitational acceleration, consider that: The change in the speed of energy (dc) over a distance (dx) reflects an acceleration. In classical mechanics, acceleration is defined as the change in velocity over time. Here, dc serves as a proxy for velocity changes in the energy flow, with dx corresponding to either time or a spatial dimension (or both).

Verification of Correctness: In traditional physics, c2 is a significant term in both energy-mass equivalence and electromagnetism. Here, Gv2​ could be interpreted as relating to changes in the energy propagation squared: Gv2= – (dc/dx)2, However, simplifying to: Gv​= – dx/dc aligns with the interpretation of gravitational acceleration as a first-order derivative of the energy speed with respect to distance, making it consistent with classical mechanics and the principles of Admittance.


The insights within the Charge Admittance framework represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of quantum mechanics, energy, and space. By redefining foundational concepts, CA challenges traditional views and opens new avenues for theoretical and applied physics. This could lead to technological advancements and a more unified theory that integrates quantum mechanics with macroscopic phenomena.


Dynamic Nature of Space

Space as a Dynamic Medium: The CA framework posits that space is not a static backdrop, but rather a dynamic medium shaped by energy interactions. This insight provides a fresh perspective on phenomena such as dark energy and the expansion of the universe, suggesting that the properties of space are continuously influenced by energy distribution and movement.

Emergence of Space from Energy: Space is viewed as a construct evolving from energy interactions, challenging conventional notions of a pre-existing stage. This perspective could lead to novel models in cosmology and quantum gravity.

Quantum Coherence and Decoherence

Space as a Dynamic Medium: The CA framework posits that space is not a static backdrop, but rather a dynamic medium shaped by energy interactions. This insight provides a fresh perspective on phenomena such as dark energy and the expansion of the universe, suggesting that the properties of space are continuously influenced by energy distribution and movement.

Emergence of Space from Energy: Space is viewed as a construct evolving from energy interactions, challenging conventional notions of a pre-existing stage. This perspective could lead to novel models in cosmology and quantum gravity.

Energy Quantization and Photon Dynamics

Energy Quantization Revisited: The CA framework links energy quantization to the interactions between energy and space, offering insights into fundamental constants like Planck’s constant and their implications for the quantum realm.

Photons as Energy Dipoles: Photons are reinterpreted as energy dipoles, challenging traditional wave-particle duality and enhancing our understanding of electromagnetic radiation.

Noise and Zero-Point Energy

Noise as a Quantum Phenomenon: Noise is redefined as an intrinsic aspect of the energy continuum, arising from fluctuations in charge admittance and energy interactions. This new understanding of quantum noise has implications for precision measurement and quantum computing technologies.

Zero-Point Energy and Space Admittance: Zero-point energy is viewed as a fundamental property of space, rooted in charge admittance, opening pathways for exploring energy extraction and the nature of the vacuum.

Implications for Quantum and Classical Physics

Unification of Quantum and Classical Realms: The CA framework serves as a bridge between quantum mechanics and classical physics, emphasizing the significance of space admittance and energy interactions across different scales.

Quantum Impedance Effects: Introducing quantum impedance may lead to observable effects on particle interactions, prompting exploration through high-precision quantum experiments.

The insights within the Charge Admittance framework represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of quantum mechanics, energy, and space. By redefining foundational concepts, CA not only challenges traditional views but also opens new avenues for theoretical and applied physics. This could lead to technological advancements and a more unified theory that integrates quantum mechanics with macroscopic phenomena.

Implications in the Framework of Energy Continuum (EC)

Energy-Time Continuum: The EC model integrates rotational and translational effects, providing a novel perspective on energy interactions and propagation within Charge Admittance. By incorporating Lorentz’s equations, this approach offers an enhanced understanding of how energy behaves in the continuum, aligning with Lorentz dynamics and contributing to a comprehensive view of energy propagation and interaction.

Integration with Relativity: The EC model complements General Relativity (GR) by offering a new perspective on the speed of energy and its role in gravitational effects. It does not contradict GR but builds upon Einstein’s insights into spacetime warping. This integration allows the EC framework to coexist with and expand our understanding of relativity, potentially providing new insights into gravitational phenomena.

Consistency with Relativity: The EC framework is designed to maintain consistency with the established proofs of relativity, while offering a more nuanced understanding of energy, charge, and continuum dynamics. By integrating with existing physical theories, it validates itself within the context of established science, while its novel aspects provide a fresh perspective on energy and field dynamics.

Redefining the Higgs Boson: The EC model provides an alternative explanation to the Higgs boson by utilizing established physics and known fields. It offers a novel understanding of how energy interacts with the EC, potentially explaining how energy manifests as mass or other fundamental properties. This perspective could reshape our view of particle physics and the fundamental nature of mass, while remaining aligned with established theories.

Scientific Advancement: The synthesis of Charge Admittance, Energy Continuum dynamics, and energy propagation represents a significant advancement in understanding the universe’s fundamental processes. This framework opens new research avenues, particularly in exploring the interaction between energy and gravity. The advancement of these concepts has the potential to drive further research, contributing to a deeper comprehension of the universe’s fundamental workings.



Galactic Goldilocks Zone: CA theory introduces a new factor into the Drake equation, accounting for variability in energy speed, impedance, and viscosity. This factor suggests the existence of a “Goldilocks zone” within galaxies where conditions for life are optimal. This zone is determined by a balance between energy speed and gravitational effects, with viscosity playing a crucial role in defining habitable regions where energy dynamics favor life.

Black Holes: In CA theory, black holes are characterized by dense energy concentrations with minimal energy speed and maximal viscosity. Unlike traditional models with singularities, CA views these regions as low-impedance areas where the influx of energy causes compression of energy rather than forming an event horizon.

The Cosmos

Big Bang and Expansion: CA challenges the singularity-based Big Bang model by explaining cosmic structure formation through charge-based energy interactions and varying expansion rates. Viscosity introduces resistance to expansion, leading to a more gradual and continuous cosmic evolution rather than a singular explosive event.

Self-Organization: The universe is seen as a self-organizing system influenced by charge interactions and the viscosity of space. This resistance affects energy accumulation and distribution, supporting the idea of an older and potentially infinite universe. Viscosity helps explain the steady formation of cosmic structures without relying on a fixed expansion timeline.

Scalability: Charge Admittance offers a novel perspective on cosmic scalability by suggesting that space has the inherent ability to form energy concentrations at various locations, not limited to singularities. This framework challenges the traditional Big Bang model by supporting a view where energy can continuously gather and organize throughout the universe. This continuous formation of energy structures is fundamental to understanding cosmic evolution and structure formation.

The big Whoosh: The CA theory presents an alternative to the Big Bang model by proposing a mechanism where the universe continuously self-organizes and accumulates energy. Rather than a singular explosive event, cosmic structures form through gradual accumulation and interactions of energy. The concept of viscosity, representing the resistance to energy movement, influences the rate of cosmic expansion and the formation of structures, offering a more flexible and continuous view of cosmic history.

Redshift: In CA, redshift is attributed to the stretching of photons as they encounter gravitational effects during their propagation. Instead of being primarily a result of space’s viscosity, this explanation focuses on how photons are influenced by gravitational fields, leading to longer wavelengths. This perspective offers an alternative to the Doppler effect, emphasizing gravitational interactions as a key factor in redshift.


Quantization of Gravity: In CA theory, gravity is quantized based on individual energy quanta rather than relying solely on mass. This approach suggests that gravitational interactions are linked to discrete energy levels, offering a framework distinct from conventional quantum gravity models. By focusing on energy quanta, this perspective provides a novel way to understand gravitational phenomena.

Gravity as an Electromagnetic Artifact: Gravitational effects in CA theory arise from underlying electromagnetic interactions, with viscosity influencing how gravitational fields propagate. This implies that gravity, as an electromagnetic artifact, is affected by the resistance of space to energy movement.

Gravity is Focusable: The theory posits that gravitational fields, similar to electromagnetic fields, can be manipulated and focused. The viscosity of space plays a role in how these fields are controlled, potentially leading to advancements in space travel and energy generation.


No Introduction of New Particles: The Quantum Admittance (QA) theory provides a novel explanation of gravity without the need to introduce new particles. This approach contrasts with other contemporary theories that often rely on hypothetical particles to explain observed phenomena. QA adheres to the principle of simplicity, closely aligning with Occam’s Razor. By maintaining a minimalist framework, QA offers comprehensive explanations for complex cosmic phenomena while preserving the elegance and clarity of the model. This simplicity enhances its accessibility, making the theory intuitive for both specialists and generalists.

Retention of Fixed Constants: Unlike General Relativity, which occasionally requires the alteration of human-defined constants to accommodate varying conditions, the QA framework retains the integrity of established constants. QA leverages existing and well-proven foundational physics concepts to explain gravity, thus avoiding the necessity of converting constants into variables. This consistency with traditional physics strengthens the theory’s reliability and its potential integration with current scientific understanding.

Quantification of Gravity: At the core of the QA framework is the concept of “equivalent gravity,” which emerges from the acceleration of energy. This principle, when aligned with Planck’s discovery of energy quantization, provides a quantifiable relationship between gravitational acceleration and energy. QA’s explanation aligns with Planck’s foundational principles, offering a unified and quantifiable approach to understanding gravitational phenomena.

Explanation of Gravity Waves: The QA theory offers a coherent and detailed explanation of gravity waves, describing them as ripples in energy concentration caused by the movement of energy. This insight into the dynamics of gravitational waves enhances the understanding of astrophysical events such as black hole mergers, neutron star collisions, and other significant cosmic occurrences. The QA framework’s explanation aligns with the observations of gravitational waves, supporting its validity.

Redshift Phenomena: QA provides a robust explanation for the redshift observed in cosmic phenomena, incorporating the concept of entropy and revisiting the principle of “tired light.” The theory posits that every time energy (in the form of photons) is accelerated, its wavelength stretches, leading to a gradual reduction in energy intensity over vast cosmic distances. This explanation of redshift through gravitational interactions and path lengthening is consistent with observed data, offering an alternative to traditional Doppler-based interpretations.

Compatibility with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Observations: The predictions made by the QA framework align seamlessly with the latest observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This compatibility with cutting-edge observational technology underscores the robustness of the QA theory and its applicability to real-world data, reaffirming its potential as a comprehensive framework for understanding the complexities of the universe.


Charge Admittance’s Theory’s explanation for gravity has significant consequences that impact our understanding of the structure and behavior of the universe. It offers explanations for phenomena that are currently not well understood. This new perspective opens up possibilities for fresh insights into long-regarded theories. While it is folly to depend on any model to 100% predict the future, it is likely that some may be more adept than others at predicting a range of possibilities. Using the CA Theory as a guide, here are a few ideas about the future:

The Speed of Energy: The CA Paradigm predicts that the speed of energy, or the baseline speed of light, might vary under different gravitational conditions. Using earth based closed circuit measurements showing a speed of energy at 299,792,458.26 m/s Z0 formulas place the speed of energy at the far reaches of empty space at 299,792,466.68 m/s.

Testing this hypothesis on the moon or in locations with varying gravitational accelerations, such as mountain tops, could reveal differences in the speed of light compared to our Earth-based measurements. These variations are anticipated based on the concept that gravitational acceleration influences the tilt or gradient in space, affecting the speed of energy. This prediction opens the door for experimental exploration beyond the confines of our planet, providing an exciting opportunity to further validate the CA’s insights into the nature of gravity and its impact on the fabric of spacetime.

The Big Bang: CA Theory is a new theory of gravity that aligns with general relativity’s space-time curvature without relying on singularities to explain the universe’s origins. Our current understanding of the universe is limited, as what we perceive is likely only a minute fraction of the vast expanse of space and time.

In the context of an infinite space and time, we are left uncertain about whether the visible universe is reflective of the entirety of space, as it fails to adequately explain observed timelines and activities. The universe can exhibit its current structure without originating from a single point.

Galaxy Formation: Galaxies are structures that evolve from quantum dipoles. Their formation is individual and mutually exclusive of any universe-wide event, such as the big bang. This insight emerges from the progression of expanding connections of quantum dipoles, reflecting a fundamental aspect of the Charge Admittance framework.

Galaxy Gradients: Galaxies as structures have energy gradients from their outer edge to their dense centers. These gradients regulate the speed of energy flow. At the outer edges of galaxies the energy floe is the highest approaching the free space limit designated as c. (this “c” is not the c measured here on earth but rather that calculated by the c at infinite distance from the surface of the earth. Be aware that energy seen from galaxies shows a tendency to be an average.

Reassessing Expansion: According to CA, gravitational lensing and energy interactions lead to progressive redshift as energy travels through space. This model is consistent with the hypothesis that longer distances result in more interactions and a stronger redshift. This implies that the existing structure of the cosmos may be explained without the presence of dark matter and energy. One can reassess the conventional theory of the universe’s redshift-induced expansion.

The reduced energy of light from distant objects may not solely be caused by Doppler shift, necessitating alternative explanations for what we observe.

The Endless Universe: New and refined observations challenge some of our prevailing theories about the functioning of the universe, prompting us to question the accuracy of current observational methods. As our measurement capabilities improve, increasing sensitivity and bandwidth, it becomes evident that space has no physical limit, and there is no evidence supporting the existence of boundaries or times of origin.

Our current measurement capabilities lack a definitive reference, making it difficult to confirm some cosmological “constants,” traditionally represented by the speed of light (c). Moreover, the notion of an infinite and boundless cosmos within our perspective raises questions about the accuracy of certain features, such as observed abnormalities that have led to hypotheses involving extra (black) mass or energy.

Age of the Universe: CA Theory offers a paradigm-shifting perspective on the age of the universe. In this novel framework, the universe needs not to confined by a fixed age; rather, as an ongoing process where new structures and galaxies can continuously form. This departure from the traditional concept challenges us to rethink our understanding of cosmic timelines and the intricate interplay between energy, matter, and the evolution of the universe.

Size of Universe: Just as CA challenges conventional notions of the universe’s age, it also introduces a radical reimagining of its size. According to this model, the universe is not bound by a predetermined size, and the emergence of new structures and galaxies is an ever-present possibility. This dynamic perspective encourages us to envision a universe in a constant state of creation, where the boundaries of cosmic expansion are continually reshaped by the interplay of energy and space.

The Journey of Energy Through Space: CA Theory intricately explores the concept of energy sidebands generated through deflection. These sidebands, responsible for both redshift and blueshift, accumulate over time via gravitational focusing and direct energy acceleration and deceleration. This explanation offers a unique perspective on the phenomenon of particle fusion on one side and redshift on the other.

Gravity’s Dual Nature: CA theory’s exploration of gravity illuminates its dual nature, comprising static and dynamic effects. For static scenarios, objects with energy are subject to the “in situ” Z0 field, resulting in instantaneous gravitational influence.

Gravitational waves and equilibrium: In contrast, dynamic gravitational effects arise from the evolving Z0 field due to energy balancing, particularly through the propagation of gravitational waves as seen by LIGO. This perspective unveils the intricate complexity of gravity, where variations in energy density and speed create temporal disparities for different observers.

Unveiling the Uncharted Spectrum: Perhaps the most captivating prediction of the CA is the existence of an uncharted spectrum of energy beyond the realms of electromagnet waves and particles. This tantalizing proposition challenges us to expand our understanding of the universe’s fundamental fabric and explore the unexplored frontiers of energy that may hold the keys to unlocking the “dark” mysteries of existence itself. A third range of energy between the most energetic particles is in the realm of frequencies that begin to show quantum values..

Space Telescopes: The CA Theory has made accurate predictions that align with the observations of the Hubble and James Webb telescopes, providing insights into the broader cosmos. Notably, it explains gravitational waves as a consequence of energy rebalancing, as demonstrated by the detections made by LIGO. An intriguing finding from LIGO is the ability of gravitational energy to traverse frame borders, similar to electromagnetic energy. This further supports CA with the revelation that both EM energy and gravity waves move at the same speed.


Quantization of Energy

Redefining Quantization: CA redefines quantization, linking it to the properties of space admittance rather than an inherent discreteness of energy.

Planck’s Constant: CA provides a new explanation for Planck’s constant, relating it to the limitations imposed by space admittance on energy dipoles.

Unified Explanation: This approach offers a unified explanation for the discrete energy levels observed in quantum systems.

Photon Propagation and Wave-Particle Duality

Photon as an Energy Dipole: CA explains photons as energy dipoles, providing a solution to the wave-particle duality problem

Lattice Structure and Propagation: The lattice structure determines photon propagation characteristics, allowing for transitions between wave and particle states

Zero-Point Energy and Vacuum Fluctuations

Reinterpreting Zero-Point Energy: Zero-point energy is viewed as a fundamental property of space, arising from fluctuations within the ε₀μ₀ field.

Quantum Noise: Quantum noise is explained as a manifestation of these fluctuations, providing insights into its nature and implications.

Mechanism Behind Planck’s Constant

Planck’s Constant and Space Admittance: CA explains Planck’s constant through the properties of the energy lattice and the interaction of energy dipoles with space admittance.

Quantum Behavior: This explanation provides a coherent understanding of Planck’s constant and its role in governing quantum behavior.

Reevaluation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Lattice Structure and Uncertainty: CA links the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the discrete nature of the energy lattice, providing a new interpretation

Implications for Quantum Measurements: This reevaluation offers a more intuitive understanding of the uncertainty principle and its implications for quantum measurements.

Unified Framework for Quantum and Classical Physics

Quantum Phenomena and Classical Effects: CA explains how classical phenomena emerge from quantum principles, offering a unified understanding of physical processes across different scales

Technological Advancements: CA’s insights could lead to advancements in quantum computing, information theory, and precision measurement.

Beyond These Insights

Energy-Gravity Interactions: CA’s framework opens new avenues for exploring the relationship between energy and gravity, potentially leading to breakthroughs in understanding the universe’s fundamental forces.

Quantum Gravity: CA may contribute to the development of a unified theory of quantum gravity, reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity.

New Phenomena and Discoveries: CA’s insights could lead to the discovery of new phenomena and the development of novel technologies.


Mathematical Validation

Formalization of Concepts: CA requires rigorous mathematical formulation to define key concepts like charge interactions, impedance profiles, and wave propagation.

Charge Admittance: The introduction of admittance Y0 = ε₀/μ₀) provides a mathematical foundation for understanding energy dynamics within the framework.

Z02 Constant: The Z02 constant, representing the ratio of μ₀ to ε₀, offers a potential mathematical framework for validating CA by elucidating the relationship between impedance and energy propagation.

Empirical Evidence

Experiments Supporting CA Predictions: Experiments testing energy propagation in different media can provide empirical support for CA’s predictions about space admittance and energy speed.

Quantum Noise and Zero-Point Energy: Observations related to quantum noise and zero-point energy can corroborate CA’s interpretations of these phenomena.

Observational Confirmation

Advanced Quantum Experiments: Precision measurements of quantum coherence and decoherence can provide evidence for CA’s predictions.

Observational Astronomy: Future observations with advanced telescopes can explore cosmic structures and energy distributions to validate CA’s interpretations.

Occam’s Razor

The validity of Charge Admittance is supported by a combination of mathematical foundations, empirical evidence, observational confirmation, and adherence to Occam’s Razor. These proofs establish CA as a promising framework for understanding quantum phenomena, energy dynamics, and the nature of space.

Note: While these proofs provide strong evidence for CA, further research and experimentation will be necessary to fully validate its predictions and establish its place within the broader scientific community.


Experiments for Verifying Charge Admittance

Controlled Impedance Interferometry: This experiment, “Controlled Impedance Interferometry,” is designed to measure gravitational redshift using a precise, fixed-position setup with two distinct arms: one horizontal and one vertical. The vertical arm exploits the gravitational gradient by sending a signal through two paths—one through a controlled impedance medium and the other as a wave propagating through a vacuum. By carefully comparing the transmission characteristics of these signals, we aim to isolate and quantify the influence of gravitational acceleration on signal propagation, particularly focusing on how gravitational redshift affects a wave traveling through a vacuum compared to one constrained by controlled impedance. This setup offers a unique opportunity to observe and analyze the differential impact of gravity on energy propagation, providing critical insights into the interaction between gravity and quantum-scale phenomena.

Controlled Impedance Interferometry: This experiment, “Controlled Impedance Interferometry,” is designed to measure gravitational redshift using a precise, fixed-position setup with two distinct arms: one horizontal and one vertical. The vertical arm exploits the gravitational gradient by sending a signal through two paths—one through a controlled impedance medium and the other as a wave propagating through a vacuum. By carefully comparing the transmission characteristics of these signals, we aim to isolate and quantify the influence of gravitational acceleration on signal propagation, particularly focusing on how gravitational redshift affects a wave traveling through a vacuum compared to one constrained by controlled impedance. This setup offers a unique opportunity to observe and analyze the differential impact of gravity on energy propagation, providing critical insights into the interaction between gravity and quantum-scale phenomena.

Splitting of Photons to find Anti-Electrons: This experiment investigates the spontaneous disintegration of photons, a phenomenon that occurs trillions of times per second across the universe yet remains underexplored in formal experimentation. By examining the process of photon splitting, particularly as observed in electromagnetic wave interactions with antennas, we aim to identify and validate the fundamental components of the photon, including potential anti-electrons. This study focuses on how charge pairs within electromagnetic waves are separated into equal energy poles, which are then analyzed through transformers that are sensitive only to flux fields of opposing polarities, providing critical insights into the nature of photon disintegration.

Measurement of Y0 Field Contours: This experiment is dedicated to investigating the variations in Y₀ field contours, including their orientation and polarization, by measuring time discrepancies among atomic clocks placed at strategically different positions. By analyzing these time differences, we aim to map the Y₀ field’s structure and better understand its influence on both temporal and spatial dimensions. This study could provide key insights into how the Y₀ field interacts with other fundamental forces, contributing to our broader understanding of the quantum fabric of space.

Grand Conclusion

Charge Admittance (CA) offers a revolutionary framework for understanding the fundamental nature of the universe. By redefining key concepts like charge, energy, space, and time, CA provides a unified perspective that integrates quantum mechanics, classical physics, and cosmology.

Key Insights from CA:

Energy as the Foundation: Energy is the primary force shaping the universe, underlying all physical phenomena.

The Energy Lattice: The energy lattice, formed by the interactions of energy and charge, is the fundamental structure of the universe.

Dynamic Nature of Space: Space is not a passive backdrop but an active medium shaped by energy dynamics.

Time as a Flow of Energy: Time is not a separate dimension but a manifestation of energy flow within the energy lattice.

Gravity as an Emergent Property: Gravity arises from the dynamics of energy propagation within the lattice, challenging traditional gravity models.

Unified Perspective: CA offers a unified framework that integrates various aspects of physics, providing a comprehensive understanding of the universe.

Key Insights from CA:

Technological Advancements: CA’s insights could lead to advancements in quantum computing, energy generation, and space exploration.

New Understanding of Fundamental Forces: CA challenges traditional views of gravity and offers a new perspective on the fundamental forces of the universe

Unification of Physics: CA has the potential to contribute to a unified theory of physics, integrating quantum mechanics, classical physics, and cosmology.

Further Research: Future research can explore the implications of CA for various fields, such as cosmology, particle physics, and astrophysics.

In conclusion, Charge Admittance offers a groundbreaking framework that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. By providing a unified perspective on energy, space, time, and gravity, CA opens new avenues for exploration and discovery.